I believe Warp To Zero destroyed Eve (We should allow indterdictor SHIPS to operate in low-sec)

We’ve shot a raitaru today and it was actually worth it.
Who’d have thunk that people, who name their structures “t2 ship/components”,
actually put tons of expensive stuff into their raitaru?

I actually feel bad for these guys,
but they didn’t even try defending it.

And they DID name their structure “t2 ships/components”
which wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Dumb. So dumb.
It’s like he assumed he’s surrounded by nice people, or no one at all.

Anyhow …

[ 2019.11.02 17:29:56 ] Black Pedro > my god
[ 2019.11.02 17:29:57 ] Black Pedro > 8B
[ 2019.11.02 17:30:03 ] Black Pedro > guard this!
[ 2019.11.02 17:30:34 ] Solecist Project > what
[ 2019.11.02 17:30:37 ] Solecist Project > oh ■■■■

This forum really serves no higher purpose. Like any other forum, where the masses have easy access to, it devolved into a collective of mindless idiots who’ve lost the ability to recognize themselves. Sure, I’m slightly exaggerating. There are good threads out there, or … rather … good posts, but they’re rare enough that it just doesn’t matter.

Fact of the matter is that, the more one reads and post in environments like this one, the more one loses his humanity. I kid you not. One devolves into a mindless machine purely driven by lower instincts, where the ego demands you to defend it by claiming that the other guy is wrong and the person has absolute no understanding or way of telling that that, which he does, is not based on his own will.

There’s also no chance of “being the change you want to see in the world”, because - like all over the internet - the stupid drown out everything. Literally everything. I know I shouldn’t call them stupid, because to me it really looks like it’s some sort of disease. A weird phenomenon, where people disconnect themselves from … well … themselves actually … and instead enter some weird mental state where there is a virtual personality which does not recognize other human beings.

I’ve been there. I understand it now. Took even me a while and I’m supposed to be good at this. Many years of bans and, except for once or twice, no actual cheating unlike all the actual addicts with some serious mental health issues here, who have been banned and keep posting on new chars while claiming everyone else is bad. *coughfoggycough*

And here, in this thread, we have an asshole who wants lowsec to have bubbles. It’s totally not because he’s from nullsec, in Horde, where he can easily get three dozen people to undock. Oh no, nonono, of course not.

One thing is for sure, no matter what:

CCP does not, in any way or form, care about people who can use their brains for anything beyond simply reacting to impulses, which is the majority of people around here. Smart people simply don’t make as much money and dumb people love to attack each other instead of those who actually matter.

Dumb people believe they matter, which plays right into the hands of those who actually do. This forum provides plenty of evidence for that.

So instead, what we have here, is the same we have everywhere else. A huge amount of mindless morons who all suffer from some weird mental illness that makes them believe that there is a point in arguing around. It’s probably not classified as a mental illness, but it should be.

Oh well.

How are you doing?

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Even if it was because I’m in horde and could get dozens, hundreds to undock, what does that matter? I’ve been honest, whether or not you think I’ve been. But, even if I lie(d) about my motives, the logic of my arguments should be proof enough. Low-sec is fricken DEAD.

You killed someone’s structure, good for you! You were a bully, I’m glad you enjoy being a bully. Congradulations, you did the exact sort of thing I said I didn’t want to do.

I’m tired of people telling me I have to be a bully in this game to get content.

I’m tired of people telling me, “Go out and be a bully, there’s content everywhere!”

As you said, I’m in horde. If I wanted to, I can go on “whaling fleets” every single day. I can go through wormholes, and as a sabre bubble up poor unsuspecting, unprepared miners, and trap them, while my fleet comes in and bombs them with bombers. Or I can be a bomber and bomb them. I don’t need bubbles in low-sec for “easy kills.” You fricken morons, I can get easy kills.

I could blow the horde horn and set all the structures in low-sec on fire! But that’s being a bully. Why do you argue that I’m stupid because I don’t want to be a bully? Why do you argue that I’m a bully who wants to put bubbles up in low-sec, while if I wanted easy kills I can go bubble up miners in null-sec?

I don’t want to be a bully. I don’t want to go get kills from miners who weren’t fast enough to dock up. And I also don’t want to roam around looking for people who aren’t fast enough to dock up to kill. Because all of those people aren’t hurting anyone. They’re not bothering me especially. I don’t like killing innocent ratters (even if its likely their alts are roaming bullies), I don’t want to kill innocent miners (even if its likely their alts are roaming bullies).

