How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

no one on this forum is going to try and gank you to lazy

I guarantee if Aiko gets the chance she will

chances are we will never see each other in game

Only if you pay her 1 bil ISK. :smiling_imp:

Something you said?

Uriel though is quite right, but 1 billion will not be enough, Frosty, has been begging her to gank him for ages to no avail.

I suggest you come up with a suitably high number of ISK and send it to her aswell as alot of sucking up in the forums will be required.

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like I said aiko will never get the chance

He is as good as dead if that is what she desires

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Er, yes as a matter of fact. I said I don’t like gankers very much.

Cry more.

You mean like that ganker @Githany_Red ?

I am puzzled though, why do you not like gankers?

I don’t hate their playstyle, they’re playing it in their own way and I understand that, but I find they can be rather self adsorbed. Not saying that goes for all gankers, but it’s to the point where I can’t tell if they’re joking or not.

Wow, so you hate an entire race of players just because you lack social skills?

Hi Hound, being self-absorbed is not a state peculiar to gankers - as any cursory flick through the forums will demonstrate.

Your second point is well-observed, and is a problem for some who have not been part of the culture. Being understood is important, but apparently not as important as being entertaining, these days, so you’ll see some anti-gankers try to emulate a ganker’s use of humour as a wrap-around for more serious considerations.

Quite often they fail, mainly because they are so incensed by the very existence of gankers and ganking, that humour, eventually, inevitably, evaporates.

If you can’t tell whether gankers are joking or not, try stripping away the obvious trappings of humour. If what remains makes sense, then respond to that. If there is nothing beneath the veil - it was just for laughs.

Of course, sometimes the ganker is both joking and not joking. It is possible for antithetical notions to co-exist, but this is Advanced Forum Warfare.

First of all, it is not a race of players it is a subset. Semantic assholishness aside, no I do not hate gankers. I hate self adsorbed people, and a decent chunk of gankers happen to fall within that category. I used to hate gankers, but then I got good enough to not blindly stumble into gate camps. And no, I do not lack social skills, I just do not find your brand of humor funny, because you tend to keep it on at all times, making it hard to discern your actual opinions and what is supposed to be funny. Everything in moderation, you should know this by now.

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Well, I like myself, because I’m the best.

I’m funny and smart and cute, and I’m the best player in the history of the game, or any other game, so I don’t understand what’s not to like?

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Well, I’m not going to be the one to burst your bubble

No, you are not.

I need more of these bad boys :popcorn:

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Well I am funny, but she is funnier.

She is the best !!!

Every ganker has this trained to level 5.


Now look what you have done.

And for the record anyone who has been killed was a ganker alt or kill right. Or even flashy red . All crimes