I regret to inform that we still don't die enough

It’s difficult to accept what you’re saying since you don’t have much pvp experience, based on your characters zkill you have lost 1 single frigate and a pod and that’s all.

Forgive me I am finding it difficult to understand the fact that you have so much suggestions on how it should be but you literally know nothing about how it actually works currently.

Surely it would be better if you sought out some pvp, had some pvp experiences for a couple of months and then came back to make suggestions right? It’s like you’re writing a review on a game you’ve never really played, don’t you think there is a possibillity of giving people the wrong impression about this game due to your lack of experience in pvp?


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Lol, I’m not trying to start anything here, I am genuinely trying to understand what is motivating the brother to talk like this.

@Kezrai_Charzai do you have an alt that can fly a destroyer? would you like to come to Stain for a couple of months? You and I can do some missions and then try to deal with any pvp that comes our way?

I think it’s important that you seriously consider this offer as I personally think it will completely change your view of Eve Pvp and it will be one of the best gaming experiences of your life.

I literally have an unlimited supply of Destroyers with T1 fits and would be more than happy to provide ships for you. What do you think?

C’mon Eve community let’s try to get Kezrai to come chill with me for a couple of months, I’m so interested in what his opinion will be if he goes for it and lives the experience.

I’m sorry, but…

Trust me, you don’t want a wingman who terror-shits themselves before an engagement. It gets really distracting on comms.

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Problem is it’s soooooo easy to just make new accounts. There are people with dozens of accounts already. They’ll just make more so they always have a “clean record”.

It’s funny you should say that, and also say this:

I mean, you can’t have it both ways, can you? Although actually PvP cheerleaders in EVE generally do try. If I point out, for instance, that EVE is demonstrably an 85% PvE space economy game and not PvP, they’ll say "everything in EVE is PvP’. Then of course they will turn right around and sneer at the PvE crowd for “not being brave enough to PvP”.

Whatever, I don’t care. If you’re bragging about how awesome PvP is, then I’d expect to see more than 22 occurrences in 3 years. I’m saying it’s too boring and unrewarding for me to bother with it, and the stats show that 85%+ of EVE players agree with me, and all my statements are backed up by fact and examples. Which is better than virtually every PvP fanboi in here talking through their hat.

Ideas can be judged on their own merit. It’s only when you start talking about actual behavior in game that your experience needs to be factored in. Mine backs up my opinions. Yours does not.

Nor does the record of virtually every other “PvP rah rah!” poster in this thread.

I hear you, when I first started pvp my heart used to beat faster and I found it difficult, I guess we all have to start pvp somewhere I have become a patient man and happy to work with folks at their pace.

Did you get the answer you were looking for?

You still misunderstand the game my friend, The reason I have to pvp is because of the area I live in. In my view the PVE is 10 times better where I am than Hi-sec, I mentioned some of the 6 billion isk loot drops i got before, and I also mentioned hauler spawns with a tons and tons of minerals up for grabs, so, before I continue do you understand what has attracted me to this area I live in?

So, because I am here benefitting from PVE other people around here won’t like me doing all the sites and leaving nothing for them to do, also they want to destroy my ship and steal my loot anyway.

I hope you can understand that pvp is needed if you want to live in an area like I do. It’s not that I’m a pvp cheerleader the issue is I needed it as part of my skillset in order to survive. Once I started getting an understanding of what pvp entails I worked out it is just a battle of minds to see who can counter who, who can survive, who has the best fleet tactic and most importantly who has the best ship fit.

Please stop being dismissive as I’m sure most people will know that in order to write extensively on something you must first understand it. Please stop insulting my intelligence.

Look, dude, you insult your intelligence with every post you’ve made. It’s not me doing it.

You’re talking one persons experience. Fine. Groovy. I mean, I could write a game where you walk old granny’s across the street to win points, and occasionally one of them turns around and hits you in the balls with her cane and swears up a blue streak at you, and somebody would enjoy it. (Probably in Japan.)

