How to get more people to play eve online?

Hey, some of us drink when we fly :stuck_out_tongue:


Depends on the reason why they aren’t happy. Legitimate complaint? Sure, CCP should listen. Whining about how a PvP sandbox game isn’t a risk-free PvE farming game? GTFO and go back to WoW, CCP should not destroy the core identity of EVE just to pander to people who are temporarily bored with WoW.

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Eve is a business, it’s best to cater for all playstyles including pve to retain players. Also, if you specifically design the game to discourage pve activities or “make them return to WoW” then hunters won’t have much to chase. The pvp-pve ecosystem depends upon there being both hunters and prey.

Who is calling for risk free pve in this thread incidentally? Reverting the cyno changes would bring back the cap accounts that have unsubbed. Allow null seccers to enjoy their cap fights once more, there’s very little point to keep paying 9.99/month for separate fax, titan and dread accounts currently. If you want to see the 36-37k online we had earlier in the year then you need to give null players a reason to return.

Reverting the cyno changes would also make rorqual mining more dangerous again as it brings back the threat of being dread bombed.

Because the same sites (except 9 and 10 I think) are spawning in lowsec. Making exception for bounties paid based on security status is nonsense so if it would be nerfed it will affect lowsec as well where there aren’t that many sites as in null and where is no blue donut protecting farmers. The ammount of sites needs to be nerfed, not bounties.

I’m sure you could survive a 10% reduction in bounties.

No it isn’t, not when those play styles are in direct conflict. EVE has survived this long by recognizing its place in the market and maintaining its identity, not by compromising in an attempt to pander to every possible customer. Do that and you end up with a mediocre game that has something for everyone but does nothing well, and gives nobody any real reason to play it.

Also, if you specifically design the game to discourage pve activities or “make them return to WoW” then hunters won’t have much to chase.

PvE activities =/= risk-free farming game. Legitimate EVE players may engage in PvE at times, but don’t insist on risk-free farming at maximum ISK/hour as their god-given right. They aren’t the people who need to go back to WoW.

Reverting the cyno changes would bring back the cap accounts that have unsubbed.

At the expense of the overall health of the game. Capital proliferation is a huge balance issue and the only problem with the cyno change is that it didn’t go far enough. Nullsec worked just fine prior to the introduction of capitals, and it will continue to work fine with them reduced in importance. The last thing CCP should do is listen to the people whining that they lost their “I win” button instead of adapting to the change.

Reverting the cyno changes would also make rorqual mining more dangerous again as it brings back the threat of being dread bombed.

Alternatively, delete the Rorqual.


It’s going well…/s

Well yes, I would not unsub because of that (unlike nullsecers). But it really is unfair to lowsec.


More bollocks

Most bollocks/

Such a silly little town this place.

Absolutely. The bills are the bills. It’s not like there is a shortage of space to PvP in. It’s just that the Catalyst mechanic is so low risk for gankers that they don’t want to lose it.

I recently lost 1.7b of hull to about 40m of ships. In a high sec gank.

I’d budgetted to lose the ship. It was a prototype. But… How I lost it was not how I expected. A 0.8 was zero deterrent.

I’m still here ( I’ve actually just re-subbed after some financial issues got me in the real world ), but… Others won’t.

And if you just want easy f1-monkey catalyst kills then I’m not gonna agree. I was shocked with how easy it was to do the gank. Proper salty, which is rare for me. I was genuinely powerless to defend as soon as they landed. Powerless. And they’d only spent about 40m ISK. As game balances go that is awful.

And I know full well that I’m not the only player effected by this.

And some of us would like to fly more than just Lokis and Gilas.

So there is the crunch, as I see it. High Sec is the spawn point, & High Sec means No Sec. And yes, some people just want to spend a few hours krabbing with some brewskis after a long week.

Yes, make the rewards weaker, but… Some people want to be left alone as they PvE, and zones like that may well be the answer. Plus, if they can Krab they can top up markets etc.

