I believe Warp To Zero destroyed Eve (We should allow indterdictor SHIPS to operate in low-sec)

Another person who doesn’t know how to read.

Lol no. Lowsec is boring because nobody goes there unless they’re FW bots or looking for random fights. Making gatecamps even more effective at keeping people out is not going to make it more interesting.

Those of you haven’t read, or think I’m lying, and just looking for easy kills.

What do you think the odds of an industrial ship warping through low-sec for several jumps has of survival?

You explained one way it would make things more interesting in your own paragraph.

You’d have people popping bots!

Are you a botter? Do you want to keep your FW bots going? I bet you’re just afraid of your FW bots being stopped by priates!

If you want to make lowsec more interesting significantly increase gate gun damage and then move all level 4 mission (and equivalent-profit activities) to lowsec. Now there’s a reason to be in lowsec and a chance of actually getting there without getting insta-killed on the first gate in. IOW, targets to hunt and you have to hunt for them instead of passively camping and killing everything that passes by.

Why make gate guns do more damage?

People already pop FW bots and the FW bots don’t care because they’re flying unfitted T1 frigates. The bot just returns to its station and gets the next unfitted T1 frigate. There’s nothing interesting about it on either side.

It would be interesting for the gate campers. And at least there WOULD BE someone there, the gate campers!

Faction warfare people might actually… ummm… have a war. Too.

Then I suggest you head to Otou/Miroitem/Rancer and tell Miss Missile “Sol said Hi” right before they kick your candy ass back to the clone vat.


The last thing CCP is going to do …
… is listening to some ass from nullsec about what to do with lowsec.

The even laster (heh) thing CCP is going to do …
… is pissing off literally everyone who plays in lowsec …
… because some nullsec asshats want it to be easier for them.

You’re full of ■■■■.

The only people who have a valid thing to say about lowsec …
… are the very same people who actually play in lowsec.

YOU aren’t one of them.

So that the PvE players can reach the PvE activities without just getting killed the moment they jump into a system and therefore might actually try going to lowsec. If you want to kill them you can hunt them down in their missions where it’s an interesting fight.

Rance is still around aye? I never checked.

Insta-killing unfitted T1 frigates is not “interesting” by any reasonable definition of the word.

Hell, now YOU start with ■■■■■■■■!
You know damn well how much of a stinking pile of ■■■■■■■■ this is!

No one who is scared of losing ■■■■ is going to lowsec and anything else but perfect safety isn’t going to get them to do anything in lowsec.

What the ■■■■ is wrong with you people?

Why don’t you let CCP decide that?

No, I want to make it harder for everyone to go through low-sec. Not make it easier for me. I live in nullsec right now, I have it easy… TO FRICKEN EASY!

A baby can play in low-sec right now. I play in null-sec because its slightly more difficult and slightly more interesting than high-sec.

Fine, then they can ragequit and go back to WoW because it is no longer possible to make endgame-level ISK in highsec. The strong survive, the weak go back to WoW, just as god intended.

You guys didn’t answer me, what are the odds of an industrial ship going into low-sec right now, jumping, say 5 jumps, and surviving?

Much lower than the odds of doing the same in highsec unless the pilot is an idiot.

“There are no pirates in lowsec anymore” coming from the guy
who doesn’t even make sure to check if there are any pirates in lowsec.

Full of ■■■■.


Autopilot the whole way.

I can do that all day long, every day, any time of day.
Low-Sec is F***ING BORING!

And I know, because I do it with cargo on different characters.

That’s nice, now do that in highsec without being an idiot. Same result, the only difference is that in lowsec it’s actually possible that you might encounter someone and lose the ship.