How orca miners are going to Plex their accounts after the mining changes?

Why would anyone sell that low? Wouldn’t it be profitable to simply reprocess them at that low of a price point?

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in npc null not sure if fire sale but dont look a gift horse in the mouth

Got a link to these?

From what I remember they used confiscated isk to buy Plex, but not 100% sure on this.

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From a practical perspective (assuming that account would never be able to play the game again), it’s no different from spawning items into the game. But yes, they did do this, and might still be doing it.

Some kind of link to where they admitted this would be useful, because otherwise its pure speculation still

It was no secret back in those early days. Here’s the link:

To be fair that article doesn’t say what they were doing and its from the times when PLEX were a newer thing and sold in single items of 30 days and not the broken down units we currently have, anything recent that confirms they are still doing it?

reprocessing does not give back the most important items

reprocess into :

Capital Sensor Cluster (4 Units)
Capital Capacitor Battery (9 Units)
Capital Cargo Bay (38 Units)
Capital Computer System (7 Units)
Capital Construction Parts (16 Units)
Capital Ship Maintenance Bay (7 Units)
Capital Corporate Hangar Bay (4 Units)

BPO requires

4 x Capital Sensor Cluster
9 x Capital Capacitor Battery
38 x Capital Cargo Bay
7 x Capital Computer System
16 x Capital Construction Parts
7 x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
4 x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay
800 x Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal
50 x Core Temperature Regulator
400 x Life Support Backup Unit

the last 3, which are not present in the reprocess, being 51% of the estimated cost .

basically you are only getting back 27% of the value of the orca when reprocessing it, so approx 510M

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by learning to be part of a team or diversify into another solo activity like running missions for example.


Missions getting redone in next quadrant likely to be a group only activity too.

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Cool, they can use their many other Orca alts to do that and get it nerfed too.


Fake news!

Compare on TQ vs Singularity. Instead of claims, show the facts.

The following includes Mining Barge level 5 bonus where applicable:

  • Resistance profile is the same (not impacted by skills,)
  • Shield base HP is lowered
  • Armor base HP is increased
  • Structure base HP is lowered.
  • Overall, unfitted total ehp is roughly the same (TQ: 31563 ehp vs Sisi: 31642)
  • 2 mids have been removed, which means less shield capability, and inability to make up, shield wise, for the lower base shield hp.
  • Because of the lower shield base hp and removal of mid slots, using shield rigs is a waste.
  • To compensate for the lower shield tank, you need to increase armor and/or structure (remember, structure base HP is lower… despite the doubling of the ship’s weight…), meaning your additionnal low slot is not going to help with yield, and you even need to throw away any yield modules you were using previously to add more armor/structure tank to make up for the anihilation of the shield tank ability. But… this won’t be even close to be enough.

Result, you end up less tanky.

Comparing Apples with Apples : tank fit vs tank fit.
Here is a full tank fit on TQ today vs a full tank fit on Sisi today.
Summary :
TQ 90320 ehp
Sisi : 82507 ehp

Meaning, on TQ I can remove the bulkhead in the low slot and use a mining upgrade II, and I’ll stil have 3500 ehp more than the best tank I could fit on a Procurer on Sisi, AND the TQ fit will also have better yield.

Add the higher weight to that (slower velocity and align time)

Conclusion : the Procurer got a big NERF.
You don’t use a Procurer for yield. You use it for Tank.

[Procurer, Procurer Full Tank TQ]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II

Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II


[Procurer, Procurer Full Tank Sisi]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
Medium Transverse Bulkhead II
Medium Transverse Bulkhead II


has sisi been updated with the new EHP that barges etc are supposed to be getting?

From the original devblog, yes. I see differences.
I didn’t compared from the unreliable spread sheet. I want to see facts in the fitting window.

Ok, now, I see that, if I actually fit strip miners… the Powergrid needs to be fixed.

Need to remove the bulkhead on the TQ fit for a Reactor Control Unit II

So now, it is still tankier than the Sisi fit… and with strip miners :smiley:
[Procurer, Full Tank TQ with miner]
Damage Control II
Reactor Control Unit II

Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

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No most of the changes aren’t live on sisi yet, it’s a load of people not used to how major changes role out on sisi flipping out at the midway point.

Same thing happened with the capital overhaul

And you are fake news again.
I didn’t plan on wasting time with a guy who doesn’t even know what he’s talking about, but I just compared the base value on both TQ and Sisi and with the current Excel sheet, and YES, the change are currently on Sisi for the Procurer.

Btw, only the Hulk and Mackinaw got increased resistance profile (according to the Excel sheet), and they are not the subject of this talk.

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… the proc got a 10% increase in shields total and 30% to armor in the form of the per level bonus

@Lugh_Crow-Slave Just for you

[…] We did push everything to the test server for a reason!