I regret to inform that we still don't die enough

That’s too logical for their little brains.

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Now that was a guy with many alts! Haven’t seen him in a while. People could always easily tell when he made a new alt and pretended to not be Balos. :yum:


Why would someone turn their Shield Extenders off?

Accidentally burned them? Or needed the CPU/PG to online an utility mod? I think I’ve done both.

But within the context of turning them on again when you came through a gate?

By burned do you mean overheated? and so by turn on again do you mean paste repair?

There’s a lot of people using lots of things to mean different things these days.

I think the person who mentioned them meant Shield Hardeners

If you overheat mid slot modules like your propmod too long, the heat on the mid rack can burn out your shield extenders, which turns it offline. While you can repair heat damage with repair paste, you cannot repair a module that is 100% burned out, so you would need to dock to repair and turn it online again.

Turning modules offline in space frees up their powergrid and CPU, so you can bring offline utility modules that you otherwise wouldn’t have the CPU and PG for, and turn those online in space after you turn off other modules. If I have a spare high slot but no CPU/PG I like bringing an offline covert cyno on my bombers. A (combat) probe launcher or salvager could also be useful.

I think so too, that would make more sense.

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Yes, that is all true, but the amount of Capacitor you need to turn a module back on prevents you turning multiple modules on quickly, so I was wondering why the person would want to turn multiple Extenders off if they planned to turn them on if they discovered a small camp at the entrance gate of the system they just entered.

Which is why I assumed they meant Hardeners, rather than Extenders.

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Only situation that makes sense in is if they burned through your shield and you might as well lower your sig radius a bit.

Very niche but can be useful in certain fights.

Yeah thats fair too.

Well well, I thought you didn’t know the meaning of fair and here I see you been pulling my chain. Why you little…

See, nothing is fair. Its a construct. A tissue of lies perpetuated by fairground owners and ugly folk.

You’re telling me :skull:

I suspect he means the way you, Destiny Corrupted, and a couple others, jump on thread after thread, poking and troll-baiting anyone you can get to argue with you about any issue at all, and then derail the thread and get it shut down because of all the nonsense that starts flying around when you work out how to trigger someone.

Back when we were kids, the parents would have called this “instigation” and punished the instigators just as hard as whoever got caught. Sadly, “EVE is a game where your actions have consequences” doesn’t really extend to the forums.

(Of course, it doesn’t really extend to EVE either but that’s a different topic.)

As a side note, people, if Gix or Destiny or any of the other conflict-junkies are trying to get you triggered, just ignore them and move on. All you’re doing is feeding them the validation they need to feel significant.


see having had a boring morning and read most of the forum posts kicking around on the latest page………coz i have no life……I have a different take for you. What im seeing is the people you are calling trolls being followed thread to thread and jumped on for having a contrary opinion.

Disagreing and stating you disagree is not trolling. Following someone from thread to thread to point out they are trolling………is actually trolling.


I believe that that irony is not lost on most people.

Some of them have been doing this for a really long time. Personally, I view it as sort of a badge of honor. It’s kind of like having an entourage of ragers.

I’ll say what I want to say, and leave it out for others to judge. If some people want to try to nip at my heels by following me around and desperately trying to convince others that I’m lying/trolling/whatever, other people will notice this, just like you did. It’s pretty much like getting a victory without having to lift a finger—the best kind. It’s not like they can endanger my presence here or in-game in any manner anyway. I’ve been here nearly since the time the game came out, and to these people, I am effectively untouchable and invincible.


^^ THAT ^^

But I’m a Trollbuster, it’s my job to answer those morons and show them who’s boss :slightly_smiling_face:

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The current scenario, where threads are closed for obvious reasons and the derailment showed up here…
But don’t panic! I’m here and waiting on the outcome, permanently and sometimes painstakingly checking for hints of common sense and will reply asap.

I have sufficient feedback on this post, very constructive and valid points were made and somewhere in here, I redacted some sort of conclusion on the matter with the valid feedback at hand.

Once a new thread is open, there is a responsibility which I decide to take, trolls, conflict-junkies and alike included. I even enjoy the destruction, BTW! --pun very well intended–

Peeps won’t die in game in astounding direct proportion with what happens here, thinking you “win” EVE because you don’t die is quite similar to trolling in a forum. It’s human nature. I honestly don’t care if the analogy fits. Take this excuse for now.

In the end, destruction has been left to free will. I don’t think it’s right or wrong. I wanted to know what you guys think of it in contrast to scarcity and how narrowly scoped the concept was traced to begin with.
We’re on the 130s’ posts and while I filter the nonsense, I find similar postures even on the fact that most people don’t even want to talk about it. And that again, says a lot about the current state of affairs.

Do we have to die?
No. But our assets do. They need to get old, to wear out, to be replaced at similar proportion to recycling in the construction business --as an example–. I don’t know how it should be done but come on guys! Free effing will is getting the initiative absolutely nowhere while there have been interventions on the other end, in creation, in resources.

Our stuff --or some of it-- has to deplete in a way that it won’t be such a pain to engage in destruction for what sooner or later --and better soon-- will disappear. This omnipresent gank deployment scenario is not working, it’s not destructive at all, not in the required scale and it’s only adding to the pile of salt under vapor of tears that brought us to be overprotective in the first place.

I’d like, as usual to thank Kezrai, Destiny C, Ramona, for those initial posts. Brilliant!. Also the trolls, you are always fun to spar with. The CSI ( ouch! I meant CSM ) guy that showed up somewhere, thx man.

Move along. Or drop a note, I’ll be around.

Exactly. You see a lot of PvP-rah-rah types arguing with me, but it’s mostly only the ones that support the gank-style of play. They just can’t seem to get that calling for “more and better destruction” which does not add support for ambush ganking would be good for the game.

Let’s not even call it “destruction”, maybe. EVE needs more conflict, period. It needs better mechanisms that support more conflict across more scenarios than it has today. It needs a better reward/consequence system that makes hunting gankers and pirates show at least enough reward to make it a worthwhile activity.

The conflict can be based around PvE, events, FW, Resource Wars, bounty-hunting, combat rankings, all kinds of things. There’s no real shortage of ways to implement it… only a shortage of imagination and skill on CCP’s part.


Oof. More of that armchair psychology there. Funny how it seems that I’m supposedly trying to trigger people but all I’m really doing is applying a light coating of snark and dissenting opinion.

Meanwhile, the peeps that are coming after us are using slurs, insults and maligning several vulnerable groups and using common misogynistic tropes. But uh, me and Destiny are the bad people right?



Until you accept that all PvP is PvP, you will be stuck with this limited mindset. Ganking is PvP. Ambushes are PvP. Gate camps are PvP. Duels at the sun are PvP.

It is all PvP. The root cause is you get salty when you get blapped by surprise. The thing is, almost literally every time there was something you could have done to prevent said blapping.

Its just most players don’t wanna take that accountability and want to blame.

As always, learn to EVE :smiley:

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True. But an evil one!

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