I had a good day today

I joined my Alliance on a giant run into Null Sec to defend a group that had been suffering attacks. We all grouped up into 2 fleets and headed out. I saw not one, but 3 Titans! The journey itself was pretty fast paced. I managed to keep up and didn’t get lost. Once we got to our destination, it was a lot of sitting around. The enemy was spotted nearby, but chose not to engage us. It was my first giant fleet (two fleets totaling over 600 ships) and even though nothing happened, I certainly won’t forget it!


So it’s a lot like fly fishing then. :rofl:

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That Fortizar’s color scheme is bananas, if you know what I mean. :wink:

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Yeah… I’m glad I didn’t paint it so I don’t have to answer for it! LOL


Even though there was no fight, that’s still the best story I’ve read in a long time! :smile:

I miss the adrenaline feeling this game gave me! :wink:

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He’s in a mother flipping Rokh!

Should look that up next time you go out with the boys. A simpler time back in the day. “I’m In a Rokh” on Youtube.

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You missed the best part of the entire story. I was there too. Ships were actually lost initially defending the armour, in the prior fleet.

Thank you for that!!!

Yeah i missed that fight. Sadness. I didnt see you there.

Nah, Gloria doesn’t fly with AO…is just ‘allied’. My AO char was in the Eagles and Feroxes fleet. The previous fleet was a little less boring…

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You flew with the rest of my corp- just 4 of us came along and I was the only one in a Rohk. I’m sad that I missed that.

It’s all good fun, though tempered by just how quickly a Rokh or an Eagle melts when there’s 33 Nightmares firing at it. Lost my Eagle ( despite its 350K EHP under Assault Damage Control…but then that only lasts 10 seconds ) on the previous fleet. Logi saved me the first time I was targeted, but the enemy bubbles pretty much disrupted the fleet…and bye bye Eagle.

But I took 5 enemy Ravens with me to Valhalla…which is what matters.


Hell yeah! Well done!