How to get more people to play eve online?

Ohhh, look… You just proved my point and are not even able to realise that… Talk about totally not getting it… Why am I not surprised?

This has absolutely nothing to do with the ISK-based game “imbalance” that you were whining about before. Suddenly, the ships that the gankers might fly to gank you have become irrelevant, because it’s not that they wouldn’t be able to gank you in null sec using the ships they can use to gank you in high sec. It’s that, under those circumstances they wouldn’t be able to gank you in null at all, no matter what ships they fly. This is not a game imbalance issue, this is a situational awareness issue…

Moreover, you talk about this kind of security as if it was a given, completely ignoring the implications of that security being all player driven. It’s not that null sec is intrinsically safer than high sec, it’s that some players decided to do what it takes to provide the security they want for themselves there, something you’re clearly unwilling to do yourself…

You pretend that just because some players decided to make the effort it takes to create that safety infrastructure in null, you’re entitled to demand CCP to provide the same kind of safety for yourself in high sec…

You turn it into a situational awareness issue in null sec, but then are unwilling to use the tools at your disposal and do what it takes to be situational aware in high sec too…

Again totally not getting it… Of course, everybody can die, eventually, so what? What I said is that they don’t face a sure death to CONCORD for doing it. What part of “sure death to CONCORD” do you not understand?

Knowing you may eventually lose your ship to some other player is by itself not a reason to fly cheap. Actually, unlike what would happen to a suicide ganker in high sec, flying an expensive ship may increase your chances to survive in low or null. The guaranteed loss of your ship just a few seconds after start shooting, regardless of what you fly, however, is obviously a reason to fly cheap, and nobody would gank with expensive ships in low or null either if that was the case there too. You really cannot grasp this, can you?

They’re taking a risk precisely because they have the luxury of it being just that, a risk, and not a sure death there. Get that already.

If you had decent comprehension and coherence capabilities, you would actually be asking for CONCORD to be removed from high sec, so gankers would be able to gank you with expensive ships there too and not have to do it with cheap ships like they have to do in high sec because of CONCORD. That way the Catalysts that you seem to be so concerned with would no longer be an issue because you would be ganked with something much better and more expensive instead…

Actually, why on earth do you bother to play in high sec to begin with? Why don’t you just stay in low or null, which apparently have some better “balanced” game mechanics that make Catalysts work differently and not be an issue there?


Oh, not lately, I always am, and quite thick actually, not just a bit…

Really? When they gank too? When they have lower than -5 sec status too? When someone activates a KR on them too? You sure?

Please, tell us more about how utterly clueless you are…

BTW, I know this is going to be really hard for you to believe/understand, but I don’t even post my kills to zKill (nor do I let zKill get them automatically), unless they were made with a KR I had previously asked for (so the KR owner may verify how his KR was used).

This, thanks. Not only do you keep showing how clueless you are and not having the slightest idea there is A LOT more to it than you’re able to grasp, but you’re also showing a total disregard for doing things in a GAME for fun and not for profit, which says it all about you and how much your ideas about how to “improve” this game are worth…

Interesting, I didn’t know that. So why would you stay in high sec and not go to low or null instead? Actually, why aren’t you asking for CONCORD to be removed from high sec? Looks like that’s the problem here…

Did I? You sure? Could you please point out or quote where exactly have I “panicked”?

Which just says A LOT about you again…

Comments like this make you look so smart and able to understand what others are saying…


Remember that most of these people aren’t half as smart as you.

It’s not worth it.
At least not like this.

I’ve read through your posts around post 50 in the thread. We’re now 150 posts later despite you basically ending the thread. It’s no use. People are not actually thinking, they’re just reacting. You’d need to write it all down on a letter, written in ink, with images, and shove it up Hilmar’s ass and you MIGHT have a chance he’ll recognize it.

You’re 100% spot on, but the information is useless on the forums.

What would you think would be a better place to go with this?

Not exactly sure how commenting on the economic payback value of shooting down cheapfit gankships, or the uselessness of bounties for same, shows that I have no grasp of the game. Could you perhaps add another paragraph of pointless bafflegab to elucidate?

In the long run, you need ISK to fit ships. And in the long run, endlessly chasing down and shooting cheapfit gank ships and losing money every time you do so isn’t fun. If it was fun, or economical, then you’d see more people doing it. Hence the whole point of adding tools to make it more interesting or more economical, which you are totally against. For some reason.

You’re getting a bit too caught up in your whole chest-beating, “the game is fine and only weak players are bad!” rant. The thread topic? It’s about “How to get more people to play EVE”. So just in case this is news to you, that means newer players, and returning players. It’s not about me. I’ve got a dozen years in the game. I don’t get ganked, I don’t get scammed, I don’t have a problem with the game mechanics.

