The link will probably be removed by an ISD, but I hope you can catch it before they do…
here is your proof that your are wrong about t1 ships not being able to defend themselves…
Back then the only 2 in that engagement, who were not new were the 2 Logistics pilots on the mail.
What the mail does not show: The Cynabal actually had backup by 2 tristans, who stayed on range though and gtfo when the cynabal was about to go down.
The 3 guys in my little gang there, who have been flying dps ships, were all 2-3 weeks old, could not even t2 fit their ships and yet we killed a cynabal assisted by 2 tristans without a loss, just with 5 t1 frigs.
Sure the new guys had the advantage of having someone leading and training them, who has been playing the game since 2003. But still that person (me) was only flying one of the t1 logistics ships in the gang, which a new player can train into fairly quick as well.
The thing that decided the fight there was not my SP or billions of ISK in my wallet. The deciding factor was strategy and teamwork. (Also note that the guy losing his faction cruiser there, was no newbie either… it´s somebody with 2000+ kills in his eve career).
The idea that new players don´t stand a chance against vets is a complete misconception people bring here because they are used to it from other games. While in other games you can send 100 level 1 chars against a max level char and he won´t even flinch it´s totally different in eve.
Here the little ones actually have a chance to win against ppl who have years worth of SP ahead of them and are by far better equipped, if they put in the effort to learn how to actually play the game and to understand the game mechanics.
Now this one kill is just an example I remember from a couple of years ago, and I am sure if you go searching for these kinds of kills you can find plenty of those. You certainly also can find mails of battleships going down solo against a single t1 frigatte, hell if you go back far enough you can find gangs of industrial ships (the haulers like good old badgers) taking on battleships and winning.
New players not being able to compete with vets or not being able to even defeat them in combat is nothing but a myth that the clueless people, who just suck at the game, keep spreading. They can not do it, so of course nobody else can do it.
In EvE dedicated new players who invest the time to learn about the game mechanics, have a much better chance to compete with vets who have been playing for years than new players in any other game.
And in regards to anything else, newbies these days have it so much easier than ppl had it back in 2003.
Here just a few points:
Today new players have:
An actual tutorial and career agents that give you ships worth several millions (compared to "Here is your rookie ship now see how you figure things out)
Specialised ships like the venture they can fly on day 1 (compare to unbonues t1 frigs with t1 mining lasers and a 100 something m³ cargo space)
Much better balanced ships with specialised roles that make them way more effective and a much easier way to progress to bigger ships for better income. (When I started in late 2003 we had frigs, cruisers, industrials and battleships were just only added)
Today new players have a lot more ways to make huge amounts of ISK right from the start (as an example exploration, the amount you can make with that on even on your first day as a new player, took weeks to get together as a new player back in the early days)
Today new players start with a lot more skills and much higher base attributes and did not have to spend weeks training learning skills to speed up skill training to todays levels.
Today you have remaps to optimize your training (compared to back in 2003 were we were stuck with the attributes we started out with)
Today you have Youtube, twitch, all kinds of wikis and other sources of information, you have help channels like rookie help [which is not alyway good I am going to admit, but there are good ppl in there too].
Today you have organisations like Eve University that new players can join and get fast tracked on everything in regards to eve from people with years of experience in the game (compared to 2003: we had to figure out pretty much everything on our own, Youtube did not even exist yet, nobody made extensive wikis which explained all game mechanics in detail, we had no tutorial explaining anything to us at all).
Today there is no need for jetcan mining and since crimwatch 2.0 new and older players have been a lot harder to mess with and are much better protected.
Today you have warp to 0. (Back in 2003 if you wanted to venture into low sec or 0.0 even maually warping was only possible to a minimum distance of 15 KM, which means you either had to create your own bookmarks for warps directly to gates for every gate in every system you frequented, or had to get the bookmarks from other players.
Now I could keep going with the list, but apperantly I don´t feel like writing a complete book about the topic of “How much easier it is to start playing eve, compared to the old days”. And I don´t want to complain about it either. I am totally fine with new players not having to mine in a silly unbonused frigs for 1-2 weeks for hours every day in order to be able to even afford a cruiser.
But for once be somebody who listens to a person who has been playing eve pretty much daily from 2003-2015 (That is when I pretty much stopped because EvE got boring, I just check in here once in a while, when I am in a nostalgic mood).
EvE has not become harder for new players, it has become easier in pretty much every aspect. EvE also has become a lot more friendly for casual players, it has become safer and ccp added methods that allow players to catch up to older players in skillpoints, they made making money a lot easier and it has become safer and safer (and they did all that trying to lure in more mainstreamers).
Nothing of this has worked though, quite the opposite happened. CCP chased away all the creative people who liked the harsh universe. People who did not want things to get more and more convenient, the old core playerbase that would spend hours just escorting freighters and who were willing to work together, to achieve something as a group, rather than todays players who only care for their personal profit and don´t give a rats ass about the group they are a member of.
Step by step CCP changed the game into the direction certain people here on the forums want to keep driving the game and none of the things ccp changed in order to get more mainstreamers worked to attract and keep more players. No they alienated their old playerbase continously and after years and years of slow, but steady growth of the playerbase (while other games from the time of eve alraedy died or were losing subs eve was still growing) CCP kept making changes that gradualy pushed out the dedicated players, who really made the game interesting.
And that is where CCP went wrong, making the game less hardcore and more casual. Nerfing player interaction on every corner and making a lot of things more convenient and moving group activities to solo semi afk grinds is what caused the player numbers to collapse.