I am shocked at the merc profesion!

You were saying?

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Read the sentence and post in context before cherry picking 4 words out of it…

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EVE would be in a worse place if all the hs wardeccers turned to ganking

ganking needs to go before anyone looks at the wardec system

Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of you being an idiot

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Are you denying that EVE would suffer from having 200-300 (guesswork here, but probably an massive underestimate.) more gankers around? Ganking has it’s place in the game (i’ve partaken myself on occasion), but that level of increase in ganking would have consequences across the entirety of the game. Probably to the point that CCP would be forced to take action, which would not be good for the game.

But you knew all this already. Stop trying to twist peoples words.

An increase in ganking would change nothing

Actually less people would die because gankers would only shoot the things worth shooting at… not a bunch of shitfit frigs or cruisers :wink:

You don’t need the be the sharpest tool in the shed to figure that one out… lol

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Mpre people would leave the game if there were more gankers. Like you say economically ganking causes the lose of higher balue assets. It is sound logic to assume that it would be harder for players to replace their ganked assets.

Ganking a freighter should in my view cost more than it does now.

Dont get me wrong here. Ive done my fair share of ganking and would do more if ccp mess with the war mechanic in a negative way. I would play within the boundaries ccp set for ganking, but as it stands the cost vs reward heavily favours the gankers. Your only defending it as its your current way of life.

Remember im responding to you moaning about wars. Its quite simple. 500 mil to war dec goons for example vs the cost of a weeks worth of ganking ships. The rewards suggest more should gank.

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Sort of agree with Natural here, if all or most HS mercs went into ganking, that would be a massive increase to isk destruction in HS more so than wars get. When you take into account that all logi, boosting and scout alts could be nado pilots, a group the size of marmite or pirat could cover multiple areas with ease. Not to mention recruitment would be open and easy to find catalyst/bomber pilots more so than t3/logi pilots.

There is nothing wrong with ganking but if it gets to the point there are no more freighters moving in HS That then is a problem.
The anti ganking community can’t really do a lot against code, now imagine 5 or more code’s only in NPC corps you can’t even set red to avoid, Honestly don’t understand why anyone would want that over wars tbh.

I’m waiting to see what changes ccp actually make to HS wardecs, it’s something that, imo has been overdue for some time. There is plenty broken with the current wardec mechanics. I just hope its more small tweaks like war cost/duration or better options that benefit the defenders a bit more, than something too drastic.



Also, we need to debunk this idea that newbie corps are targeted by Mercs. I can’t think of a single reason why a Merc group would deliberately target newbie corps. It’s counter productive and a waste of time and isk. That isn’t to say that they don’t get wardecced, just that there is no intentional targeting of these corps as there is no profit or content to be gained in doing so.

Not the ganker’s fault if people fly around with 30b of space garbage in their holds

I have one gank to my active, and it was one of your H/K Stratios es

Ty for showing that you know as much about me as Yaosus :wink:

Do quote where I’m moaning about wars, you have to be mistaking me again lol

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In most cases new players aren’t targeted on purpose, and CCP have said new players that die are more likely to keep playing, But i think eve has changed so much that maybe this needs to be looked at again.
I could kill a vargur and it could turn out to be a new player who skill injected into it, you have no way of knowing who is or isn’t “new” without wasting the time to look them up.

This is one of the biggest arguments the anti wardecc ppl have (or had back when i paid attention) but i think its based more on groups like hoard or ivy who get into wars all the time by mercs and the new bro’s in HS are left to suffer.

I think CCP should make an “Alpha Corp” that can only be given by CCP to new player alliances they approve of like hoard, karmafleet or ivy etc. so that new players, both alpha and omega’s (under a preset age to join) can join them and be immune to wars while in Corp. (can still decc and kill hoard just this corp is not immune)
This in turn makes them unable to place structures anywhere or take criminal/suspect actions while in HS. maybe have a fixed low concord tax rate. and whatever else is needed to prevent abuses like jumping in and out of alpha Corp mode.

