Hypercasual looking for people to do stuff in eve with


Won’t waste anyones time so get this out front quick:
I play games when I don’t do many other “life” things. When I play games, eve is rarely at the top of the list nowadays, hence the hypercasual in the title. However, I do get hooked occassionally and may even go nuts.
TZ: EU-nordic (of the blue and yellow variety)
Comms: Discord primarily but I do remember how ts & mumble works too.

I’ve come and gone since 2003, done a bit of this, a bit of that.

My three mains (main characters on omegas) are 125m sp , 130m sp and 240m sp mostly pvp. Got some mining too. Alts are seated around 30-100m ish SP, mostly for hauling junk and running missions in hs when bored. I would probably stick to playing on one for now (I ain’t very good at multiboxing anyway) and see where it goes from there.

I don’t mind doing whatever really. I’ve been in most areas spaces in some form or other perhaps except pochven too much. Low time spent playing means I am a super leech in WH nowadays as I rarely help out too much in tripwire to keep connections bright and sparkly.

Hey, we are just starting in High Sec and recruiting: GDawn :slight_smile:

Hi , Drama Llamas might be a option for you, we are a small corp living in 0.0 that treats EVE as a game. Check out our recruitment post here : https://forums.eveonline.com/t/us-eu-tz-drama-llamas-are-recruiting-pvp-pve-and-industry or pop into our recruitment channel in game “Llama Skool” and have a chat to see if we would be a good fit for you.


We are searching for new members. We are a nullsec pvp corp within Shadoo. Corp+ally srp sonyou can fully focus on doing fleet pvp.

Check us out:

Greetings Monkey

Tbh !

Hey there, I’m the CEO of Legion Ascending, a null sec PVPVE/INDY corp. We have our toes in all the things from industry to all forms of PVP to PVE. We are a bunch of laid back guys who enjoy playing together and doing things as a group, even if that is just chilling in comms talking smack. Come have a chat with us and see what you think, we will answer any questions you have.

Hey Cassandra,
We are a lowsec pirate alliance and corp always looking for more members. We are a smaller, mature group of pirates. RL first is one of our main things. Check us out and we can talk more.


Check out Primal Instinct!

o7 bro

Check us out at WEF. We very casual and looking for more bros to fly with always.