I regret to inform that we still don't die enough

Oof. I feel sorry for you :smiley:

Not really. They just post in a way that wrecks your narrative so I get why you’re trying to swing the narrative :smiley:

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Why not blow him up in-game instead? Unlike when someone uses an alt to rage-spam the forums, he’s actually a genuine player. You don’t get those opportunities often.

It’s the nature of this specific argument. It’s reasonable to expect that characters engaging in ganking (a PvP activity) have other characters that engage in other forms of PvP activities at higher rates than characters who engage in high-sec mining engaging in PvP activities elsewhere.

I’ve played the game for a long time and have been deeply embedded with both play styles either directly or as an observer/spy, and the amount of times I’ve observed high-sec miners being the alts of PvP-focused mains is relatively low when compared to gankers being the alts of PvP-focused mains. Just look at the amount of for-profit ganking that’s straight-up performed by characters in Goonswarm or similar alliance for example, where players don’t even bother using dedicated gank alts and just day-trip to high-sec a few times a month.

Carebears use the argument that gankers are always these no-skill gankbears or whatever who can’t do “real PvP” where the big boys play, and it’s a very poetic-sounding argument as far as their agenda is concerned, but simply has no bearing on reality when you think about ganking as a for-profit profession.

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The ‘real PvP’ stance comes from the fact that most of the vessels attacked cannot fight back, at least not within the relevant time frame. Ganking is thus not a ‘fight’ in any sense of the word. It is disingenuous for people to suggest that tanking up constitutes the ‘fight’. It doesn’t. The dynamics of a gank are decided beforehand. The gankers know that 9 Catalysts can trash even a high EHP Proc, for example. There is no defence…there is no ‘fight’. The gankers simply bring along enough ships to do the job…they have it all worked out and calculated beforehand.

Thus there is zero sense in which any of this is the sort of PvP dogfight that might arise if I met Gix. That would be ‘proper’ PvP. Likewise if I did some suicide anti-ganking with my own Catalyst…well, I’d be massacred but that too would be PvP. But there’s no way in which I’ll ever accept that a dozen Catalysts vs an unarmed Proc is ‘proper’ PvP. It just isn’t. I mean…that is precisely why it is called ‘ganking’ and not ‘combat’.

I’ve never described “ganking” as “fighting” so it’s a pointless argument. I’m fully aware that it’s not a fight (a fight for survival, maybe?), but it is PvP.

When you seek to destroy other players for a self-motivated reason, you shouldn’t seek out a “fight.” What you should be doing is trying to find the most optimal way to destroy them that carries as little risk to yourself as possible. In the case of Gix, it shouldn’t be a dogfight you look for, but smearing his ship across a grid and then talking ■■■■ about his mother.

There’s a reason for this, too, that goes beyond efficiency calculations. Destroying someone for personal gain and “fighting” as you understand it are very different activities in practice, and the skills from one don’t fully overlap with the other. As such, if you only ever look for “fights,” you won’t be prepared and ready to deal with other players who are also looking for PvP combat, but aren’t looking for fights. And this will lead to a situation where you engage someone, get jumped by five of their friends, and will rage in local about the “fight” being dishonored, whereas the other person never intended to fight you. Had you put yourself into the mind set of a killer instead of a duelist from the very beginning, you would’ve approached that encounter from a different perspective, and taken various precautions and planned for contingencies.

Save the “fighting” for duels and arenas.

Anyone looking for PvP success needs to drop this self-sabotaging notion. Outside of a few specific venues like duel invites and abyssal arenas, the only “proper PvP” that exists is the kind where you do everything in your power to win.

All of this said, I’m sure that if you challenge Gix to a duel, he’ll accept.

The issue is the ease of it. Nine or ten Catalysts against a Proc is a foregone conclusion. The battle is already over before it has begun. PvP requires the ‘versus’ bit…but if all 10 people have to do is hit lock and fire, where is the ‘versus’ bit ? I can imagine a lot of people are destroyed before they even realise what is happening. But ‘versus’ another player surely requires the active participation of that player !

Otherwise it is not player vs player…it is just 10 dudes against a hunk of virtual machinery. The ‘player’ might just as well be AFK.

He only dies if he’s AFK. The ten catas still gotta get on grid. Again, you’re giving yourself away here :smiley:

The bias is obvious as well as the victimhood.

Why would I want to ? Let him stew in his silly belief that I’m an alt.

(bolded part)

It’s not,, though. There are many things the barge pilot can do to covertly counter the gank attempt. Here are some examples:

  • EHP implants of various sorts. These can nearly double your EHP if you go for high-end, but an increase of about 50% is more realistic and affordable.

  • Having a tank, and overheating active hardeners before the gank attempt begins. Two overheated multi-spectrum hardeners provide a considerable boost to EHP.

  • Having an alt or friend for support. For example, a cloaked Griffin with an ECM burst is both very cheap, and can cut away 20-30% of a gank group’s firepower after calculating for jam chance and re-lock times.

  • Fleet boosts, which the gankers might not know belong to the target if the target plays smart and doesn’t keep the booster in the same corporation/alliance as the mining character.

Does it matter? No one says you can’t kill someone using an alt.

That must require multiple implants, as the most I’ve seen in one implant is 6%…and at a cost of 532m ISK. And given the risk of being podded as well, who’s going to want to spend 10 times the value of their Proc on that ? I guess people do. This is what I meant earlier about the ‘gambler fallacy’…spending more and more to try to ‘cover’ what is spent already. It’s how you end up with blingy 10bn ships that people are then too scared to take out except on Sundays in a 1.0 system.

LOL. Cause that’d mean you’d have to log in with this char :smiley:

That would involve her actually logging in this char :smiley:

LOL if you can’t warp away after getting blapped, esp in high sec, you deserve death :smiley:

Look into Amulet/Nirvana implants. You can combine some mid/high-grade implants, along with some 3-5% hard-wirings (never go for 6%, the extra 1% isn’t worth it for 6x the price of the 5% version), for an EHP boost of over 50% for the cost of a few hundred million ISK.

Also, why would you get podded in high-sec? There are no bubbles. Just warp away.

Hard to do when AFK :smiley:

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So you should never be podded in hi or low sec, and only if you are bubbled in jspace or null. Try having an overview window dedicated to pod survival. I have one set up that has every asteroid belt and moon in the system, but not the sun. When it become apparent my ship is lost, I click a random object in that list and start spamming ‘warp to 0’. By the time my ship’s destruction registers on the screen of my opponent, my pod is in warp. Why do you think every Snuffed pilot runs around with a 4 bill head? You almost physically can’t lose it if you are paying attention.


^ This.

Why are you so salty?

Just dropped in on a retriever in low. He warped away right as I got there. Huh. Its almost as if he was watching local and d-scan and saw my combat probes…

But I thought it was impossible to get away? ROFL.

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Well actually no, neither roids, moons or icebergs give you isk.
the ISK comes from people who printed the ISK by doing sth else than mining, literally everything but mining grants you FREE ISK.
so your post is an attempt in self blaming? wich is a psychological issue that should be adressed by a psychiatrist.

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Aiko trolls all the time. Even/especially when you might think she doesn’t troll.

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Why is it always said/claimed that null is safer to mine in?

Usually because if you are mining in null you are probably a member of a corp/alliance that owns the space. Therefore you are mining with friends.

The corp alliance will have intel channels and if you are watching those anyone who isn’t blue will be reported before they get anywhere near you.

Obviously this is only true I’d you are a member of the corp that owns the space. Otherwise it isn’t safe at all :slight_smile: