There are way before the gank, not during.
Well, we’re clones so it doesn’t matter. It’s not like anyone dies or anything.
True. Tools are to be used properly.
There are way before the gank, not during.
Well, we’re clones so it doesn’t matter. It’s not like anyone dies or anything.
True. Tools are to be used properly.
Oof dude, that is pretty good help and free knowhow you are giving them for free. What a luck that they won’t do it, because if they followed your advices, we, gankers, would be pretty screwed.
Well except, that it still requires a player skill, fast reactions and to be actually present and play the game.
NEPF- is really trying hard lately and it seems they actually use your fit/strategies/knowhow whether they figured it out themselves or just followed the advices in your previous “how to be successful AG” thread. But their efficiency didn’t increase much anyway as they lack in one of the requirements I listed.
And here is a fun fact. After the criminals won’t be able to dock in higsec and everyone will be forced to fix their security status, their content of hunting criminals undocking from Jita will be gone. At least after some while, it is possible that once the changes happens, or now before the changes hits the server, lowsec criminals will be trying to evacuate their ships they have in Jita en masse increasing AG content. But that won’t last long and after a while there won’t be anyone for them to engage. What will they do then?
Mine in peace?
They can try it. But their AG history will make them a priority number 1 target for all the remaining griefers out there. Honestly I rather gank @Githany_Red’s 0 profit venture than some bling Hulk with Ore miners. I know that would be griefing in CCP’s eyes, and I will risk a ban for doing that, but killing AG while mining is just priceless!
Actually in my other AG guide, I outlined how to do that too
Of course there is during too. Maybe learn how to EVE?
They totally just took my knowledge
That’s why we have alts, no?
It’s nice irony but again, the AG can use their mining alts and the “griefers” as you call them, won’t know the difference.
Or people could rather fly one jump through practically empty lowsec, rather than going through the choke points.
I am learning. Slowly but surely. I’m not in any hurry.
Ah true. They will most likely biomass their AG chars and drop the activity completely indeed.
Not me
It’s good when people acknowledge it
I’ll never call it griefing
And I’m sorry to say I really don’t mine.
Cliff or one of his gankers jumped us once on a training op, that was fun and I’m sure they laughed about it, rightly so
I’m glad I provide meaning for you
Huh. Are you like that Vesperscooter guy and don’t understand time zones
Plus it’s a Monday
? I like posts all the time
Now generally that’s true but for the tourist ganker kill pods. Tourist ganker what I mean something like a fraternity gank fleet or a goon gank fleet, they sometimes forget to change as they don’t gank all the time, even Zaenis forgot to switch once.
Sorry dude, you wasted the text, it has been proven that the mountain must come to the player. The player does not go to the mountain, ever.
Well we can’t take your word on that. Hence we attack every miner we find, for a slight chance it is yours (or some other AG’s) alt.
That was great.
I do.
Ha ha ha
We already have a Hisec Ganking Changes thread.
This one looks more like a Trolling thread.
@ISD_Traindriver Merge?
How many of these useless threads are we going to have on this forum?