How to get more people to play eve

Indeed Eve is in stagnant period.
One way to force people into moving around would be depleting resources that would force people moving around. This would eventually force big alliances to a point of contesting a certain region they both want to harvest. Also I believe big alliance leaders have reached the point where they have delegated as much as they can to avoid using a lot of time to manage everything, therefore big alliance leaderships would probably see some changes as the game would require more time. This would put small alliances and corporations into better position and give them some relevance. More movement - more people left behind - logistic difficulties - organizing constant move.
Also leaving npc space un touched would be good a approach since it lacks the resources. Big alliances are just too big to live in npc space, there is not enough content or minerals for them to move into npc space. Therefore significantly reducing resource respawn or make them even nearly deplete in a region scale would be a good approach. Less minerals - more stuff destroyed - more content (moving players, logistics, stuff to mess with) - resource drama as they are constantly depleting.

tldr: just backing some previously stated ideas about resource depletion. Resource depletion would greatly increase the player amount and number of returning players because of constant movement that opens up a lot of potential for small groups to mess around.


I appreciate your efforts and attitude but where is the CCP? I see CCP only when it takes $ 15 every month. :money_with_wings:

You have people around in high-sec. Convo them, fleet them. No bounding papers, free to enter, free to leave.

What more do you need?


Protection from pvp in high …

You call an obviously outdated agenda like yours reasonable?

Well you’re wrong and people are voting with their feet,you choose to ignore this…not reasonable too…

Not to forget that the little value they get can be destroyed by gankers that do not have to fear any form of punishment like bans or account deletions by ccp…

CCP only protects those that behave anti social…

And the vets REALLY wonder and don’t understand why younger players leave…?

WOW that’s really stupid and stubborn…welcome to 2019 dear vets,may it be a hard reality awakening…

The fact about todays players is that not PVP is declined…


But pvp has to happen in concealed areas that you actually have to ENTER to participate…WILLINGLY…

I don’t get why this concept is such a big barrier for some people that they feel they have to defend the outdated “pvp everywhere crap” with claws and teeth…

You can’t say this too often to some people : THIS IS A GAME…and a game can have its rules changed.modernized and the world will NOT stop turning…

From personal experience that sounds spot on.

Faction frigates are also allowed inside Faction Warfare novice plexes, so they’re essentially on par with T1 frigates and would be included in “things T1 frigates can solo”. Destroyers and Cruisers are not ships T1 frigates should engage. If the numbers were crunched I’m sure in over 95% of solo encounters between T1/Faction frigates and anything else, it’s the frigate that loses. Looking at the 5% win rate and saying T1 frigates can solo cruisers is disingenuous and will only make new players feel like they’re doing something wrong when they constantly lose ships.

New players losing their T1 frigates are losing because they have little they can actually engage with on a level playing field.

Have you tried that? This is the game where you’re told anyone chatting in local is a scammer. People are going to think twice about joining a random player’s fleet. And how can I trust the people wanting to join with me won’t just leave the fleet and shoot me the moment they have a chance? It wouldn’t be the first time.

We’re also talking about how to entice new players to stay. Telling them they have to start posting in local for a group to join is a little out-dated. Having some kind of activity where players are grouped up by the game temporarily to complete some task would be a good starting point. New players would be more comfortable testing the waters of group play this way and it would probably lead to players joining up with actual corps.

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goes around, come around ,
Eves way to disaster …

That need spirit of trust and cooperation but Eve is infected by scam and deception …

It may not be common but it does happen. Players in T1 frigs aren’t defenceless. Neither are noobs in t1 dessies or t1 cruisers. Also assuming noobs will only play alone is another misconception.

You’re just looking for reasons why you can’t do something. Why you have such a defeatist attitude i don’t know. But that’s really what’s holding you back, not your SP and wealth.

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You’re trying so hard to make yourself smart and wise … :joy:

P.S. I will reveal to you a great secret, nobody here wants your advice and wisdom.

