Yes, that is very true. Recent changes clearly shows that CCP is reinforcing PvP aspect of this game and it’s lowering the overall “security” in high sec. And they’ll continue to do so, because CCP want this game to be more “action-packed”, more challenging, more dangerous. And they never cared about high sec space - right now that space is just like a burning brothel, and they still don’t give a single f… about that situation. Because, you know - Triglavian invasion. Brand new chapter that will change known space forever, etc.
I know it’s hard to adapt and find new ways of enjoying this game, but at least try. And if it’s not your jig anymore, then better leave EVE and find another game. Never, ever playing any game should cause frustration or bitterness in you.
Firstly thank you for sharing your opinions and views, often people do not even try to come out an engage at this level, despite you obviously going to get allot of “ok boomer” type statements you have raised your concerns. I think you are definitely inconvenienced and annoyed at this fact but let’s see if I can be constructive for you.
I would suggest that CCP encourage instead of force. They have statistics and stories form players who stepped out of the comfort zone and entered PVP with positive outcomes. These stories are more popular than any other but statics have show that players who get shot tend to stay in the game longer. I cannot specifically remember the quote from Hilmar but the basis is that.
You of cause can avoid this type of engagement however and start to use another system during this conflict. I would like to add that I am an industrialist and I too hate the relocating and new setups of infrastructure due to any change, but I also except this and try to capitalise on new markets and new demands in the area.
I feel that this is your frustration playing out here, which when tilted can happen. This is a sandbox game and all are invited, you can go an entire lifetime in eve without loss whilst exploring the whole map #KatiaSae. I am a a CEO of a casual group of industrialists so I get to experience player frustration from changes allot.
Turn this seemingly negative into a positive, categorise your issues in a careful complete manner and if there is anything of substance it will be discussed, of that I am sure.
In the mean time try to hold onto your game, your community and your stuff. Playing with others and keeping positive makes a whole world of a difference. It maybe time to look for that next step in your EVE career and this could very well be the catalyst for a greater change. It was for me.
That would be best done on other channels to save confusion caused by explanation , instead of trying to read it , analyze the text, and draw your own understand from the conclusion.
It also helps me to detect where the lack of perception and understand lies.
That was always false since 1967, so 53 years, without 1 fault, and , most likely, ever.
Since, courts refuses to prosecute , I don’t accuse.
I just merely analyze the facts and report it to military for intelligence purposes.
I also accept intelligence instead of being made more stupid, which is also used as intelligence against the source of the attacks.
It does so occur to me that I did read more than libraries worth of material , which, if left unsecured, would end up being used in vain, or not used.
So, just because others are getting it easier from the works of others, doesn’t mean that they don’t have the means to solve the problem.
Also, if they ask for a tailor custom solution to those with which they find a problem to be solved, and, don’t accept it, it may be that part of the source of the problem comes from them.
The original poster mentions about that , High-sec systems were changed to low sec from Triglavian.
Then mention about influences, hopefully not under the heavy influence of opioids, and, as a result, have to join PvP activities, which , they didn’t have to join before, while under protection from CONCORD heavy influence , not of Opoids.
Some people’s opinion of opiods may vary based on strength, storage, hopefully not hallucinogen, which would hamper their perception, and so on.
Some player lost their ship in these updates.
Did they find their ship back yet?
Or, perhaps, do those players have a kick of claiming their happiness to lost ship reverb against them, rather than others, which , based upon their base, was their way of life, as a clone without reproductive powers, if not part of the most attractive thing of this game (or program, or game program).
So, therefore, to want to do so, against the players will, by forcing them to lose their kick of it, while being able to take the blame, or, accept the 80% of income from that frustrated opinion.
I think if you lower your head on the way out, you may avoid the kick, and the top of the door frame.
I really don’t know ,
I’m not there.
Other players may have a better insight in what you liked, and,
and the condition change affect your experience,
and, adaptation costs and efforts required if any.
There may be a good reason why you feel that way,
and, there may be an opportunity to solve the problem.