If all I wanted was “easy kills” then I’d blow the horde horn and light low-sec structures on fire like you just did. You attacked some poor manufacturer, and made them cry. I hope you feel good about yourself. You probably do. You probably figure, “That’s Eve!” Well, it’s part of Eve, but not a part of Eve I want to participate in. I’ve done it, it’s boring. I’ve done it, I don’t feel good afterwards. I might do it again out of sheer bordem, until a point that I become as dead inside as you probably are, from being a bully that attacks structures based on their names, and what those names imply.

If I wanted to I could join a high-sec pirate corp and suicide gank freighters.

I’m not saying there’s no way to get kills like you morons seem to think. I’m saying, the only way to play Eve right now is as an idle-clicker and/or a bully. I’m bored with idle-clickers and don’t want to be a bully.

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I want to battle for something other than kill marks and kill board standing!

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Trying to keep sane by not constantly arguing with those who can’t be reasoned with.
And how are you doing?

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Then why do you want bubble camps in lowsec? Gatecamps, especially bubble camps, are a texbook example of what you call “bullying”. You set up a camp with overwhelming force and you kill everything that comes through, usually with a 10 second “fight”.

Overall I has the dumb.
Much if what you describe reminds me of Twitter. The “rage mobs” for example. Ever see what they post on say a Saturday morning or evening?
By default, these are people waking up alone or with someone they hate in the morning. And at night don’t want to go to bed alone or with someone they hate. So already out of the box they are going to be negative. Everything is going to be confrontational and something to rage at.
MMOs it appears are in something of a collapse. The days of 2004 to 2011 are not coming back. And it’s not the fault of the corporations that create, run, and maintenance MMOs. It’s the people playing them.

Remember when people actually cared about the game and enjoying it? They have been driven out but what you describe. But i can say that about life in general. They have not been driven out of living, just out of interacting. Seems like they moved on and outgrew this perhaps. As the old saying goes: When you wrestle with a pig in the mud, you and the pig will be filthy but the pig will be happy.

Sad though. Eve is looking better than it ever has and is chock full of features and such. They do try. But now nobody cares beyond their own version of their ego projected into the game. It’s like watching the same bad actors in different roles, unconvincing at every one of them, and it’s the same person only in one film he has a cowboy hat, in another he has a soldiers helmet, etc. There are no more “Eve Players”, just people taking their RL category (narcissist, OCD, too much Ritalin, hater, Depressive personality) into Eve and making others suffer it.

Sometimes I hold out hope that the world will heal as would the people in it and start playing again.


You clearly didn’t read my first post, or this thread. I’m so sick and tired of everyone assuming I want to gate-camp low-sec.

Three is a big difference between me understanding that other people like(d) to gate-camp low-sec, and me wanting to gate-camp low-sec.

There is a big difference between me wanting to go hunting for a tiger, and me wanting to be a tiger.

I want to allow and encourage others to gate-camp low-sec. And you know what, it doesn’t fricken matter if you actually believe me because the logic of my idea still stands on its own. If we allow people to more easily gate-camp low-sec, then people will gate-camp in low-sec. And if people are gate-camping in low-sec, then low-sec becomes more populated. And if low-sec becomes more populated, then low-sec becomes more dangerous. And if low-sec becomes more dangerous, then people will have to deal with that danger if they want access to low-sec for things like Faction Warfare and Level 4 missions, and ore (is there special ore in low-sec, I don’t even know). Etc. etc. etc. Which means more action in Eve overall. Which means things are more interesting. Which means things are not-boring.

And last I checked the reason people play games is so they can do something that’s not boring. That, and gratification, a way to feel like they achieved something.

I’d argue it also a matter of choice, and novelty is mostly gone. Also, there’s so many great games that don’t require upkeep to play, you can get in and out of them when you want, and then people end up spending all their time in them, knowing/believing “I can quit anytime I want.”

There are several streamers I know of who have been playing virtually nothing but Starcraft II ever since it came out. It’s a low commitment game, but they’ve committed to it. (Low commitment, unless you want to be a pro-gamer, which admittedly a few of the ones I’ve mentioned were at some point pro-gamers if you don’t count the streaming.)

My point is, MMOs (video games in generally really) have become like movies and books, they’re entertainment, but there’s so much to choose from now, everyone is playing different ones, and people may recommend this one or that one to their friends, but it isn’t like the old days where if you wanted to play an FPS, the only one worth playing on the PC was Doom, and if you wanted an RTS you’d pick Red Alert or Starcraft.

