You know, if people didn’t explode ships, there would be nothing to build, right? There’s a symbiotic relationship there. It’s good for everyone.
Hmph how can you claim to be an Industrialist? How many ships have you built or are building? Just because you mindlessly pull ore out of space rocks to sell does not make you and I the same.
That’s like a logger claiming to be a shipwright.
Or better yet claiming to be ganked in null.
There are distinct differences.
You are corect. I am prettier than you.
My bubblegum pink catalyst begs to differ .
No ship can save you from my perfect features.
What’s the point of being pretty when your so petty on the inside?
Like Frostpacker.
If you want to live life like it’s all about you, eventually you reap what you sow and you find yourself with just you.
It’s ok though I still have plenty of friends ask around, you could too if you bought a mining permit seeing as how your oh so perfect how about I cut you a deal let’s say 500.000.000 isk.
Think of the sweet discount as pretty privilege.
My gift to you.
Flatery will not get you invted to my Christmas dinner.
That poor man needs help.
Did you read that in a Fortune Cookie ?
I have friends and a bf - oh, sorry, did not mean to make you cry. You will find one, promise.
Sucker born everyday isn’t me
How about 500isk for life - last offer.
More like rip off
With friends like you I dont need enemies.
Wow calm down miner!
With you dissecting my every word I can’t figure out if this is a conversation or a science project?
I refuse to acquiesce your request
More science project.
Very well, but the corollary of your refusal often precipitates into I am quitting eve tantrums in the forums, do try to hold yourself to a higher standard and keep your tears to yourself, the aforementioned lacks decorum.
No buts about it.
Dont try write words to make you look fancy. Take your mine permit and shove it.
You should try writing proper sentences before critiquing mine.
Is critique to fancy for you?
Sorry I forget I don’t speak miner.
What you sayin, my english perfect, like me.
Too diffrent from to.
Yes. You try write fancy but still cant sell me mine permit, you joke
Then back to school you go.
When did I say I was an industrialist? When did I say I’d been ganked in null? I mean… I have been… twice. But before now, I’d never said that here. Are you just making stuff up? Where’s this coming from?
These are things I’ve said:
I pull rocks from space. I mine in a Skiff. I’m not afraid of gankers and I just don’t care if my ship blows up because I have more.
I’ve never claimed to be just like you. I don’t expect anyone to play the same way I play. I do what I want to do in this game. I don’t care about your path because I have my own path. Did I say something to offend you? If so, I apologize.
I’ve yet to ever build another ship. During the tutorial, I was tasked to build a ship, but all I did was give the Agent a ship I’d already had in my shipyard. At this point in my career, I don’t care to build ships. I don’t have the skills for it. My account is almost 4 months old and I’ve got other skill priorities than shipbuilding.
So there you have it. I mine rocks in space in a Skiff. I sometimes haul that to a trade hub in a cloaked Hauler (T2 Blockade runner that can warp while cloaked). I buy ship parts and go collect them in a Catalyst. I never said I was an industrialist. I’ve used the word Smuggler. I like that term.
Oh, and i recently bought an Avalanche! Im very excited! It’s such a grand ship! I have absolutely no use for it, but i love that it’s mine!
It is what you don’t say
That was during the first time I played this game. That must have been… 13 years ago? 12? Something like that. I haven’t been to null yet on this account.
Null is fun, especially when you jump through a gate into a bubble, a fly in a web with stupid f1 monkeys dying to have their way with you.
Not so much fun through when you run into a bunch of repping testacles
I did the bubble thing. That was my first trip into null. I hopped into the fastest ship at the time and headed to Null. I didn’t stop until I flew into a bubble and got blapped.