I like Ganking

shuttles are now immune to bubbles.

Oh wow! Cool

Somebody who is as rude and belligerent as you is certainly missing these “perfect features” that you are speaking of. I could not imagine losing a single bad word about someone that is as upstanding and well-mannered as @Spring_Sky, yet here you are, slinging insults like a barbarian!

If anything, I would advice not projecting your own insufficencies onto those who only wish to provide you with a mining permit. Indeed, if I were to be a miner and @Spring_Sky was to offer me a mining permit, I would accept immediately, knowing that I have the word of a fine and upstanding agent to make true on a fair and reasonable offer.

But if my words do infact not convince you: a catalyst is more than enough to destroy even the bulkiest of mining ships.

With friendly regards
-James Fuchs


@James_Fuchs Stop pretend, you are a bad alt of some dumb ganker.

You take mine permit and shove it where sun dont shine.

Too bad for you I mine in Lowsec so take your gank and do same thing I ask you do with mine permit. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That means you will never be ganked. Smart girl.

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The typical toxic anti ganker who doesnt even live in high sec. You are hurling abuse at 2 outstanding polite citizens , @James_Fuchs and @Spring_Sky for something that does not even effect you.

You really need to hush your mouth, calm down and go play with your dolls in lowsec lke a good little girl.

And yes, we know why you live in low sec. Everyone is blue to you. A neutral enters the system and you head straight for your rabbit hole.

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Correction Anti-Gwanker.

What is that? Use english please.

Two alts. I think Aiko alts.

I really need to go mine soon.

You too is alt.
All gwankers in this forum are alts of maybe two or three real people.
You are joke :joy:

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You really do have a problem with your emotions

I suggest slapping yourself in the face with a wet fish.

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@Zaera_Keena That post is stupid. Even Captn Kirk slap himself is stupid. :joy:

I have to go mine now ( without mine permit :face_with_hand_over_mouth: ) so see you on flip side gwanker

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Btw @Uriel_the_Flame when did that happen?

I don’t gank.

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It’s nice to have have friends that stick up for me!

@James_Fuchs @Zaera_Keena

It feels like comradery, community and friendship the very pillars of which mining permits are based. True friends don’t let friends mine without permits. Did you know if you buy a mining permit you can get the other half off? Now you can get a permit for yourself and a friend for 1.5 billion isk.

A real mining friend would do it, can you call yourself a true friend?


Enough ships will destroy any ship in eve… just have to bring enough.

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Wait a second, who are we kidding about?

Holy… the salt in this thread is epic.

What does a null-bear care about hs ganking anyways? :thinking:



You are one of the last.

He has a tendancy to drive everyone way

Aiko recons I was a substitute her to him.

He probably gonna latch on to you you next now that we both blocked him.


Tread carefully…


Apparently the nicer you are to the Frostpacker, the more viciously and nastily he treats you.



Well seeing how angry he was at a kangeroo getting punched to save a dog, he probably regularly gets angry when he gets his butt kicked by a Hopping Mouse or something and takes it out on us.


I trust you and Uriel, I’m getting the impression your warning me and I’ll heed it thank you. It’s irking me that he was bad to you too, you know what I’m just going to be proactive and block him he’s not treating Zaera, Uriel, Aiko, Kara like that.

All set.