EVE now has rivals. EVE has bills to pay. The change is there since 2006-ish. In an economy where gamers generally have less cash spare ( according to High-End Economic reports in my country at least ).

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Been said before.

Player base is its own worst enemy in regard to keeping this game around. Too many inflexible players.

Yeah, the financial balance is way off between gankers and their kills.

Well where people are concerned there is a tendency to leave the losing side to join the winning side in PvP games. Warhammer Online was a case in point. Which of course only makes the winning side stronger.

If players are getting rewards for winning, that’s a pretty persuasive reason not to want to be continually on the losing side. Organised ganking groups no doubt makes loads of isk, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s the best way to make isk in high-sec.

There’s far too much ganking these days which is a reason I think it must be lucrative. That coupled with roaming Trigs. are the main reasons I’ve stopped playing this game, uninstalled 2 days before the Halloween event although the account is active until mid next year.

Plus the community here is far too toxic and the game play has been shaped by that toxicity.

How do you know how much ganking is “too much”?

Which of course must mean there has to be something wrong with the game, no way it could be because of some lack of understanding on your part, and/or some mistake and/or some wrong assumption you made…

And let me guess… this is the game’s fault, isn’t it?

And just because there are players that cannot deal with their spaceship being shot in a spaceship shooting game in a way they didn’t expect, that means EvE should be changed to be something else that better caters to that kind of players, right?

What you should be shocked at is at how easy you made that gank possible by not understanding you’re not supposed to be safe anywhere in EvE and flying accordingly…

Except game balance is not about how much ISK each side spends on their ships, nor should it be…

It’s not that you would like to fly that. It’s that you would like to fly that safely, which is not what EvE is about…

Too bad no game can be everything everybody would like it to be. That’s precisely why there are so many different games out there. That’s actually why you’re playing EvE instead of some other game in the first place, because other games you tried before it weren’t what you wanted either…

Agreed. Too many whining players that think whatever bad happens to them in such a complex game has to be someone else’s fault. Too many clueless players pretending the game should be changed to make it easier for them, so they don’t have to make the effort to understand what the game is about and learn to play it properly.

Oh wait… That’s not what you meant, was it?

I haven’t found a way to calculate that yet; but a major nerdy game, full of lore & pretty-shinies, with plenty of life left in it, is dropping off instead.

It’s the math of it that made my jaw drop. 40m ISK in cheap f1-monkeys who have trained up to learn how to do ‘keep at range 2.5km’ is enough to take out a week’s work ( a month’s work with newer players ) with pretty much zero risk to the ganker, in about 2-3 seconds. In Null it would be A LOT harder for these people to do that trick.

After that it’s seeing comments here, and listening to what is on comms. And watching people leave.

My main concern is that new fun lore ( part of the RPG side of this game ) is being damaged by Zkillboard-padders using this awful mechanic. But I don’t know how to measure it yet.

Here is a contrast:

Obviously I’ve mentioned the Catalyst crowd.

Compare that with the Nullsec ‘Thundersquad’ Volta. They fly maximum skill Legions. Sure they are awesome gankers, but they have at least put something in to earn that. Unlike the f1-monkey catalyst pilot.

2 different worlds. And the worst one is right on top of your newbs/spawn-point.

yawn Looks like someone doesn’t want to lose their easy killmails…

Fly catalyst. Keep at range 2500. Press f1. Come in numbers. Zero talent needed. Dank killmail.

Which is why so many are fed up with it. To my knowledge of course.

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Really? The same number of players with the same ships and skills would have had A LOT harder time to do in null (without CONCORD) what they did in high sec (with CONCORD)? You sure about that?

Wow, you’re truly clueless. The reason people fly expensive ships to gank in low and null is that they don’t have to face sure death to CONCORD for doing it. It has nothing to do with ISK-based game “balance”.

Definitely you have no idea what you’re talking about, just like every other whiner here. But hey, don’t let that stop you from feeling entitled to demand changes be made to the game to make it safer/easier for you…