How to increase eve player count

im a world of tanks blitz player
i tried to explain that to my friends
premium tanks are made to extract money from idiots
they think they can pay to win
but my maus is stronger than any money you can trow at the game
and thats is by design
there is more people wiling to waste 1k dollars in a game than people wiling to grind 1k hours
if you pay and you actually win the carrot on the stick is gone so there is a subtle invisible carrot
dudes who actually enjoy playing the dam game that end with 5 or more t X tanks like me
i have a is4, is7, t54 heavy , t62a , maus and death-star
i really like the game so i play like is any other shooter game , since i play like it was CSgo or whatever i end winning … them some dude see my glorious maus and pay 100k dollars to insta beat me , but that is not going to happen
a lot of FTP games do that , secretly the mega grind stuff is actually better than the “premium” stuff

i dont play world of warships but i bet the yamato and other famous ships are kinda good eh

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Let them be in a curse killing people on day one.

SP serves nothing other than a monetisation ploy for CCP. Without new players the ploy is redundant. As pointed out player numbers are dwindling.

To the point of SP redundancy? likely not yet but soon, tm.

CCP’s monetisation in run up & post PA purchase has been a disaster for the long term health of the game. I hope PA is happy with the current 1/4’s revenue as it’s about to nose dive.

N+1 monetisation is flawed as you simply don’t have n+1 customer draw.

If the count is indeed dropping -
I suspect the causes are beyond CCPs control

  • and more to do with poor life choices -
    like following the unqualified medical advise of alliance leaders.

CCP leadership like to trout external factors for player count fall, despite pc gaming numbers booming in other fields.

Pro gaming peaks every day, yet CCP is left behind wallowing in a cesspit of GM & developer corruption. The 1/4’'s are still black so nothing will change.


Increase Ship Insurance pay outs for T2 / T3 class hulls.

I think the game is doing fine, crybabies just complain a lot on the forums.

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Life’s Hard, Good Fight.

Yup, some people just like to imagine that Rome is burning and they are secretly pulling the strings.

make it more carebear friendly… yes it is that simple, not a popular statement i’m sure, but let’s be honest, you want more players to play and stick around? make the non PVP part more interesting. :man_shrugging:


I think you have that backwards.

A new player flying curses on day one is still going to lose it. And the only way they’ll be able to replace it is to sell more plex.

Oh please let new players fly curses! I only need this acct to swat those.

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More interesting and rewarding. We’re spending money and/or time ( which are the same thing ) into the game, the least CCP can do is make it worthwhile for players.
I realise now that I had more good times playing World of Warships than I’ve had in EVE in a long while. It’s messed up but true.

Financially turn over has never been better. Eve’‘s 1/4’'s are amazing. Investment is low & income high but we all know CCP is selling off the heart, soul & logetivity of Eve IP for fast cash.

You gotta ask why PA is happy to have such high wage bills for a house that really does not have much development going on. CCP are experts at looking busy.

Peering in it is hard to see PA getting its investment back even with the offshoring of current profit. Maybe CCP have provided valuable tech knowledge to other PA programs?

I dunno, you might be right. When I left there were well over 60k accounts logged on as the norm. We are down to 12-15k logged in on the weekend… Nearly a thousand of those are in jita or are jita alts. Probably around a thousand accounts between the other trade hubs. That is pretty dang low… It makes a certain amount of sense since I think the average number of accounts per person is / was around three. I personally had seven so I cannot throw that particular stone…

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Hey, at least your honest. I had 3, down to one. Probably go alpha when this sub runs out. I can only hope CCP knows what it’s doing.

Wait, what did I just say? :astonished:


I’m on 4 (2x plex / 2 x paid) 5.2b isk and assets that could downsize me to keep this main going for a long time.

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That was never the norm, we hit 60k+ really just once during a special occasion that was hyped massively by CCP. Even high 50s only happened very occasionally. Average was around 45-50k at EVE’s “peak”, and by peak I mean peak numbers, not peak game quality.

Again with the lies, right now we’re around 20k average.

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well getting the numbers up isn’t an easy task.Well u could put in some login rewards not much just few skill points, some skins maybe, throw like a t1 frig bp in there too .Then mess a little bit with the economy or industry and game play .Like introduce scarcity so people have to grid way more time to buy their ship and then go out and loose it in few minutes .But you need deep understand of the game so you don’t mess things too bad ,like the fundamental rule of flying something you can replace .Making income lower for the player base will make more revenue for ccp ,also cause players will have to cut down cost in their personal economic system so they will stop buying plex and use real money to plex their accounts ,also we can also say an increase of bots that will boost the player numbers.Change some industry staff so small industrialist commit with more alts ,and put industry to another lvl so small fish perish and u got more numbers from the alt industrial army that can have less competition and have the economic power to sustain an alt workforce that will get the numbers up.Then mess the game play introduce the right nerfs when the pool of carebers are droping or otherwise when the hunters pool drop just keep them on edge w8 for the next fix like an addict .And then there is the leave things too the almighty and hope for the best ,like a major war witch old enemies are login in to fight the big war blabla or a pandemic to boost the game industry ,and your game will get some numbers boost.I personally have faith in ccp cause their making the right decisions and are not focused on a single section . The almighty card is working who would have thought that serenity would immigrate to tranquility ,who would have thought of a pandemic that would put people in lock down.So after saying that i think this post is irrelevant ccp got this , just sit back and enjoy the show .

There’s only a few ways that I know how to increase player count and it’s same with every business:

  1. Advertising

  2. Quality of product

  3. Word of mouth.

  4. I think CCP is doing well with Advertising. EVE game has exposure on a few different platforms like YouTube, Google, Twitter and Facebook.

  5. I think their challenge is with Nr.2. Quality of product involves in-game improvements that have direct impact on player satisfaction. Right now player satisfaction is very low.

  6. I doubt that Word of Mouth is lacking. EVE players do try and get their friends and family to play the game but Nr.2 stands in the way for Word of mouth success.

The way I see it CCP needs to improve player satisfaction and they can only do that by

  • Changing and manipulating mechanics
  • Adding Content
  • Adding items
  • Adding new ships.

Player count won’t increase by much if it even does. The game has been running for 18yrs, anyone who was ever remotely interested in space games knows about EVE and many have tried it, many have stayed, many have gone never to return and the number of those who stayed is slowly declining.
Only new players EVE is now getting are those people who are only now getting their own income ( kids who are now grown up ) or people who have put off trying EVE for many years.
That’s it. There never was an infinite supply of players but CCP acted as if there were and pissed off the ones they had. They made their bed, all it’s left for CCP to do now is lay in it.

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The reported perception of player satisfaction is very low for good reason. Improvements are not working as intended out of the gate and seem to take far too long to update or iterate.

These are complex technical issues that can’t be dealt with overnight - but could be salved with improved communication.

This last CSM was hobbled and the next is going to have an uphill battle. Even if that summit is captured calming the rabble is next to impossible because bitching is what passes for fun in this game.

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