How do you define ganking, pvp and trolling

Yes it was flashy yellow , so the gankers looter

It just shows what length they will go to discredit me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Spot on with the gif

That’s actually not true.


You murdered newbro Rion Bancroft, and he quit the game because of you.

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I guess the game wasn’t for him. Hot-footed his way back to WoW probably. Just couldn’t handle the PvP :tipping_hand_woman:

He couldn’t. He was just a newbro little miner, even the gankers felt sorry for him and wouldn’t kill him, so Githany hired mercenaries to come MURDER him. The most innocent little new player imaginable, and Githany killed him out of sheer jealousy.

Fresh meat :slightly_smiling_face:

I knew that gankers were good people all along and it’s the miners who are ebil, always concocting some suspicious anti-gank propaganda aimed at demonizing a whole playstyle. Tsk-tsk…

Mercenaries need to eat too.

No one’s innocent. Plus he undocked so he consented to being murdered by mercenaries. Also, according to CCP metrics, Mr. Bancroft shouldn’t have quit the game but taken up the challenges that EvE has to offer.

That may be, but the reasons aren’t important.
What is important is the colorful conflagration his ship made in space. I bet it was a wonderful sight to behold.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel bad for poor pathetic weak Rion. I would have killed him myself, if he wasn’t so small and measly. I’m just pointing out the utter hypocrisy of the antiganking community. Here was a miner that even the gankers weren’t ganking, so they killed him with a pair of bling Catalysts, and why?

They were jealous Rion had friends and social skills. The antigankers couldn’t stand that a miner was happy, and preferred the company of gankers. Antigankers don’t care about new players at all, it’s just virtue-signal whitewashing. As a subject matter expert, I can testify that we never see the antigankers out there protecting newbro Ventures. However, we have watched them grief newbros, and Rion is just one of many.



I actually wrote several blog posts about this, here’s one:

When have you ever seen an antiganker save a single Venture? Not once, ever.


I can easily believe that, just as I believe that players in general caring about newbros is fiction, only giving lip service to the NPE but never actually spending time to mentor a new player ( and those who have done it, I personally salute you o7 ) even one in their own corporation.

And why should they? I wouldn’t do it. They undocked so they can take their responsibilities.
I personally think that any anti-ganking is a waste of time. If I could successfully anti-gank then I don’t see why I wouldn’t be ganking.

Never. But then again, I do not have many months in the game.


Do you have a screen shot? I mean, sure there is a record for the kill rights, but what about those that were “flashy red?” How do I know you didn’t……

Okay, I can’t do this with a straight face.

Nevermind. Nothing to see here.


There are crimes in EvE?
Also, why the need for justification? Isn’t reason enough that they undocked?

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Usually because it’s either too late or not worth the effort. I have been ganked in the middle of an ice fleet before and nobody cared, even though they probably could’ve stopped it. Eh, doesn’t matter now, there’s a reason why I prefer the t2 mining frigates to the barges, and it’s primarily cost. So, doesn’t matter, but man does it suck being somewhat new and asking for someone to save you and no one does.

There you go.


I recommend the t2 destroyer.

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Listen man, I’m trying to be more cordial because A) I don’t like having people hold grudges against me when I don’t have a major problem with them and B) I’ve grown very attached to my little fleet of haulers.

I’m your best friend, friend.

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For some reason, I doubt that. But, not like I can convince you to not shoot me, so I probably shouldn’t worry too much about it

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You have no reason to worry!

Were you in your corporation fleet or just a fleet full of strangers?

Seal Clubbers