If you think studying knowledge and understanding was enough to make good use of the knowledge, and use the power from it to help society.
No, but no, due to attempt to capitalize on the lack of knowledge, and , misunderstanding, one has to study this lack of knowledge, and yet derive more analysis from it to even be able to compensate enough for the insults to injury and survive (or profit).
Then they get into competition to get more than the others, and try to discredit them,
so yes, there is no use.
Next is to find from analysis why they tried to cause of the loss of gain, and what benefit they try to justify from forfeiting other’s work.
That may save other the problem or, solve the war.
They also try to circumvent security measures, which, requires analysis, since, they are used to forfeit yet more work, and so on , to build onto their assets from those forfeitures, and cover up attacks, and blame the victim for making accusations when they are reporting attacks, to cover their attacks, and their intent to attacks, in acts of war.
Then it’s not enough, to provide for their security, the whole cycle of knowledge, lack of knowledge, competition, and attacks analysis, must be repeated, including the interference of report as a threat to their security, although there is more scientific evidence of the fact and how they tried to refuse it for their own gain.
If no one died from greed, everyone could be greedy as a virtue and would not die from it, since, vice only lead to death, not life.
Coercing others into vice will inevitably interfere against their ability to procreate or, enjoy any virtue due to the amount of damage intended on them.
When they try to coerce to not mention about past attacks & offer false benefit to take it away it’s not being honest.
It’s fraud and extortion.
They not only can’t see how they try to forfeit about mentioning it, but, they also are quick to make false accusation to try to cause confusion, and, get away with it.
It cannot work, and , also, is quite stupid.
In fact, it’s illegal to hide them, and, they not only know it, they also try to get those who know in problem from the knowledge, while trying to get away with interfering against their right to report it.
I rather protect my family from them.
I can’t believe that would ever end up well.
Their accusation are based on less than 1% of the damage they cause.
The rest of the problem they hide, they try to keep it to themselves, to use it against others, they try to build assets against.
That is how they build their military bases and effective.
In other words, they do not only coerce the target in wrongdoing,
they also plan to use it to cover their own actions,
and, also try to get away with it, while building up forces and confusing others.
They bring focus to confusions, complexity, and so on.
They literally create it.
In fact, it’s the exact same rate of their asset based system, which, they try to create diversion from.
It’s how they actually make money.
They go and make false claims of accusation against them, while they try to indict and blame for endangering their security, and, making false reports of accusation and attacks, and crimes .
They then try to create confusion and silence communication in regards to how this does apply to benefit to society, which they want to credit themselves of, and discredit those they target to get income away from , and , steal credit of, like if they didn’t do that, and , didn’t get paid to do that.
The amount they get from the diversion is the balance they get left, and then, try to use against those they attack.
That is when they claim damage to their security, since, it is how they try to gain that security.
They can’t see why and how this interference has to be monitored and recorded to save lives instead.
Because it is how it causes death.
They omit all the parts they omitted to create the confusion, and, try to hide how they confuse others.
I personally would rather monitor it to design better hardware systems.
I can see why and how courts and police use it.
They try to divert and make their actions and attacks seem honest, when it is not.
It’s that misleading fraud and confusion they try to get away with, and, hide behind public support and taxpayers, which is not what fairness is.
For that fairness to happen, those relied on also need to be fair, and not abusive.
While, it may work in numbers, it will not stand more stringent scientific tests.
Therefore , the value of the test is only as good as the one that gives the test.
While there is place for integrity, it doesn’t mean that it cannot be improved.
In fact, I know and understand that there is a number that works in number, however, it is not meant to be working good, or, at least not 2/3 of the time, which is more than it takes to interfere against sharing marital assets half and half, equally.
Just because they always did it wrong doesn’t mean that they should change it , if it works.
It also doesn’t mean that it will ever be right that way.
They try to create merit based on someone’s decision rather than based on scientific facts, from scientific work, while , others get their merit from someone’s decision, rather than based on scientific work.
This leads to this concept of judges, like if some kind of art, rather than facts.
Marriages are not art, they are scientific and biologic facts.