How far will plex fall?


I think if the server closes & CCP busts that any creditors will receive a penny to the pound in any investment they have in PLEX as the value of CCP is derived from the IP which will not be worth very much if TQ was shutdown.

The reason I invest solely in PLEX long term is because I see that the sky is the limit for PLEX & I envisage a time where plex price is 5x to 10x it’s current value while still taking into account inflation of such items as trit & other game fundamentals.

With the rate of these sales PLEX will never reach 2x their current value.

I’m not very invested in other computer games to cite a company that over extended its game time liability but other companies have done similar things in other fields. One previous danger sign for retailers heading into hot water fast was sales on gift cards. The consumer rights on gift cards was and is shockingly lax, several firms have been publicised for selling gift cards right up to the second of administration, robbing J bloggs street goer. Often these administrations come just before Christmas to maximise sales of said cards.

People said the same to me about 500m Isk, 1bn ISK & 1.5bn ISK.

I say here & now. Plex will break 5bn ISK and then 10Bn Isk well beyond the rate of inflation & long before the plug is pulled on TQ.

The TL;DR does not at all follow from the text before it, this is just incoherent rambling. Or an attempt to hike up the plex prices so you can sell your stock, either one.

I don’t forsee a situation where I will sell my PLEX. For me PLEX is my end game, my latnium. An Eve player to me is only worth his PLEX bank. To be fair I rarely play anymore but I am on and off this week to see how much PLEX I can make.

If there was a holiday sale then it likely opened up the floodgates to PLEX sellers. It is likely that by the end of the year PLEX will be a significant percentage more valuable, if I had to speculate.

I sold a GTC for 250M. Plex is fine. CCP could stand to find another plex sink.

Oh but they have. It called the NES store item and skin retirement bonanza.

Is this ■■■■■■■■ thread still going?

Is Plex primed to fall farther?

Indeed it did drop, but what’s also interesting is the massive volume, and price drop, in MPTCs. Thanks to the humble bundle sales

SP farming is over 1.6 bil/month with these prices. going to be interesting watching the injector prices in the near future.

How far will injectors fall?

Cody you made people got into panic mode.

Sucks to be them. Thanks for the cheap Plex.

I’ll take em down to 2.5 million.

Is plex really falling? I was on a few month hiatus. Never thought it would happen haha. Swear to god to all of you the past 1 to 2 years has been PURELY Plex is too damn expensive!!! threads

Thanks for all the fish.

Prophet Zahara warned everyone.

wait, what, again?