How to make ganking and AG a play style

It’s not so much your roleplay style I’m denying…I mean you have every right to fight whomever you choose and that’s my whole argument…but the whole ethos of the ‘helpless, defenceless, miner’.

CCP are partly to blame by giving noobs the impression of swathes of totally free ore where there’s so much that nobody would ever want to fight over it. Mining is thus seen as just glorified camping for ISK, when in fact CCP themselves gank miners and cull them via belt rats to whom more noobs are lost than to ganker players. On top of that, NPC miners ensure that there’s isn’t an unlimited supply.

Nowhere is it made clear to noobs that they are shooting at limited resources that others value just as much, or that they are part of the supply chain for conflict. Mining is actually the first step in the PvP chain…without which there would be no PvP.

So I object to the whole ’ PvP has nothing to do with it’ ethos that some try to espouse on behalf of mining. It is blatantly false.

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Yes, some very good points, I wonder how many players that leave thought they were going to play a farming/mining sim. Part of the problem is getting new players, to understand what they are getting into. We need a way to explain eves whole experience in like a 5 min video

Can you do this AFK? No? So why do you ask?

(post deleted by author)

That made me laugh :smile:

The only true way to learn how to avoid being ganked is to throw your hat into the ring and become a ganker.

Even you could agree to such.


I think everyone should try it at least once.

Green Eggs and Ham kind of thing.

Well one of my favorite movies is The Voices A mentally unhinged factory worker (Ryan Reynolds)
Yet I am not going to try it as i tend to just stick to roleplay.

Reponse to your green eggs and ham…

The sheer irony. You are the one endeavouring to restrict the broad playstyle and content. Fortnite ? Lol…my main forte is horror survival games. You’d love them…given that you wish to turn Eve into Left4Dead.

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Typical Lucas. In one thread you argue that games should move on…in another you argue that games should move back. You have developed speaking with forked tongue to a fine art.

On top of that, out of 19+ years of Eve history there are exactly 0 of them where PvE-focus was a thing. This is an artificial construction of a history that didn’t exist, to manufacture a rose-tinted set of glasses upon a mental mythological construction.

Just block the guy already .


I simply want the game to be the Eve that it has always been. It has always been unsafe to undock…anywhere. Anything else is not Eve. There is a difference between changing a game and destroying it.

A good developer recognises when someone is being totally dishonest and slithering between multiple stances…presenting viewpoint A on Monday and totally 180 degree mutually exclusive point B on Tuesday. It’s the method of someone who will say absolutely anything in order to be ‘right’ in the moment and who forgets that they said something completely different maybe only a few posts earlier.

Frankly, you are so utterly dishonest that I can well believe cognitive dissonance has long since set in and you just can’t see it.

Ah, here we go with your god-like expertise on the current market now.

Yes, its all part of the sheer dishonesty. The invention of some mythical past. The pretence that he truly gives a damn about noobs…I mean he has himself ganked. The endless slithering in order to be ‘right’…because he is more infallible than that guy in the Vatican and not only has a direct conduit to the Lord and creator at CCP but can never…ever…be wrong about anything.

You are right…I should have simply had enough of this BS by now.

Oh, you mean like when CCP’s own dev team had to log in and fight off the first gate campers who all but shut the main trade route down ? I’ve actually studied the history of Eve in great detail. And the very first trailer for Eve contains a pirate essentially stating that nobody is safe anywhere. Fancy that !

Certainly ganking has increased over the years, in large part due to CODE and James315. But all of that is not something recent, it goes back a decade or so. And that’s a decade in which for the most part Eve flourished. It is also a decade in which Rorqals mined so much ore that CCP had to introduce scarcity…and that is the real cause of the current malaise.

Life is crap for noobs not because of ganking that has existed for a decade or more, but because prices are ridiculous and that PvE that you love so much brings in a pittance in highsec.

The problem CCP face is that they could give every noob a nice allowance ( I’d be fine with that ) but it could be too easily exploited. Of course people are going to leave the game when 5000 ISK is all they start with and they lose that. I’d give all noobs a 50m ISK allowance. Enough to buy multiple Ventures and a few destroyers, etc. I’d increase the rewards for missions, provide perhaps some form of daily income for a period…contingent upon certain tasks ( the newer reward system is getting there ), and so on. But I would not eliminate ganking…because ganking provides the risk that the noob may well later go on to enjoy.

I really must also make this point…

I have not been ganked in over a year since the one time I got ganked. That is a year in which i have been all over Eve. I’ve transported and traded in expensive items. Yesterday alone I was in and out of Jita 8 times…and moved several hundred million worth of stuff right under the noses of the gankers. Of course…any sensible person uses a relay system and it is quick and easy to transport multiple small ( un-gankworthy ) loads to Sobaseki…getting past the main gankers. I’ve moved billions worth this way. See…a little common sense and one can avoid being ganked.

Same goes for mining. A little common sense and one can totally avoid gankers. Heck, there are highsec systems in Eve where you can mine for a whole month and never see a ganker.

I’ve moved extremely gankworthy ships tens of jumps from staging bases back to corp HQ. I cleverly devised a means of finding not simply the ‘safest’ route that goes through 0.5 systems but alternate routes that don’t go through any 0.5 or 0.6 systems at all. Sometimes it is as simple as moving 1 jump to start the journey in another system. One cannot totally avoid 0.5 and 0.6, but one can eliminate most of them with a little planning.

So your notion that highsec is somehow vastly ‘unsafe’ is just nonsense. Oh, I’ll probably be ganked again at some point, but less than once a year is not going to have me quaking in my space boots…and I’ll enjoy the smack talk with Aiko or whoever when it happens.

Why bother?

He’s not interested in having a conversation.

Your reality is subjective, and not at all in line with objective reality.

There are plenty of constructive arguments in favor of ganking. You are choosing to ignore them, brush them under the rug, or arbitrarily call them non-productive in a way to dismiss them.

You’ve been singing this tune for over 7 years. It’s time you start adding something of value to this discussion. Because at this point, you’re spamming the forums.

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I’ll be more than happy to continue this discussion with your main.

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Please refer to my earlier post.

I’ll be more than happy to continue this discussion with your main.
