How to Play EVE as Omega for FREE (Mostly)

I am on the game, you oaf!

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That’s very ironic coming from someone who paints a typical standard ‘they’ newbie who is like every other ‘they’ newbie.

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Yep…this forum is definitely not for me.


Beware, the weight of your noobiness may break it !
(light joke because I hate those personal attack - filled series of answers)

edit :
I liked his post about were real newbros are, even though I dislike his attack on you.

I liked your post because I agree that toxicity in the forum is a plague.


Blah blah blah. You keep pretending you know what I am doing. You don’t. I’m in Eve right now waiting out a combat timer on a baiter. Which you would know if you ever undocked :slight_smile:

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Nobody cares about your personal feelings.
Just because they are hurt, is not a valid reason to show your knee-jerk hate on the forum.

Please stay on topic.

Feelings ? What are they ? My char is a psychopath. And I think you’ll find it was Epeen who took the thread off topic.

Me: “different people (and thus newbies) have different goals, likes, dislikes, amount of hours they can play and time they can invest. Stop pushing everyone into the same direction at the same maxed out speed even though they don’t even know what this all about, all while telling folks who do it differently that they are wrong”

you: “you’re wrong because I have 6 accounts”.

That’s main character syndrome.

How would anyone who isn’t you or someone close to you know what you are doing right this exact second?

That’s main character syndrome.

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Wow, that’s definitely a not true statement.

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They will use it more than these forums.

The premise of this post was fairly straight-forward:

• There is a methodology to play for FREE as Omega (and yes, it may involve a small investment in Omega first). There are other methods to earn ISK as well (some of which have been mentioned here). The point still stands.
• You can debate the finer nuances of this plan, but the reality is that it’s very hard as an Alpha to accrue the necessary income to PLEX otherwise (some exceptions aside).

As an Alpha, you’re really limited to the scope of what you can do and experience in EVE. If you enjoy playing EVE as an Alpha - more power to you. But if you’d like more, there are ways that won’t “break the bank”.

Addendum: CCP just announced a flash Omega sale in the NES store (15% off 1-3 months, 18% off 6 months and 20% off 12 months).

No…that’s not what you said. You said…

"But a newbie doesn’t because they don’t HAVE that knowledge and experience. They don’t even know what they want to be doing and if that would need Omega or not.”

You invented a standard, stereotypical ‘they’…the very antithesis of your insistence that everyone is different.

You are speaking with forked tongue.

I was enjoying this discussion more when some of you were offering suggestions for alternate L4 income as an Alpha.

You are arguing against 3-4 people, none of whom have any killboard. You may well be arguing against one person, roleplaying as many. One thing is clear, the killboard indicates you play EvE more than all of them combined.


The majority doesn’t. Just because some don’t that doesn’t mean that the majority doesn’t, so you going “I’m not” being main character syndrome stands. “no point playing without omega” etc etc.

Epeen does ! His remote viewing ability to know that you are not playing Eve because you typed in the forum must have been honed alongside other psychics at Stanford Institute.

Yeah not buying that.

Main character syndrome.

I think the bittervets just don’t like that I have now gained enough Eve experience to know when they are talking BS. I mean, like the ‘lack of combat’ comment on another thread…utter BS as I’ve had combat every day of the past month. And how would these people, many of whom never undock and who have no killboard, even know what combat is ?

The claim ( above ) that noobs have no idea about Omega is just yet more pure nonsense. I learned about Omega within a week of joining Eve, and went for it.

As a new player I started my own alliance.

What have they done? Anything?

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Still waiting out that timer?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: