How to get more people to play eve online?

I’d love to see the killmail that’s caused this much anguish and tear filled impotence; because it certainly doesn’t appear in his losses on Zkill.

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You’d be spotted by scouts.

Your target would get 3-4 minutes warning to be off grid.

And then we’d come out for a gf if it’s the right time-zone.

Volta can die. They’d loose 400m ISK or there abouts, and maybe a days’ worth of skillpoints ( possibly more ). And that’s why I respect them more than I respect you. They’re actually taking a risk.

Compare that with a High Sec Catalyst coming in at a princely 4m, with no skillpoints lost.

And capitals ( what Volta kill ) are about 1.5b, with nerfed insurance & the occasional shiny. Comparable targets. They often nail a couple on their roams too.

And I’m not the only one to have been popped using the Catalyst mechanic. Thankfully I’d budgeted for a loss ( she was a prototype ).

I stand by my math. This is only salt about how the High Sec spawn point is so bloody dangerous.

After that it’s numbers. Assuming I am right of course :wink:

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You’ve been a bit thick lately, kind of caught up in your chest-beating, so we’ll explain it to you in small words: in high sec, the gankers are protected by Concord. Nobody hunts them except a few chest-beaters looking to pad their killmails. It’s not economic because their kill and drop won’t be worth squat, and their bounty (if any) won’t be worth squat. Plus even if you do kill them, they’ll just fit another cheap Catalyst/Thrasher and head right back out again.

It’s harder for them to do the same thing in Null because intel, alliances, and the first person to spot them that wanted some easy kills would grab a few folks and wipe the floor with them. Because they won’t be able to hide behind Concord in cheapass paperthin gank ships.

Well that’s one reason. The other reason of course is that those ships are far more effective and Null farming allows people to afford them. Null has tools for dealing with cheapass gankers. High sec does not. Please refer to the other thread you’re being kinda dense in.

You panicked when putting in tools for players to react against ganking was suggested, so yeah, I think maybe you are just worried about losing a chance for cheap and easy killmails.

Apparently this is what Knowledgeminer thinks “EVE is all about” and constitutes “knowing how to play EVE”. That’s some pretty high level stuff that is.

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Indeed. I’m just awaiting the fatwah now.

EVE is more than Zkillboard. I agree.

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To get more poeple CCP need to nerf that incredible incomes for few specializations when multiboxing and botting.
Few years ago we got 50k on servers because plex was around something around 400mil. That was ISK amount that players who can’t/don’t want to pay or don’t have time to play everyday can make in decent time and then play for fun etc. Now no wonder they leave. Going into partialy f2p model was mistake because those players still won’t play in alpha when they can’t have the good stuff.
Let’s be honest alpha account is not good, wont convince anyone, also it’s not so easy to understand those rules for someone new, not to mention that psychical aspect of not owning full game especially in times where almost everything is fully f2p.


  • Nerf to the ground those incomes from multiboxing, botting etc.
  • Keep plex (500) price no more than 500mil.
  • Instead of f2p go back to sub model but give players first month free
  • At first month give players additional skill points for doing most of game activites
  • Give them plex (for maximum of 500 ammount) at first month also for doing stuff in game so they can buy sub for second month (give them info about it)
  • Give them some skins also for activites
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Not going to go through each of your points as you seem to be foaming at the mouth, but you are incorrect. Pvp is part of the game but entire game systems are setup to cater for other pursuits and they’ve always been there. For instance almost everything in the game is built by players enjoying industrial pursuits - that’s a playstyle that has existed since day 1.

Eve needs risk for players to feel rewarded, I have 200b liquid, subcap pvp doesn’t do it for me, I lost the pvp shakes in subcaps years ago. There’s only so many loki/stratio roams or Munin / npsi pvp I can stomach in ships that are meaningless to whelp… Now dropping a fax, dread and titan into a capital escalation risking 70b+ in assets, that gets my juices flowing and many other null seccers. That shouldn’t be a playstyle that’s diminished lest you want null sec to shrink further still.

Well there’s your problem. Why did you fly a ship that has a sufficiently high ISK/HP ratio to be worth ganking? You failed and made stupid choices, don’t blame the game mechanics.

A 0.8 was zero deterrent.

Of course it was a deterrent. The 0.8 level CONCORD response set a much higher ISK/HP threshold than in a lower-security system, making fewer ships an appealing gank target. You just did something so utterly stupid that even the deterrent was not enough to protect you from the consequences of your poor decision.

And if you just want easy f1-monkey catalyst kills then I’m not gonna agree. I was shocked with how easy it was to do the gank. Proper salty, which is rare for me. I was genuinely powerless to defend as soon as they landed. Powerless. And they’d only spent about 40m ISK. As game balances go that is awful.

You were not powerless, you could have made better choices that prevented the gank. You could have flown a cheaper ship. You could have scouted your route to ensure safety. You could have used the MWD + cloak trick at all times to minimize your exposure while warping between gates. Etc. But instead you were stupid. You declined to use any of the available defensive tools, overloaded a ship with too much loot, and relied on the myth of “safe space” to protect you. You might as well whine about how overpowered bubbles are because someone jumped a T1 frigate full of PLEX into a nullsec bubble camp.

