I gave EVE a try --cannot recommend to new players

Rules like "if you don’t want risk, stay in High Sec, and do your thing…
oops, not enough folks are choosing to go into Low Sec… quick, let’s impose a change to -force- them to do so?

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You’re not actually addressing my post. :frowning:
Why would you do that? :frowning:

I addressed it as it was written at the time I was responding…
and how it ‘not the same thing’…
when they advertise a game as “You can do A-Z so come join the fun”
and when you join they go “Oh, but if you don’t want to do B, K, and W, then we will change the game so those are the only -real- options”

Well then just edit it. :slight_smile:

I don’t understand. :frowning:
Can you give me in-game examples?

T2 manufacturing from scratch in highsec, probably. Or flying a rorqual in highsec. Or ultra-bling PVE without risking getting ganked.

Ok so say you are a player who likes to build things, or play the market, or do PVE Missions, and don’t want to do the PVP part, unless you -choose- to have that kind of fun… and then they go. “Gee, not enough people are doing the PVP combat, so let’s change the rules on resource distribution, so now they -have- to go into the dangerous areas, if they want to continue having -their- kind of fun…”
So you’ve just given a big Carrot to the PVP folks, and a big Stick to the other folks… so what Stick did the PVP folks get, and what Carrot did the other folks get?

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or how about something like "2 days new into the game, doing the tutorial missions, and 2 of the 5 agents sent you into the Trig hot zone… You manage to avoid most of the hell, and have like 5EHP left, limping to dock… when someone decides “hey, it will be real fun to attack the newbie, and pod kill them”?

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I must have missed the part where a Corvette is ‘ultrabling’

And you really believe this happens in a significant capacity and without CCP knowing, or caring?

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would you like me to see if the kill report for it is still up?
Not exactly a thing that screams out to a new player just trying to learn the game controls and such “Hey, this will be a game you’ll love to play for years”

CCP recently introduced Triglavians. Trigs are absolutely horrible for new players. It is pointless to argue that PvP highsec ganking is a problem with giant red clouds of Triglavian war fleets flying around killing everybody that doesn’t know what they are doing.


But someone choosing to pod kill a newbie doesn’t exactly -improve- the situation, hmm?

Maybe you don’t understand Eve.

I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but I’m also not saying I know about the circumstances of why it happened,
because I wasn’t there. There’s more than one reason why this might happen, highsec or otherwise.

Do you truly believe this happens in a significant capacity and without CCP knowing, or caring?

Yes, it can, actually.
I’ve tried this several times myself, because it’s a quick money-maker.

I make a new character and head to lowsec, where I eventually get blown up by a disco. (smartbombing battleships)
Then I contact the aggressor, act all surprised and enthusiastically and they usually give me stuff or ISK, because of my spirit and attitude.

Such situations are great!

You’re making the mistake that you’re blindly assuming that new players have any issue with getting blown up …
… in a game where they know that they can get blown up.

You don’t see that you’re making this mistake?

All I know, is on my 2nd or 3d day playing, I was doing the Career Agent missions to try and learn the game… Business Agent Mission #2 for Caldari sent me right into the middle of a Trig battlezone ((which IMO should not be a thing that should be happening in a new player tutorial area)) Warped in, and was attacked right away by the Trigs, which I understand as it was an NPC thing going on in the game I had just joined… the ‘dick move’ thing was the person who thought it was a ‘good idea’ to pod kill a newbie, for no other reason than to killboard whore.

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It’s quite the experience you won’t ever get anywhere else.

Why do you have an issue with this?

if it happened in a newb area, then yea thats griefing… but anywhere else, as Solstice mentioned, prime for popping a newbie pod.

it was griefing plain and simple, but what made me comment was hearing all the folks complaining about the lack of new players, and going “gee, I wonder -why-”

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