I’m eating these bad boys
i have a little treat myself
Often then
@Zaera_Keena kissed a police girl and liked it.
Now I’m frightened
how is this related to the topic
Work it out sweetie
look at that baby go
you still have yet to answer the question
Have you earned the right to ask one?
As a miner , you are at the bottom of the food chain.
Do you know what @Githany_Red does to miners?
Nobody is safe from the little ganker, not even in low sec
She even murders defenseless capsules
and noobie ships
wow I though she was a anti ganker
she seems like one
She acts like an angel, but actually is a devil in disguise
is it like a harvey dent, mother gothel or troll sernario
The hint is in her name, Githany RED
like the star wars character
wow but you do realize that in a 1.0 concord shows up immediately after violence so they would have either have had to take down the ship with something unrealistically powerful or concord did not show up cause there was a kill right or something
And this is why I’m trying to remain neutral, so hopefully no one will go out of their way to make my day just a little worse