It’s not a case of you like it, I don’t. You’re also making a ton of assumptions based on my forum posting alt. No matter. The thing you keep missing is that I am basing my opinion not on your personal likes or mine, but on the factual data represented by every statistic published by CCP and other sources such as EVE Offline. (As well as other games like UO) The trend is very, very clear.

We’re talking hundreds of thousands of players over decades of EVE. The picture has been consistent and never changed. You can be condescending with your “oh my poor little one, you simply don’t understand the true joy of PvP” all day long if you like, it won’t change the data.

Personal anecdotes are irrelevant when you’ve got millions of data points to work with.

Oh man, this is getting really good. The player who was defended and called “the PvP real deal” by the AG lobby itself is getting into an argument with an alt poster who is one of their primary supporters and anti-PvP advocates. Now that player is having their PvP record called into question after a friendly invite for some cooperative activity, by the alt poster giving CCP advice on how to develop the game’s PvP system, despite having no personal PvP experience whatsoever.

Christmas came early this year. I couldn’t have orchestrated something like this if I tried.

Lol, do you apply that logic in real life brother?

Data can only give you some of the picture, let’s level with each other here.

The REAL issue is people like you not understanding what’s going on in PVP, you get frustrated and give up before even giving yourself a fraction of a chance. And then you tirelessly bad mouth the game giving people the wrong impression, and then the developers try to cater to you and make silly changes and the facts are you were never going to try anything new anyway so it all ends up a total waste of time for everything.

It’s ok to not be bothered with pvp, this is the part you don’t understand. But stop talking like you know it all when you only know what data tells you and nothing else.

Liked. The API has more than needed… for many ways and goals it would be great… but just keep in mind death is the drive for all third party windows to this game. Most very popular with their format. It would be interesting but perhaps too narrow of a niche. I like it and most would appreciate it.

I do… it doesn’t have to go to extreme and perhaps not everywhere.
As I said before, I rather a thousand times see players doing what Concord does. It could get out of hand, yes but we’ve seen the sort of punchbag we deal with… It can take way more punishment, this EVE thing.

Gankers can evolve too we just need a creative proposition.

The environment is what allows the lifestyle. If you dig the trench, the water will run. We have to agree that it cannot be just as is forever and it’s not an idea… just a question. We have as fact that it would not increase destruction but allow more chances for it. Destruction still falls on free will between players unless gank.

It’s not wrong that the overall wreckage of negligible proportions derived from the single act of gank changes hands now or then. It would be fun, I bet.

The population of PVE gamestile outweighs the PVP one. If not, there wouldn’t be this need for destruction.
Your point is valid but not generic. I do 80% PVP and my emphasis is far from it. The fact that I’m an opportunistic biatch with a gun only means that I have a driver to attend. PVP grants me the fulfillment of that drive… The reason is far from it.

Hold it… This is the usual but it’s not right at all. We see PVP as the main focus because it sells on sites like Zkill, not that it’s an indubitable fact. Be careful, we are not certain about it.

Bingo!.. removing is kinda acid for it’s being considered raw at current state. Some elements could begin a chain reaction by subtle “omissions” by a Concord Commander.

Keep in mind a true ganker toon is the best ship spinner in EVE, if ever logged on for casual flying.

A blown ship has zero killmarks, ganker --for the case-- or victim. Killmarks should have more to them, it’s a shame how useless they are as simple cosmetics with no added value.

Now, for the initiatives, I honestly don’t care how they go or whatever idea is brought.
Someone must die. We focus on ganking for it’s one of the two and a half ways in the whole game. There must be other ways but it’s what we’ve got and it’s wrong to have such limited choices.

What if one could infect a ship? make it unavoidably fall in decay? or get rudimentary snapshots of the enemy quick enough to devise strategies? I don’t know…

EVE is too slow on the killing for having this crapscade of info to deal with before firing a shot. Not even gankers can escape that! Getting into a fight is so programmatic that some instances take weeks! of info gathering.


