I gave EVE a try --cannot recommend to new players

I didn’t say why player leave. I said, the #1 factor (as stated by CCP) that determines if people are in that group of 393 players at 90 days, is whether they were involved in PVP. I specifically wrote that PVP is not the main reason players leave. It’s the #1 factor associated with those that stay.

I could speculate that it’s the crap nature of PVE in the game and especially mining, but that would be pure speculation, so I’d rather not claim that the reason players leave, only challenge idiots that claim PVP is the reason, especially when they fail to acknowledge what CCP has said from their research.


According to CCP Hilmar’s presentation, it’s that those new players were part of a social group that helped them understand why they lost their ship, helped them quickly recoup their loss and helped them get revenge

He wasn’t talking about new players doing a duel or joining a fleet for a low sec roam or fighting in an Alliance war.

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Given your situation, I think what you meant to say was “If you want to play a game without thinking about it, or learning from your mistakes, or adjusting your strategy to the situation rather than blindly banging your head against a brick wall, you should not play EVE”.

With that rephrasing, your advice seems legit.

This part seems a bit odd. I’m guessing you’re saying something like “GMs moderated me for turning into a flaming d-bag against the people who blew me up multiple times even though I repeatedly flew my ship out to be slaughtered like some crazed lemming. It should be completely okay to be a flaming d-bag if other players take advantage of my foolishness, but somehow the rules are the same for everyone and that’s just not right. I’m special, and they deserved what I felt like saying, and that should have been allowed.”

So if you modify your post to say “People who want to play without thinking or learning or changing their strategy should give EVE a pass, and if you have no ability to manage your temper and treat other people with respect when they play by the rules, even if those rules inconvenience you, then you should also play something other than EVE”.

Now your post would be doubly legit and actually accurate, and I would even consider giving it a like.

Let me know when you’ve finished editing it.


You’re getting savage in your old age, keep it up.


Think that the main problem was the fake advertising. Back in time EvE was advertised as a alternate universe where you, as an individual were able to create a new and alternate life. Explore the virtual universe, create an empire nor contribute to it, do research, get new friends … chill an relax etc. Sounds great? Like everything that sounds great, there is a catch …

Reality was like … grieving, violence, hate, betrayal etc. I will never look as my first char was sent into null sec to obtain the minerals required by a simple mining mission. Overall, EvE is a game where you lost your trust, become a paranoid and most of all, never let your kids play it.

EvE is not your relaxing play after a 8-10 hours in office nor workshop. It is not a stress relief! Seems to be more like a job for unemployed people, kids bad at CS etc.


I love some relaxing mining after a 8-10 hours in office as stress relief. I don’t regard EVE as a job (any ISK I make is used to pay for ships that I can blow up, I don’t try to plex my account), am not a kid any more for many years and have never played CS.

Have you got any more of those assumptions for me?

I’ve done industrial races using a filament to jump to a random null sec system. 20 jumps to closest lowsec. Ran across 1 gatecamp. Got my ship, but not my pod, others got through and won the race. Was a blast. But only 1 gatecamp, and I could have avoided it if I even tried to look ahead.

You seems to be upset. Please do not pick on me.

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More assumptions, yay!

No, I’m not upset. Neither am I picking on you, I’m picking on your assumptions.

Not even sure to whom I spoke with, but I’m sure I will be banned if I respond. I’ve made a point, deal with it.

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Leave Brittany alone :stuck_out_tongue:


Aww, okay Jonah.

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No wait, poke Brittany harder with a pointy stick.

Not sure who the fuk is Jonah and Brittany alone, but … is there anyone nice around? Like one that need his voice to be heard? Like … any extra word I will post, is like a ban. Because If I charge on … ladies. And the ladies are … reporting me.

Almost like I give a fuk …

Of course. I’m nice.

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But could you recommend it to old players?


Cos then… who for, CCP?

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You should read the wardec thread, in which I spend many posts arguing with a certain someone whose argument is that casual players (who, according to that person, are players who are unwilling to put in the time and effort to improve their skills and knowledge of the game) need to be given concessions and allowed to opt out of nonconsensual PvP because it’s making them quit the game, and that’s a very bad thing because those players are very important to EVE’s health.

It’s a real hoot.

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Thank you for this and to @Xuxe_Xu as well.

I had no idea this was such a touchy subject since I am very new. Apologies if any offence was caused but I have truly never had to explain this before so was quite vexed.

As for @Vals_Loeder,

Perhaps you could bear in mind some people are very new to both the forum and the game and since I had already explained what I meant, read the entire thread (where I did explain what I meant later on) before being so rude. Good day.


yeah this game is definitely not for filthy casuals