I got scam tonight good I've been playing the game about 2 years and I've never been scammed that hard and fast

I can’t believe people pay to join corps!

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Honestly, I don’t think it’s a scam. Translate this into dollars. You paid a $4 application fee for an expedited application. That is normally considered non-refundable (ie: applying for a lease or college). Your application was reviewed. There was a huge problem, your stats implied you might be a serious liability. So they wanted another $15 to prove that you are ‘serious’’, and to compensate them for the added risk. You weren’t that serious. Not a big deal.

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So I am a newbie and without too much of a clue. Just being transparent about my knowledge. Is there not a way in corps to separate new players until they prove trustworthy? Or better said, until they prove themselves worrhy? A probation period and separate asset storage? When I dock, all I can get is my stuff, even though there are others at station.

It’s a classic recruitment scam. Don’t trust anyone.

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