No I’m just saying that even the basic Serpentis copper and bronze, etc tags also get converted to ISK mainly at Concord stations…you’ll get just 2 ISK for them anywhere else…and this is part of the ‘free ISK’ generation in Eve. I’ve never seen one of the ones gankers use, though I think I read they are about 12m ISK or something.

Every hull is gankable :smiley: And every ship has a role. The fact that you don’t understand this, says everything.

There is no unfair or unworthy PvP. Just PvP. People’s lack of understanding on this matter is why these threads keep getting generated :smiley:

That is its glory. And hence why not everyone is actually cut out for sandbox games. You think you want a sandbox when you really want a theme park MMO.

You must generate your own content. @Aaron gets it, as do I and others. EVE is a game what you make of it.

How is powerful defined? This system you suggested is already subjective. I seent a golem get killed yesterday that was super fail fit. How would that stand in the rankings? It hard expanded cargoholds in the lows ROFL.

Your bias is obvious. No matter what you’re blapping, its PvP and its worthy. If you get blapped in EVE, its cause you got caught and that death is deserved.

They really don’t LOL. All the lvl 4 misson hubs would be wrecks from gate to gate ROFL. Also, Kezrai and Xucc wouldn’t be the ones policing others that’s for sure. LOL Jita/Hek would just straight burn. EVE would come to a standstill.

My theory is the various null blocs would eventually unite and police Jita, making it a no-fire zone. But all the trade routes would be camped anyway. EVE would break down into tribal system clusters. Newbs would bail left and right ROFL. Solo players would be forced to join a group for survival. It’d be total anarchy which would then settle down into slightly calmer waters and a smaller population.

So participation trophies. Ah. Well. That explains everything :smiley:

What is stronger than yours? How is this defined? DPS? Tank? Ship size? How would you have a system of “strength” when its possible to kill a BS with a frig?

So uh, then they could yennoe safe up and then be safe? Huh. Amazing. Its almost like, if people play the game, they may avoid death? Fascinating.

Actually if you attack them first, it makes you a ganker :smiley:

It used to be that way. Nice of you to pretend not to know that. Also everyone can use the tags, ergo its balanced. Learn to EVE please :smiley:

I don’t think you do since you barely go into low. It only drops from clone soldiers. Let me know what low system ye go to, I halp :smiley:

Yennoe, it makes me smile to see it. People actually know how to EVE out there.

Nice dodge :smiley:

Not really. You use words like “stronger” without defining what it would mean in the system you’re proposing so.

He doesn’t understand. You actually play EVE. Kezrai doesn’t. He already admitted he barely logs in :smiley:

Oof. So you’re a coward as well. Not surprising tho.

Oh? Where are those data points again? You seem to just be posting opinion. You keep saying things like facts and statistics but providing none…

You may not get this analogy, but Kezrai was the dude standing in bank protection at Yew Abbey talking smack to the reds but never leaving town.

It becomes more and more apparent with each post :smiley:

I can take you to find them :smiley: Just tell me what ship and fit ya got so I can ensure to make mine comparable so we can whack those clone soldiers.


Aaron doesn’t need defending, he can handle that himself just fine. Main reason why I didn’t bother to get in on this bit :wink:

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Whats crazy to me is Kezrai is supposedly so pro-PvP so you’d think they would be supportive of his endeavors.

I wonder how the forums would look like if owning a citadel was a requirement for posting?

I’d be mining a lot of ice I guess haha.

Hmmm, so, while the peanut gallery heckles and snorts themselves silly with personal attacks rather than actual ideas, let’s sort of narrow this down a bit then.

Which of my ideas or proposals or statements about PvP, specifically, are you saying is bad? Which of my notions about PvP is wrong? We’ll exclude the fact that I find it personally boring, since that’s just my opinion.

When you declare them to be wrong, please back up your position with something more substantial than “me and my buds used to PvP back in the day so yeah it’s pretty cool”. Try to use a fact based on something more than a few anecdotal opinions.

Let’s find out if you even have any idea what you’re arguing against here. Since I find that, other than a desire to argue and make personal attacks, the PvP crowd on this forum has abysmal reading comprehension and rarely even understand what they’re arguing against.