How to make less people play EVE?

You think it’s hilarious to make buisness decisions?

Maybe it looks like this from inside your bubble but the real world has constraints that you just can not control.

This may surpise you but that’s like it is…

Just because he may be your arc enemy and nemesis does not mean everybody knows him…You may know him but you are not “most people”,you may feel like you are but this is an illusion and a sign of some serious form of self-esteem.

I’m pretty new, too, and I have no idea who ‘Balos’ Is, nor do I care.

I try to evaluate things on content, not get hung up on names. Didn’t I just agree with you, Solstice, in another thread, when you expected me to hate you?

Ideas are ideas, regardless of source.


But not really.


This is the problem with those people…their world HAS to be “the” world otherwise they freak out in some very strange manner…:slight_smile:

The next step will be that they blame you to be a forum alt of this Balos,wait for it…

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For 5 years, CCP has devoted countless man-hours to adding new structures which all in all just have come to replace the already existing POSes. in terms of novelty gameplay and possibilites, they barely have been a new version of what already was in place, and yet when this started 6 years ago it was supposed to be a whole new world. For this goal CCP sacrificed the bread and butter of their income - all the people who couldn’t care less of PvP, leaving a emptier game that earns less money and has forced damaging moves like firing epople, going F2P and selling the game to a company whose interest with EVE is tangential at best since they have games of their own to care for.

Look at what the Rubicon plan has achieved -all which a few persons like me forewarned back in 2013.

Less players.
Less money.
Less CCP.
And no future.

Customer oriented design is a powerful tool, but it has two edges. Because companies face the risk of getting wrong who are their customers.

Hint: if after 5 years of customer oriented design you’ve lost 30% of your customers, fired 20% of your employees and your income has dropped by 10%, you’re doing it wrong.


*raises hand
I know who balos was/is. It was difficult to read the forums at all a little while back without encountering his toastflood.

You sure sound a lot like balos, traco.

Mr. Projekt is correct, there have always been someone(s) like that on the forums.

I actually kind of miss salvos, though…


Nah, it’s more like a “whatever you say”, because it changes nothing about the fact that he is Balos and that him denying it is … silly … to say the least. In the end is he trying to make it look like there’s a massive amount of people who share his rather problematic view of the world and not considering where it comes from isn’t always a good idea.

Yeah. I hate him already. Diversity and free will are pretty important. My country is based on the ideas of free will and equality.

We’ve screwed up over the years, but we’re young, and we’re trying.

Yeah, if that is Balos, he needs to go.

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See? I’m not doing this for no good reason. :slight_smile:

Tolerating the intolerant - and there is no doubt that he is, on way too many levels - will get us overrun by them.

Nope, stupid is what you’re doing; trying to convince people that you aren’t Balos with a new clone, while parroting his insane agenda, looking like his twin and using the exact same rhetoric and phrasing.

We’re not stupid, your attempt at deception is woefully transparent and obvious to anyone with two or more brain cells to rub together.


And like all the others thinking they’re smart he will, again, get banned; again repeat the same thing; and fail. Again. Maybe they’re all a part of the same family?


Look, if you are trying to convert 40-60 hours of game time into another 30 days of game time you are kind of doing it wrong, generally speaking. Most people make enough money to afford a subscription, especially if they buy for a year at a time. Trying to make the case that people should be able to have more and more access and not pay for the game is not a sustainable policy.

If you can’t afford a monthly sub or even a 3, 6 or 12 month sub then my advice is quit. Or learn to be happy with the alpha clone and stop asking for more of a free ride on my payments to CCP.


I know what the response is going to be: some people just can’t afford a sub. Okay, then maybe they shouldn’t be playing a video game. Sorry if this is harsh, but ■■■■ somebody has to say it. Look if you get a second job and work a meager 20 extra hours a month at $10/hour after taxes at the end of that month you’ll be able to pay for a year of EVE. At the end of the second month another year with about $136 left over…which could go for a third year or a pile of PLEX so you can have a crap ton of ISK as well. That means you trade 40 hours for over 17,520 hours of potential EVE time. Yes, you can spend all those hours playing EVE but even if it is 5% that is 40 hours for 876 hours of EVE. That is 21.9 hours of EVE for every hour you worked that crappy second job.

■■■■ on a Goddamn stick…c’mon people. Stop doing the dumb thing, “I just spent 55 hours last month getting a PLEX…so I can spend another 55 hours getting a PLEX” and do the smart thing. Your time is worth considerably more than $19.95/55 = $0.36/hour.


You people need to send me ISK in game for this life advice. Holy ■■■■.


Doggone it, I did it, again. You guys really need to finish me off. I mentioned national values and ethics and ■■■■. You really need to get me.

I call conjecture. Prove less money. You have access to CCPs annual reports?

Don’t believe everything you think

Fewer people trying to plex their accounts by grinding their life away on lvl 4 missions = lower demand for plex = lower plex prices

as a bonus, less alphas running lvl 4’s = less isk entering the economy = lower inflation = slower rise in plex prices.

seems like a win-win to me.

CCPs financial reports are public, albeit they aren’t published. Last year Nana Skalski contacted the Icelandic authorities in charge of these matters and bought a copy of CCP’s financials for 2017. Albeit the report is written in Icelandic, she found out that revenue for the year of F2P was down to 68 million , compared to 72-74 millon when the data still were published as CCP was publicly traded. The 2016 report soared to a record 86 million due to many offers and sales of physical goods, aimed at pumping up CCP’s numbers for a sale that was planned for 2017 as some investors wanted to withdraw (specially since one of the lead investors died and his company refocused on other areas). At that point, a rumor was released that CCP could be worth 1 billion $ accounting for their leadership in VR. Yet VR faded, EVE Online reached a point where it made sense to F2P (hint: MMOs don’t shfit to F2P on their road to glory), no sale happened in 2017 and here we are.

CCP has been bought by a company whose most likely interest is to use CCP as a backdoor into the Chinese market and who really don’t care much about what CCP does with EVE -they’re not investing a single zimbabwean dollar on EVE, rather they’re working on a “family MMO” which, I bet you 5 to 1, will be the aimed at Chinese market with 100% pure unadulterated Chinese political correctness.


The Koreans are not all that fond of China, or Japan, either, for that matter. The Chinese market? Sure, maybe they’ll target the market in China. Why shouldn’t they?

CCP was bought. Who really cares? I sure don’t. It’s not like they’re Apple or something. Apple is playing China for the zero taxes and helping China implement their social credit score.

Free will? That doesn’t just exist when we agree with you.

Half baked anti pvp solutions like war dec changes are not customer orientated and are naturally slapped in the face of CCP.
Even a good step of staged PVE like abyssal space was watered down by the mere POSSIBILITY of scanning out the entrance or those infamous “PVP areas”.
Complete ■■■■■■■■ “content” just due to the whining of the (csm) PVP faction that simply don’t WANTED that a staged pure PVE content was implented.

They cannot stand the mere existence of a part of the game where they cannot force their strange hobby onto everyone.

So what did ccp expect?

They don’t go the full way in their try to favor PVE for a while like pvp was for 15 years and fell on their knees the second the pvp faction rises an eyebrow and gave pvp what they claimed for: full possibility to abuse a staged pve content.,full harrasment,the whole stuff.

Certainly that leads only to pve players leaving because of the level of this betrayal…

It may surprise you but making a fool out of your customers leads only to quitting them…

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