I believe Warp To Zero destroyed Eve (We should allow indterdictor SHIPS to operate in low-sec)

I haven’t deleted a thing.

Well, I can’t remember every name I’ve replied to, but I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job of quoting what I’ve responded to, and reading every post in this thread. Not that I have to, but I’m in a certain kind of mood now.

One that I get in when people argue with me after not reading the post they’re arguing against.

If you don’t think Warp-To-Zero destroyed Eve, that’s great. Everyone’s welcome to their opinion. :smiley:

Just because I only quoted only part of a post, and only responded to the part(s) I quoted, doesn’t mean I didn’t read the whole thing. :smiley:

If I didn’t respond to a part of a post, it suggests I might agree with it, or it’s like your feelings man, and you can feel how you feel you should feel. :smiley:

Read yes, comprehend not so much. Yea that is my opinion. Yet your reply goes into a complete tirade on bookmarks, of which I said nothing about in terms of your proposed solution(s).

If anything any solution is largely pointless if the premise is flawed. Sure you could say that warp to zero had a “negative” effect of making travel between gates “safer” I would counter that with warp to zero you have far more people willing to travel into dangerous parts of EVE, which adds to the total number of potential targets.

Regardless, it has been a feature change that occurred so long ago, trying to revert it, as you said in the OP would really destroy EVE. That ship has sailed.

The top part, you stated your opinion. The way you feel. Ok. Great! You feel it didn’t destroy Eve.

And that’s where you implied that they had to put warp-to-zero in, because of bookmarks.

So, I explained, they could have removed the bookmarks and still not done warp to zero.

What am I not comprehending?

What am I not getting, you implied they added warp-to-zero because of the bookmarks.

My solution is to allow interdictor bubbles FROM SHIPS in low-sec.

Because the reason for the 15km before was to force a danger zone before each gateway. But players got around that danger zone by creating bookmarks. CCP had to remove the bookmarks because it was hurting their servers/databases. They could have made it so ships never landed closer than 15km from gates and stations, but they choose to go with warp-to-zero. Players could warp past pirates in low-sec, pirate players got blue-balled, pirate players quit, pirate hunters got blue-balled, pirate hunters quit, Eve became high-sec mission runners and cargo haulers, high-sec suicide-gankers, and null-sec empires. Things didn’t get as bad as they are now overnight, there were empire wars, it took a while, for (as a player above expressed, the players ‘got good’ while the ‘bad players’ quit) CCP tried doing Faction Warfare (Oh, another thing I recommended… where are the old forum archives? I want my receipts! JK - Kinda)… but Faction Warfare just became another way of farming, low-action, lots of boredom as people sat on beacons watching D-Scan. I’ve watched the game get better and better in many ways over the years, and the one thing looking back where I feel CCP went wrong was with the warp-to-zero… because Eve has NEVER been the same since. Removing that one thing changed the dynamic of the game completely, and its been getting more and more farmer, and idle-click-game ever since.

So here’s my stance on the issue (which may have been mentioned, not gonna read 88 posts to find out)…

WTZ only works if you manually initiate warp. If you’re relying on AP, then you’ll still land some distance away (used to be 15km, now it’s 10km, which just goes to show that CCP doesn’t support letting people land that far away anymore).

So WTZ is a reward for actually playing the game, and WT10-15 is a punishment for AFK’ing. If you go back to punishing everyone equally whether they’re AFK or not, it’s not going to make the game more interesting, it’s only going to make the game more punishing.

This isn’t adding content, it isn’t making the game more exciting. All it’s doing is rewarding gate campers with more kills. Punishing anyone that wants to travel from A to B, and rewarding anyone willing to park in one spot all day long waiting for a target to fall in their lap.

Now… if you think this would be fun and exciting for the travelers rather than the campers, then give it a try for yourself! Nothing requires you to WTZ. You can set the new default for that button to 10 or 15km. And then every time you warp anywhere, you’ll end up 15km away from where you wanted to be. Then you can slowboat the rest of the way, and see how many times you get your ass blown up. See how much fun is it, before you condemn everyone on the server to the same fate…

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I’ll quote and respond to your whole post since you seem to think I’m not reading your whole post unless I do.

Right, that’s how ti works.

That is kinda how it is, yes, we agree on that. I don’t see how you think I disagree here. We agree here.

We disagree here. I strongly disagree with you here.

Not, -only- make it more punishing. Also, it’ll only make it more punishing for SOME. And, that ‘more punishing’ also makes the game more interesting, which is partly why I disagree with you in the line above.

Danger is exciting. Content is exciting. I believe it will make the game more exciting.

You think only the gate campers will be getting kills? You’re clearly missing my point. I plan on killing many of those gate campers myself… or dying trying.

Also, while I can understand you not wanting to be a gate camper, if you think its a matter of fairness, you can be a gate camper yourself. I don’t recommend it. Personally, I recommend being a gate-camp-smasher… that’s more fun IMO.

Well, you can see it as a punishment, if you want to. But this is Eve, and Eve shouldn’t be safe. Eve is a game where people can kill you and take your stuff (if it drops). They could make it like other games where you drop nothing at all when your ship is destroyed, like many other MMOs out there with ships… but Eve is supposed to be dangerous and ‘punishing’ that’s how it was originally designed, and is what I’m saying they’ve gotten away from, starting with, and especially with the warp-to-zero thing. They took out the ‘punishing’ part… and we’ve had ISK Inflation since then. Ships are super fricken cheap. And everyone sits around ratting and mining, and running when a nuet appears in local, and if they lose a ship its no big deal because ships are so fricken cheap.