And yes, some people just want to spend a few hours krabbing with some brewskis after a long week.

There’s nothing preventing you from doing this. Plenty of viable farming ships are impossible to profitably suicide gank. For example, my mission marauder is a pure T2 fit that almost certainly won’t drop enough loot value to pay for the cost of the ships required to gank it. As a result nobody has bothered to try, and I get to enjoy 100% safety while farming.

Some people want to be left alone as they PvE, and zones like that may well be the answer.

Then they can go back to WoW. EVE is not a solo farming game where you get to ignore the other players.

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So you’re effectively advocating for a reduction in pop?


And guess what: market PvP is still PvP. You’re competing against other players for control of the market. And good industrial players love suicide ganking. They get to sell gank ships to the gankers, sell new ships to the gank victims, and do it all at higher prices because the losses by their competition have reduced supply while simultaneously increasing demand.

The play style that is in conflict with PvP is the entitled farmers who demand perfectly safe farming at maximum ISK/hour with no interaction with other players required or permitted. And EVE can not allow that kind of player to get what they want.

Eve needs risk for players to feel rewarded, I have 200b liquid, subcap pvp doesn’t do it for me, I lost the pvp shakes in subcaps years ago. There’s only so many loki/stratio roams or Munin / npsi pvp I can stomach in ships that are meaningless to whelp… Now dropping a fax, dread and titan into a capital escalation risking 70b+ in assets, that gets my juices flowing and many other null seccers. That shouldn’t be a playstyle that’s diminished lest you want null sec to shrink further still.

And there’s the problem. You have too much ISK available because multibox capital farming is a catastrophic balance issue. All of your income sources need to be nerfed and your capitals need to be taxed until you can’t afford to keep them any longer. Sorry if that makes you ragequit, but people like you should not exist and your continued presence should not be a priority over maintaining a healthy game for everyone else.


Yes, and nothing of value will be lost. Short term losses in player count from the worthless parasites ragequitting are the price that must be paid to protect the core identity of EVE, the identity that has allowed it to survive in a market where countless rivals have failed and died. Pandering to risk-averse farmers may increase subscription numbers temporarily but it is a death sentence for the game in the long run.


That’s not how company finances work. You’ve descended into nonsensical ramblings my dude


I am referring to the people having no value because they are useless parasites on the game. Obviously their subscription money has value to CCP, but as I said already chasing short-term subscription renewals at the expense of long-term profit is a fundamentally stupid decision unless you know you’re doomed and want to cash out as much as possible before the end.

No what null sec players are crying out for is more capital pvp not pve. We want more battles like BR5, UALX, so we can whelp our toys in massive battles. Reading about the likes of BR5 is what brings players to the game and it’s why CCP are investing so heavily in trying to combat tidi and infrastructure limitations of such fights.

What you don’t understand from your high sec vantage point is caps are flown by alt accounts, every single null alliance requires that you have at least 3 accounts to be in supers group, 1 for a fax, 1 for the super and then your subcap main. If you nerf capital pvp, thats a ton of unsubs, there won’t be much sand left in the null sec sandpit.

Null sec are not risk averse, far from it, we pvp harder than you high sec carebears and we do so in ships that can take months/years to replace. Subcap pvp is for your more risk averse player or newbies yet to graduate over to null.

Oh and as for players like me not existing, i’m one of the majority, high sec carebears such as yourself are the minority my dude.

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hah, yeah i don’t disagree there, i’d much rather be more welcoming to newer cap pilots myself, it put me off becoming a super pilot for a long time.

Except CODE. doesn’t PVP; they gank. Ganking miners doesn’t take a lot of skill. (Personally or EVE skills.)

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New players are best off joining one of the dedicated newbie corps in one of the null alliances imo. Karma Fleet (Goons), Brave Newbies (Brave) or Dreddit / Pandemic Horde etc. You’ll be part of 300 man pvp fights within a day or 2 and have access to full SRP (ship replacement - null alliances will give you the ISK back for the ships you lose in battle for them).

My first year was spent in high sec, when i jumped over to null (Goons back when they were in Deklein) every misconception i had about null disappeared. They were incredibly welcoming had a ton of dedicated new player wikis, gave away ships for you to whelp and the social side was massive - frequent RL meet ups, forums to post on and voice comms with thousands of players to talk to. I instantly felt part of a big community and that hooked me in more than anything in game.

The more new players we get to join null the longer they’ll stay. High sec could use some similar sized alliances to do the same thing.

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You screwed up that quote, btw.

Ganking is still PvP, unless of course you consider the people that they shoot to be something less than other players.

Ganking miners doesn’t take a lot of skill. (Personally or EVE skills.)

I beg to differ, ganking requires both social and ingame skills. Organising fleets, ship replacement, target selection etc all take both hard and soft skills.

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