Yes, solo newbies will probably have a hard time. Solo PvP is harder than flying in fleets, cause of the obvious number disadvantage. For a solo PvP’er, it is a conscious decision to put oneself at a disadvantage for the greater challenge.

This is why newbies should try to get into corps and fly in fleets. In a fleet, T1 frigates have a much higher engagement profile and can pose a threat to many ships.

Not sure why you insist that T1 frigates have to be flown solo.

I’ve been on roams with like 100-150 frigates where carriers (the old triage ones) would just melt LOL.

Let’s remind ourselves that we’re on the forums discussing “How to get more people to play eve”. I’m all for discussion but only if people want to discuss in good faith.

That goes for you too.

Here are my thoughts on the matter and I’m speaking in general. New players starting out are limited in the ships they can fly mostly based on their wallet but also based somewhat on their skill points. New players could probably fly cruisers relatively quickly but they’re unlikely to be able to afford replacing them often. A new player does some research and outfits a T1 frigate for some good old fashion fun. The leave high-sec because it’s boring there, everyone agrees.

The moment they step out of high-sec they are at the mercy of the rest of the player base. Statistically their survival rate is going to be pretty low, but that’s mostly due to a limitation of their ship and not due to any of their skills. A smart and prepared player can survive flying around outside of high-sec in a T1 frigate of course, but they have very few targets they could actually stand to engage with. As a new player, it isn’t exactly the most fun to be on the run a majority of the time.

My idea, and it’s just an idea, is that it would be nice to see areas with more ship restrictions. I really enjoy being inside a FW novice complex. I know when I’m inside of one of these I stand a much greater chance at fighting whatever jumps in. I have fun inside these complexes, the only issue is that there’s nothing really to do inside them while you’re waiting for a fight. If we could have novice complexes that are several AU in diameter that include rats and anomalies and whatever else inside them, I think it would be a great area new players could fly around and enjoy. They’re not safe in these areas, but at least the ships attacking them are at their level.

This is a whole other issue. The fact that EVE has a “join a corp or die” mantra can be off-putting to new players. I know it is for me.

If a game is a multiplayer game, then there is not really much to be done, right?

I mean, do I blame Dota 2 whenever I solo queue and get four clueless teammates? If I wanted to avoid that, I could just join with my friends.

It’s the same in eve. It is a team game. You can choose to play solo, being conscious that path is going to be way more challenging. It is just the nature of the game.

EVE doesn’t have a solo queue! In every other multiplayer game there’s the option to be assigned to a random team. I wouldn’t mind playing on random teams, I do it in every other game. That’s not an option in EVE though.

Just wanna chime in here, even I play EVE 99% solo because I love solo PVP, I still joined a corp that has other solo PVP players. I’ve learned a lot from these guys and I can have a chat while waiting for that fight in the FW complex. Heck, they even taught me important bits about solo PVP and how I can hold my own. (I still suck but it’s just matter of practice :smiley: ) Sometimes we fleet up and have fun together!

But yes, it’s optional and not required to join one. But when you find your space family, it’s hard to think how you could’ve survived without them. :smiley: My point is, it’s well worth the effort to find a space family.

Check out SpectreFleet! They do random fleets where afaik they take pretty much anyone.

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You can be “assigned” a random team, by joining some random corp. Sure, the game automatically doesn’t put you in a random corp, but there is little difference.

The game is created around teamplay and is balanced around that. Solo play is possible, but harder cause of the “two brains is better than one” kinda thing.

Also, if you don’t want to join a corp, then you have the possibility to join public fleets like Spectre fleet, to get introduced to fleet gameplay.

Their site seems to be down but I found a post about it and it does seem to be something I’d be interested in! Thanks I’ll check it out.

You mean applying to join a random corp! I can’t just join up with random players for an hour and leave when I feel like it.

I think a public fleet might be closer to what I’m looking for.