The issue is how to make EVE a better, more active, more interesting game. Apparently you’ve got issues with that, because you’ve got a niche and you don’t want anybody changing it. Have fun with that when the player count continues to freefall and you’re left looking for anyone to interact with, anywhere.

PS: I actually have suggested removing Concord from most of high sec - 0.8 and under - in other threads. And replacing it with various player tools that would allow players to police the area themselves. But of course, you would be totally against that, because, hey, tools for everything you need are already in the game and clearly working well right? The freefalling player numbers are proof of that!

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The financial ‘balance’ is set by the gankee.

No one made @Bloody_Larry fly a 1.7 bil ship with a tank so thin it could be killed by a few destroyers. That was his own choice, not CCP’s nor even the gankers.

If you had thought about it, your idea of ‘financial’ balance is absolutely absurd. How much does a Leopard cost? How hard should it be to gank?

What if i put 1million plex in my cargo hold. Should i be harder to gank?

Solecist_Project is right. The emotional immaturity is simply staggering.

And you never came back to tell us who your 2005 character is that you’ve definitely (not) experienced wardecs with…

So why are ganked characters more likely to stick around?

Why is it all the times ganking is nerfed that player activity and retention doesn’t go up?

I hear reddit gets more dev attention than the forums. But it’s a bit of a cess pool.

Actually that explains a lot…


Personally think Eve is due for some serious upheaval, Korean localisation should bring about some much needed changes especially when it comes to play styles.

What I said is that your comments on the “economic payback value of shooting down cheapfit gankships” is another example of how little you know about the very issue you were referring to, i.e. fighting the gankers, and that there is A LOT more to that than you’re able to grasp.

I didn’t say nor imply it shows how much you know about any other aspect of the game. I have no idea how much you know about other aspects of the game in general. Well, I have an idea, but don’t really know, so I’ll leave it at that…

What an incredibly silly remark! Why would I lose money doing that? You make no sense at all.

And that’s not even taking into consideration your inability to understand how someone may have fun in a GAME doing something that (you believe) isn’t profitable…

This is gold. Truly amazing.

There are so many things that escape your comprehension capabilities here… You appear to not even know that there are more people doing it…

You don’t see a problem with arguing and suggesting “improvements” to the game about things you don’t understand and know nothing about, do you?

And as if all the other crap wasn’t enough, you’re now making up stuff and putting in my mouth things I’ve never said nor meant… Where have I ever said a thing about weak players or that the game is fine?

And telling players what the game is about and to learn to properly play it, instead of wasting their and everybody else’s time whining about the things they don’t understand, is bad for that exactly how?

No, I have issues with clueless players suggesting “improvements” to things they know nothing about and don’t understand… I have issues with self-entitled whiners that pretend the game should be “improved” by making it easier for them because they cannot stand losing a ship in an unexpected way in a spaceship shooting game… I have issues with stupidity and unwillingness to learn in general…

You may rest assured your sage insight into my real motivations is truly appreciated for what it’s worth.

LOL. Do you understand CONCORD is basically what differentiates high sec from low sec? What tools would you need to be added to the game to “allow players to police the area themselves” there? Does that even make sense to you?

I’d love to see that, I seem to have missed it, maybe because it made no sense at all and I simply dismissed it right away, LOL. Can you provide a link to a post where you’ve suggested anything like that to be sure?

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It’s too bad CCP doesn’t offer a “purchase” items from the store that add up to the monthly subscription and get a - token - that would pay for that month additional training for toons, that same token could be sold on the market as well.

Well, yeah, but reddit is filled with circlejerkers from both sides. Depending on when you post you will get different results. What does it explain? Expand on that!

With Falcon gone now, the gloves are off. I’m going to send you an ingame mail asking about your online times and a link to our personal discord. I want to gather smart people to prevent us all from wasting our potential on this asshole of a forum.

Can you imagine … I’ve found a discord server with EVE people in it who aren’t toxic; who are fun; who respect others for doing other things; who like to play the game and who don’t endlessly, pointlessly discuss ■■■■■■■■ with people who can’t be reasoned with. I want that too! :slight_smile:

No, but thanks for adding weight to my point.

Btw, this reminds me of something else.

You remember when CCP decided to “expand the fanbase” by implementing Retribution with their horrid nerfs to emergent gameplay, criminal activity and freedom of choice.

… I think I’ve posted about this once … hm.

What do you think led to this?

Lots of off topic ramblings here from high sec players who know very little about the game which is stifling genuine suggestions for reversing the drop in online pop.