I have no idea what you’re saying here, though I believe you’re saying the same thing you already said?

Indeed! There’s so much more to Eve, and it looks so much nicer, than when it was first launched.

Well, that’s true about everything really. I mean, do you care about my version here? Or do you just want to call me out for caring about my version here? Do you want to care about my version here? Or only want me to care about your version there?

I see that, and I’d like to bring in more Eve players. The log-ins for Eve has been steady as people argue. But, I see people taking on more and more alts. I believe people are quitting, and people who stay are just playing with more and more clients open, multi-boxing with more and more alts. As I’ve said several times already in this thread, Eve has become an idle-clicker game. You don’t have to pay attention like you used to. Its become less dangerous, and people have become complacent as result.

Also, I suspect you’re describing yourself. Because you clearly are unable to see this from my point of view, while I can see it from yours. Yours is, “I don’t want Eve to be more dangerous or more difficult!” and “I want Eve to be easy, and boring, because I’m afraid of flying through low-sec if there’s gate-camps in low-sec!”

It seems to me that you and others who accuse me of wanting easy kills in low-sec are really the ones that want Eve to be easy.

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I should not be able to fly and unarmed and unarmored industrial ship through low-sec on autopilot and survive in Eve. Something is seriously wrong with EVE ONLINE when I can.

I can literally haul things from one end of the galaxy to the other in my sleep.

Games are supposed to be interactive (some more than others), but if I can do it while sleeping, I wouldn’t call that interactive.

It’s about d*** time…

But, I might have made it if I wasn’t on autopilot.

On second thought, looking at their killboard probably not. It looks like they actually camp there. That’s awesome.

I still stand by my original post, but this ‘loss’ actually warms my heart. :slight_smile:

Personally I’m actually doing alright. Real life could always be better, but there’s no pressure at all. In game I’ve got a relatively fat wallet, (never been this ISK rich because I never gave a ■■■■) a big stack of PLEX I’ll keep growing for the inevitable spike next year (or inevitable death, depending on how you see it) and hope that I can eventually sub enough chars so I, hopefully together with Pedro, can start shooting people who really deserve it … in the most demoralising and disheartening manner possible.

Maybe we should make our own forums. With actual blackjack and hookers. Well, maybe just virtual hookers but hey, gotta start somewhere! There’s no actually good place to hang out and talk. There’s no Mos Eisley for people like us, where wannabes don’t get to post unless they adapt to the culture and standards.

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I don’t know if I should respond, or not. It’s a good post, I’d have things to respond, but it might as well just stand on its own. It’s your good post, so I’d rather have you decide.

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Well, I don’t know what you’re referring to if you should post or not, but please feel free to.

Dude. Stop being stupid. It’s the inevitable outcome when you introduce bubbles to lowsec. You too will end up in a gate-camp because everyone else will want to simply because it’s easy to do when you can hide in a group of two or three dozen people.

It doesn’t ■■■■■■■ matter what you want.
What matters is the outcomes of your idea.

For you it’s just about yourself. For us it’s about the game. You don’t give a ■■■■ about the game and you clearly don’t give a ■■■■ about lowsec. All you give a ■■■■ about is yourself. You want this, you want that, blablabla. It’s always just Me Me Me.

From there you’ve built up this whole imaginary logic behind what you think is going to happen, but it’s all nonsense. It’s all based on what you want for yourself and not what you want for the game. If you don’t believe me then just look at where all of this came from. What made you post this in the first place?

Your desire came first, the rest built up on it.

Are you suffering from constant headaches?

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Just look at yourself. I wasn’t even talking to you. You’re not even remotely an authority. You just think everything revolves around you, absolutely underlining what I’ve written in my above post.

And, because I’ve read through your reply to Herzog Wolfhammer … holy ■■■■, dude, you have no actual understanding of what he is talking about. Your understanding is horribly superficial, yet you believe you’re actually in a position to reply to him.

Congratulations, you’re an asshole.


I’ve spent enough time in gate camps to know that’s not what I want to do. :stuck_out_tongue: I once FC’d a gate-camp for 48 hours strait, and that’s when I got my feel.

Right, the outcome of my idea is that there’s going to be gate-camps in low-sec. “Everywhere,” as some have said, and that’s pretty accurate probably.

I feel you have me wrong there. I am about me, but I’m also about the game. I hear people in my alliance comms crying about wanting content all day long, nearly every day.

