So you believe gankers are more than human, superior players who engage in PvP which is so complex that it should not be considered PvP?
Gods, if you will, GvP - I like it!
So you believe gankers are more than human, superior players who engage in PvP which is so complex that it should not be considered PvP?
Gods, if you will, GvP - I like it!
No, not superior. With a traced favorable outcome that has better chances to unravel accordingly, maybe. Some people would love to manifest that into superiority, but nah…
If I have better chances to trave a favorable outcome, doesn’t that manifest into superiority?
Oh, In game… make up your mind! U said something human whatever… trollingesque thingy…
In game? YEa of course a ganker holds the higher ground!! But superior human whatever you said??
A sucker punch isn’t PVP.
I’m not sure what you mean by “sucker punch”, but if I’m not mistaken, punch means “to hit” - and I would think that hitting another player is the essence of PvP.
A sucker punch is a hit out of the blue, often against someone less capable than you.
I can show you video of thugs in NYC walking passed a stranger and just turn and decking them to the ground then strolling on.
Wouldn’t call that a street fight.
Mmm that’s misinfo. It is only “easy” if the target is bad at the game. And sadly, due to the lies you and your ilk push, most newbros buy into being wildebeests.
Also, troll harder please
Your trolling is losing quality
Or yennoe watch local and pretty much be safe.
What is real combat?
Buy a needlejack and go fly around null Lemme know what happens Bring your most expensive ship too, they’ll respect you more.
Most gankers I’ve encountered have a solid grasp of PvP mechanics and tactics.
Oof. That armchair psych is real huh?
Its a vidya game?
What is real PvP?
Cept having a lot of ISK doesn’t make you a better player
Go to Tama my dude. Bring your most expensive ship. You’ll find some empire fleets
Fly to the sun and tell them you want to face the best the Empires have to offer. Let me know how it goes
Actually its cause low isn’t worth going into it. Make low worth it, and you’ll see PvP flourish again. Of course, the way I’d implement would drive most peeps from the game
It is, regardless of your opinion. I see this false narrative pushed here all the time in order to discredit ganking. Let me be clear again. Ganking is still a player vs player interaction.
Ganking is PvP.
Dueling at the sun is PvP
Suspect baiting is PvP
FW is PvP
Null Wars are PvP, etc
LOL not really. People can PvP for all sorts of reasons. Every ship is combat fit. Whether or not your fit is good, well that’s up to you. Also certain ships have certain roles.
Catas killing ventures is PvP, regardless of your opinion. All the venture had to do was keep an eye on local, dscan and mine farther away from the drop in point. Simple opsec. But yea, playing EVE is hard
It is clear. A player is vsing a player. Regardless of your opinion, you cannot dispute it. It is fact.
No amount of semantics will change it. It is PvP. Period. Sorry bruv.
Why? Because the peeps getting ganked are terribad at the game? I agree.
Of course it is. Ambushes have been a part of warfare since we been amoebas mate. If only there was someone how a system wide list that is unfailing updated and tells you exactly whose in the system with you…
It is a street fight. It is literally a fight happening on the street. A gank is PvP.
You are confusing opinion and fact
If you ambush another fleet or at least a combat ship, perhaps.
Ambush an explorer or miner isn’t much of a fight, let alone worth of such “brave” (and I use that term very lightly) fighter as are [supposedly] gankers.
A 20-something slugging a 70 y/o lady is a street fight. Gotcha.
Didn’t you notice that he quoted a bunch of people? He’s clearly fishing for an argument and someone to bully and you just bit on his hook
Once you undock, you consent to PvP. Regardless of whether you think its “brave” or not, it is still PvP.
I get why you’re appealing to emotion and using real world arguments to shore up your tenous argument in a vidya game. But yes, that is a street fight as well, regardless of your moral stance on it.
Welcome to reality
I noticed you dodged every single one of my points. I’m not fishing for an argument, I am offering discourse and opinion. You wanted to see Empire wars. fit up your most expensive ship and needlejack. You’ll find it
That’s like saying once I take my car out of the garage I consent to getting into an accident.
So, a sound military strategy?
Hang on , is this Cilla again?
Against another military target, sure.
Against a civilian target, that’s a war crime.
Is an unfair fight still PvP?
I think so, yes?
Of course, since every EVE player starts the same way, with the same options - is there actually any unfair fight in EVE? It is a fair even match. Only skill and ability determines fate. Is this not the truth?
So, a solid way to do a war crime.
Carpet bomb their cities with strategic bombers.
End the war pretty quickly, break their morale.
Pretty much the definition of effective strategy.
Are war crimes PvP?
I think so, yes?
Not really, as there is no military action associated. In game, it’s considered crime.
In real EVE life? No!
What if… one starts… twelve months before?
If it’s a connfusion with WOW, then yeas. Oh wait!