That’s what the foolish gate campers will think. :smiley:

I have auto-piloted through low-sec several times over the course of a few days days, round trips into low-sec to buy things and then back to null-sec where I live, going many jumps (I didn’t count, and now wish I had so I could say how many jumps here on record, but I didn’t count.) and NO ONE ATTACKED ME!

I did it because I was so bored, and the hauler I was in was so cheap, I didn’t care if I lost it on the way out there, and since no one bothered me outbound, I decided to try it going home-bound for the excitement factor.

Let me repeat that:

I sat back and watched the game out of the corner of my eye while watching a TV show with the other eye. And I was only watching to see who would attack me. Nobody did!

I did, I got blowed up zero times. ZERO TIMES!

I did get killed in null-sec, O-V… by an interdictor! An interdictor (and a friend) who were waiting there, BECAUSE THEY COULD USE BUBBLES. And I wasn’t auto-piloting that one, and made several mistakes. It was exciting.

I’m not asking them to remove warp-to-zero.

That’s exactly what you’re asking for, is to remove WTZ. You want to prevent anyone from getting closer than 15km, you said so yourself.

This 100% supports gate campers, and 100% punishes anyone interested in passing through. It would not have any influence on players who are interested in PvP roaming, b/c they don’t care about WTZ. They care about getting into targeting range so they can shoot. They’re going to warp near the gate, then circle around and start getting into range of the campers. WTZ won’t affect that at all.

I said this punishes traveling, and rewards camping, and your reply was “so go be a camper too”. That’s ass backwards thinking. You want to make the game more fun, by expecting everyone to park their ass next to a gate and wait for targets. If everyone is parked somewhere, nobody is going to come along as a target. Because all the potential targets, the ones just trying to get somewhere, know that it’s hopeless. They can’t travel anymore b/c they never reach their destination. They get kinda close to their destination, and then a bunch of lazy ass campers blow them up.

This is a bad idea.


I still have those old sets of bookmarks for warping to 0 that were the rage 'n fad back in the day. 200 million per region pls and thank you.

I know right?
To bad they don’t get you through warp bubbles. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re correct, there very few unsafe routes between hubs.

But doing so can increase the number of jumps up to 50.
Though that’s the extremely safe.

If you got shortest route you’ll cut number of jumps, but have more lowsec system jumps. With that a slight increase chance of gate camps, etc… , but a good fit and knowledge of systems you can get through without too much issues.

Let me put this post through my deluxe Eve Translator™

“Hurr durr CCPlease I’m sitting at this gate all day and can’t get a kill! Do something!”.


Same, got a whole route bookmarked out to edge of null, from the days of the nullsec gold rush back in2005.

Back in the days of minefields and limited ship options. And things like learning skills


You need to get your translator fixed, because it is way off.

I really don’t like that idea. Still, that could be an interesting test from CCP. “every gate is surrounded by a bubble of radius +15km”.
only intis would be worth playing.

Have you seen my video(s) in this thread?

Eve used to have RANSOM-PIRATES in low sec. Eve used to be filled with pirates, which means filled with people (in low sec), which means more “content.”

Did not watch and don’t intend to. No explanation of the vid, not interested.
That’s just an unpolite dump.

Its boring. Each one of them is 10 to 20 minutes of me flying a hauler, without any tank-fit, on autopilot, through low-sec, and not dying.

More flying through low-sec in an un-tanked hauler, and not dying…

Low-sec should not be safer than High-sec.

Eve shouldn’t be safe. Safe is boring.

Wow. I read everything.

OP You knew dufnut right? Rolling Thunder?

I applaud you for your commitment to this thread. I think hics and interdiction spheres in low sec is a terrible idea.

Also, I already have too many bookmarks on my high sec trade routes (220s from gates) on HIGH SEC FFS!

I took a break in 2018 because too many bored goons and nothing big going on in null brought the bored blap and blop fleets to low/ high sec for .5 gate gate camps. I mean trade was just not possible for me. There were too many bored blappers.

I used to love null sec alliances. Until I didn’t. Very lazy folks (not all of course, but many) say what you will about supposed carebears in eve, and feel free to pull rank on me for “time served” like so many people do in mmos.

But, miners/ mission runners etc. Are still enjoying eve (again not all, but many) and they aren’t as easy to kill as they were in say… 2010?

I’ve noticed a hardening since then. I have also noticed a lot of bored/ upset alpha/ beta/ launch players (Duf included) who threw their hands up and sold everything.

Now, duf was in another game, a game we also played together, in that other game when our group got nerfed for kicking way too much ass, he came back to eve, where he KNEW he could kick ass, until he couldn’t anymore.

I love duf, but had I not known him personally, I’d have quit eve not long after I started. I love duf but players like him; as someone else stated before me, players like him, should step away; because no amount of tweaking will bring back the glory days of endless easy kills.

I emphasize because my entire guild was essentially destroyed because of “balancing”. But after years of reflecting on it, I do now see that we were literally choking the community out. We were part of the problem.

Marcus_Right I respect your passion for the game, but I think you are Marcus_Wrong

Especially to say that this is for “content”, also I agree with someone who said you should be the change you want to see. I think if you can find a way to create some change, hell, you’re a veteran; start a corporation!

Thanks for posting, great discussion, fly safe o/

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