My logic comes from seeing how Eve was back when Warp-To-Zero wasn’t a feature, and watching it over the years decline into what it is now. I have real-life experience of how Eve was and how Eve is, as I’ve been playing that long. I recall the days where pirates were everywhere in low-sec, where factions of pirates fought over low-sec. And I see it today where there’s virtually no one in low-sec.

Now, do I cover all the reasons here why low-sec is so empty? No. There’s things like others have mentioned here, resource proliferation, of which I’ve seen other threads on this forum about. There’s the fact that in null-sec you can protect yourself easier, since you can attack first and not worry about security status, or gate guns, or stations guns. You can setup a cap or bubble around your miners, and other carebears/krabbers, and give them ample warning and cover of incoming enemies in null-sec. Null-sec is for player-empires, and has become player empires.

Null-sec is pretty empty these days due to resource proliferation and other things as well.

Someone in my comms said it best the other day, “There’s no reason to go to war. Everyone’s learned that cooperation is more profitable.” - And that gives me hope for humanity in real life, in the future.

One of the major things I miss in Eve, which I’ve said several times in this thread, and elsewhere on these forums, is the feeling and need to be fighting FOR something. There’s no need to fight for an empire, I know vast areas of nullsec right now I could move a corporation into, they’re empty. And, I don’t want the headache of running corporations again. I want to be part of a corp, not the head of a corp again.

I want to be a soldier fighting for an ideal. I want to be a knight in shining armor. A paladin. Not a pirate, not a bully, not a mercenary.

Yes, I’m posting my desires, and yes, I’m doing it because because its what I want… but I’m not doing it because I’m the only one who wants it. - There have been others who have expressed they like my idea in this thread, as well as those who express they don’t and think its a bad idea, and those who attacked me for having this idea. - But, I hear people on comms saying they want content, and so I started thinking of ways to get them content, so you’re wrong, its not all about me. You’ve misjudged me there.

I would like these things, I’ve said that and don’t deny that… but read up in this thread, you’ll see I’ve posted that I hear this often in my comms…

So, I am thinking of people other than myself.
I’m thinking of me.
I’m thinking of my alliance mates.
I’m thinking the people who left Eve because they couldn’t ransom people any more.
I’m thinking of everyone in Eve really, even those who think this is a bad idea (because I think its a good idea). Like medicine, it may taste nasty, but when you need it you need it.

You asked permission to post in the thread, and I was both the original poster and the last poster before you asked, and you didn’t quote anyone. How was I not supposed to know you were asking me?

And, I agree, you don’t have to ask my permission, but from my perspective you did. I thought it was weird, but wasn’t going to say no, or not respond because a non-response would be like a no.

You know what … I’ve changed my mind.

I don’t think you’re dumb. You’ve proven that you’re not.

I don’t do Twitter. I have an account I don’t use and it’s not installed on my mobile … and never will, because I could use a browser anyway. Twitter is a cancer to a free society, in my eyes, where the court of stupid public opinion can decide the fate of people, also thanks to retarded (especially US-)mainstream media feeding right into and off of it.

Yes. EVE’s a collection of mini games nowadays, not an RPG of actual individuals. That’s thanks to CCP catering to extremist carebears, who have no emotional connection to anything, including themselves and le Mittani making sure that more and more of those suckers are coming into the game.

Btw, did you know that he and CCP Hellmar had a private talk? Did you actually notice that, in the past, Mittens deliberately starting going for miners and carebears, which fit right into the development of the game? He was the only big leader to go that route and it was as if he had foreseen future developments.

Now they had a talk again. The leader of the biggest group of players with the boss of the company. I’m curious about how that’s going to work out.

Honestly, wrestling with a (small :blush:) pig in the mud sounds damn fun! :smiley:

Yeah, like the guy who made this thread. :slight_smile:

I don’t know. It’s going to take a few years in game, but it’s likely not going to happen in real life. Politicians world wide wouldn’t want that, because the best citizen is a mindless, stupid citizen.

This one as last. It actually is their fault. They did that to themselves. At some point in the past games transitioned into being easier to avoid the emotionally unstable, irrational customers to be unhappy. This is the fundament of the current landscape, which further and further (d)evolved into psychological abuse of mindless morons, breeding even more mindless morons by infecting new players (aka teenagers who never got to know anything different).

Remember FarmVille? It was a milestone of abuse and ignited a golden era of psychological abuse the whole industry praised, ignoring that it’s literally taking advantage of people who have no will of their own.


How do the ISD decide when to lock a troll post?

Reported. Discussing forum moderation is not allowed.

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