And before you think this is too out there, i can do this NOW.
Be in NPC Corp (avoid wars)
Use any citadel available to me (avoid owning my own)
Join bombers bar or twitch fleets for pvp in low or null
Jump in and out of NPC corps as i please.
I can make an in game channel and invite like minded miners and mission runners to it and be an unofficial Corp, a Corp is only a chat box anyway.

Downside to this current way is NPC corps are useless and new players would be better off being in an alliance catered to help them and provide better content opportunity’s.

and thus the argument of “but but think about the new players…” is taken care of. You’re welcome New Eden.

Lets be honest about this. The people who are saying “but but think of the new players…” couldn’t give a flying one about new players. They’re mostly null bears who don’t like being able to be killed in hisec. The fact that we have to even entertain the argument is ridiculous, but there you go.

Ultimately, the issue is the new player experience. The tutorial, although better than when I started (i.e. it exists), still doesn’t prepare players for the environment they’re entering. Unless you’re joining existing RL friends, there isn’t much there to guide players as to what to do once they’ve completed the tutorial.

I think rather than making horde, karma, ivy etc. immune to wars, these alliances should be signposted for new players - subject to CCP approval though.


the gank ships

More people would leave the game if there was more wardeccers too?

lol its super cheap and easy. thats why like 5 players cause 95% of freighter ganks

cool story bro

I spend more on gank ships in a weekend than you prolly have ever spent in a week on wars, war decs are incredibly cheap

People say that all the time, doesnt happen tho. It’s not as easy as people think

99% of mercs for instance give up when their target is in an npc corp or keeps switching. They wont even add ganking into their options and you think these guys are going to group up and get the pilots needed, and have them log in consistently? Thats assuming they knew all the dumb mechanics n stuff required to gank efficiently/competently

ganking is heaps more fun, if I want someone blown up, I just do it

lets be honest here, 95% of the people getting clubbed on gates from wardecs are either newbs or retards in large alliances


actually marmite declared war on my long dead alt corp about a week ago :joy::joy::joy:

They do indeed, its called ‘killboard padding’ though mostly done by the smaller alliances and corps.

Please do not tell me you manage and go through 20 accounts each time you shoot a target…like this :

You all use 3rd party software custom made or not. Not to mention the fact that logging in multiple Alpha accounts using the well known bug still works :slight_smile:

Not with ur completely trash setup I dont

Lol sure, wheres the proof?

Why would I use alphas when I can get 5.5mil sp and skill farm like a non retard? I’m one of the most reported players in the game, if I was doing this stuff id be permad already

Stay jelly tho


So your accusing people of botting but your current owner (yes, take it as your a pet of khromius) isn’t opposed to botting nor is anyone else in Pirat.


Yeah that layout you’ve given as an example is pretty trash. Using a cascading window layout is ideal for what Australian does. If you doubt the capability or want proof you can watch someone that does exactly what Australian does.


LOL and then a big brown shark came with a smart reply.

I don’t blame them anymore, they do what CCP allows them to do so for every ship that goes boom someone gets to smile and someone gets to cry. In this case CCP is always crying and the not-really-botters catalyst army commanders get to smile. Its as simple as that.

It’s good though that they brag about it on the forums. Your example helps too :slight_smile:

@Australian_Excellence no beef whatsoever. You just do what you like and while it is perfectly legit according to CCP you can keep on pushing the buttons :slight_smile:

heh. Was just trying to shed some light on how something that seems inhuman may be done. I recently used a similar setup for 5 - 25 gankers and it’s definitely doable. Like all things, it just takes practice.

I see the argument with not liking or agreeing with the degree of multiboxing that is used, but in my opinion CCP has driven the game to this point. I would totally agree that ganking ‘should’ be a group thing that isn’t easily multiboxed by a handful of dudes, but ganking is kinda in the same boat as wardecs. CCP has gutted the gameplay and made changes that hurt both play styles in such a way where a lot of our friends that would have done things with us no longer play… So in order to continue doing what we enjoy, you have to take it upon yourself to get it done.

No harm imo.