Just to put it out there my suggestions are:

  1. Make ESS a permanent feature of ihubs and amend the bounty/LP payout to favour LP more. Reduce the isk you make from ratting whilst still making it feel rewarding through ESS LP.
  2. Allow ESS to be freely looted by hunters - punish those ratters / botters that instantly dock up when a neut enters system!
  3. Alternatively just nerf ratting bounties - This would risk losing players and provide less prey for people to hunt so I prefer suggestions 1 and 2.
  4. Revert cyno change - Bring back those lost null sec players and allow those capital escalations again.
  5. Introduce more ISK sinks - Make the trig dread 100b to buy and watch how quickly isk leaves null sec! MER would be balanced / deflating instantly.
  6. If 4. is not palatable then provide Recons with a PANIC like module which takes effect when they cyno so a subcap fleet fight can still reliably escalate to caps, supers and titans without the recon being whelped off the field - Null seccers want to lose their toys in massive cap fights like BR5, cyno changes makes this difficult.
  7. Switch Jita, Rens, Amar to have citadel like tethers so gankers can no longer whelp people afk on the undock.
  8. Stop trig systems from killing players on gates.
  9. Allow moon goo to be compressed.
  10. Reduce the number of rocks in null ore anoms.
  11. Make the structures within the border systems between null sec alliances have no timers - provide that frontline for null to constantly fight over.
  12. Reduce boson range / cone to limit titan ratting.
  13. Force supers to fit at least 1 tube of support fighters at all times.

My changes are geared toward achieving 2 things, balancing the isk sinks vs faucets to get the economy under control and providing a reason for the lost null cap accounts to resub and use their toys (in COMBAT not in PVE).

Come at me people!! :slight_smile:


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I think I would start playing EVE now, like I started playing it years ago.

The things that were here when I started playing are still here. Maybe CCP doesnt give out so much in the means of dev content for the game like before, but its now better in many means, in few it is worse but hey, cant have everything.

If CCP would show they care more by developing more stuff, certainly people would come and see it again, maybe start playing. Updates are whats making people log in and play new stuff. Experience it. People stumbling upon other people is just an effect of them coming into the game. Have to push them to come.

It’s true. I chose to gamble 2b isk on a prototype, but…

It was a T2-fit marauder. The bulk of the ISK was destroyed. Your comparison with the Leopard is just not relevant.

Anyone defending the metric ( such an easy & cheap way to get ‘dank killmails’ ) is either on the take or just not seeing the bigger picture. If I’m right of course.

People have less money to spend in the real world these days. And EVE has rivals. It’s quite possible the ones that stayed after being ganked are, and I used to work for British Gas so I know this to be true, the ones that came back. And some didn’t/haven’t. Why would you fill out a survey if you’re walking from the game? Many don’t/won’t. It’s an old statistic but… If it’s good you may tell 3 of your friends. If it’s bad you’ll moan to 7. And EVE player numbers have not been going up historically.

So this is why I feel that High Sec needs to be fixed, so that Sec Status actually means something. We live in a modern age, not 2006, so I just don’t see the problem with fixing Sec Status.

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In the time you and Daichi have spent arguing over 1 security change I’ve posted a comprehensive list of 13 changes (3 posts above). Post a list of your suggestions, don’t just argue and bicker, that provides very little of substance to CCP.

Should have bought a mining permit and it wouldn’t have happened.

Then EvE is not your gamae.

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Name one.

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Dear Santa:

What I want for Xmas is a new ownership of EVE. :broken_heart:

Yours Truly

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Just as a small reminder, the thread isn’t about you. You’re a 10-year vet with a ton of SP and ISK. What you do with your stuff isn’t relevant. The thread is about attracting players to EVE, keeping them here, and getting them to return. Discussions of the options available to players are about those players, not you. You may think the entire game revolves around your playstyle, but the 24,000 other people online right now are all playing with different skillsets and resources available.

When you talk about game design issues, you talk about what applies to the majority of those players. Not what one guy does with his Loki when he’s bored.

Sure. I also understand that when discussing ways to grow the player base of EVE, something needs to change. Change is apparently something you don’t want even discussed, for whatever reason.

Concord is a mechanic. It is one of the mechanics that differentiate high sec from low, not the only one. (Restrictions on capitals, cynos, resources etc. come to mind.) The intent of that mechanic is to provide a ‘training ground’ where newer players can learn how EVE works with at least some degree of safety from other players.

That doesn’t mean it’s the best mechanic, or the only possible one, or that it can never be changed, or that it isn’t at least worth discussing what could be changed about it to see what other ideas it shakes lose.

You seem to take discussion of possible changes as an attack on EVE, rather than simply a discussion. Not sure why that is, perhaps you’ve lost perspective on the relative importance of discussions and gaming.

No problem.