How hardcore is wormhole living?

We being wormholers at the time.

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Good call. Certainly didn’t leave 3/4 of all WHs unoccupied

It’s my impression that WH space has always been sparsely populated. I don’t really see why that would change with the advent of citadels.

Was a time when nearly every WH was occupied. Then it became less profitable, and some left. Then Citadel expansion hit and those who stayed really didn’t have much reason to, except the the most organized corps in high class WHs.

And considering the risk vs. profit compared to k-space, why wouldn’t you? WHs were a good place for smaller corps, but there’s really no reason to do it now.

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But Citadels only make living in WH space easier. Why would they drive off small corps?

I say this as someone in a small WH indi corp who is doing relatively OK for itself (thanks to the new moon mining citadels, no less).

Living in Wormhole space is long stretches of boredom interrupted by bursts of absolute terror. That explorer you are about to blap could be some HS newb, or it could be bait for the t3 gang bang fleet cloaked 10 KM away. Your d-scan key will qickly become a worn down nub. Every new connection to another system brings with it both curiosity and fear.


And this is why WH space is so much fun


im doing it all by myself and its a bit involved but if i can do it you can do it so shine on you crazy diamond!

I live in a low class WH, and this is my experience;

Citadels were the best thing ever as setting up a POS was horrible and you could never dock so were always in space, there were no clone bays and your POS could be destroyed within 48 hours of literally any time on the clock.

Before the last patch requiring Citadel fueling in order to retain all three timers almost every WH had Structures, now I see empty WH’s daily…lots o places to move into folks!

Scanning takes 15 minutes a day for our WH and it’s Static, of course you can scan as long as you like for content.

Since I started living in a WH, ISK for all sub-cap ships is not a problem; PI, Gas, Explo, Combat Sites and drops from PVP completely sustain me.

I have no plans to leave anytime soon! :slightly_smiling_face:


Spent over 2 years living in a Class 3 and Class 5 WH, some of my best times in EvE (yes this was before citadels, but I can only imagine it’s gotten better), You name it, you could do it. In fact part of me wants to go back, it’s a very different EvE experience.

However, I will add one caution. Make sure you’re corp is active during your normal login times. Once you get into higher tier WH’s, there’s very little you can do solo. You need a gang to survive. We found we could run sites in Class 5 with a minimum of 3 people (4 characters), but it went so much faster when more were around. Unfortunately my corp at that time was mostly active while I was still at work, so I lost out on a lot of the fun. The OP obviously knows the game, just find the right group and you’ll probably love WH’s as much as I did.

whats the name of your corp?

I have met several ppl living solo in c1 and c2 wormholes, its not too bad if you have a HS or LS static, just be prepared to probe and accept that every now and then ppl will be trying to kill you.

In my opinion as long as you are willing to be online several days (4-5 days minimal) a week for a few hours it can be a great experience.

Also accept that you will become slightly paranoid.

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