If they are roleplaying, why would their characters admit something that wasnt true for them? :thinking:




Actually CCP looked into this years ago and if anything ganking improves new player retention (they hardly ever get ganked though).

The players that actually get ganked are rich indi pilots, probably like you, who then cry on the forums and use new players as a shield to try to get changes that would benefit only themselves.


I’ve been stuffing every kill from zkill’s RedisQ into a local DB for a bit. I reset it about a week ago so it’s a little ‘soft’ at the starting edge, but in the last 7 days of I have 211 unique npc corp characters under 30 days old killed in highsec.

A shitton of them are clearly bots (there are a few blocks of 10 or so characters with recognizable naming conventions created, literally, within 15 seconds of each other, so even the character creation was automated - they tend to get killed in alpha friendly gilas).

These are any killmail zkill has flagged as non-NPC, so it’s not just ganks and they’re not all code related. And, obviously, these are new characters, not new players.

Approximately 120,000 new characters were created in the last 30 days (just subtracting the most recent char ID from the oldest one in the block).

A minuscule fraction of new characters are suffering PvP deaths in high sec. Of that minuscule fraction, only a portion of those are ganks, and of those ganks, only a portion of those are even going to be actual new players.

The idea that CODE has any meaningful impact on new player retention, in that context, is kind of laughable.


I take every word as carefully as I can about what you have said as I foresee an alternative motive within your thread.

The drama is being set out too thick and their is evil still oozing all through it.


This is correct

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Everyone always says this, but this is incorrect. it’s not new players that get the most upset over being ganked, it’s people who have played longer than being new and more aptly are just in general miners looking to not really compete violently. Everyone always says this is about new players but it has never been about them with regards to ganking.


Bingo. He’s salty because he became convinced we weren’t going to pay him a 10% finders fee on a roughly 35B ISK haul. We told him the assets hadn’t been liquidated, but he convinced himself otherwise.

I.e. this is all over ~3.5B ISK and a vanity corp that deserved to be put out of its misery anyways.

Despite the vanity corp, we really were going to pay him his ~3.5B. That is until he started melting down and turned non-compliant. We can’t be paying out rebel miner scum!

Should have had full faith. Smdh.


Rocket Hellfire, The first sentence of your comment sounds very true which I liked, though I felt that I should remove said like due to the following add on as it sort of going off at a tangent.

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Whatever floats our Orca, bruh.

She has a name and that is Maggie.

I got 20 min to kill at work… I can do this all day.

I like a girl with big hips too.

Is there such a thing as a space bully?
Are you one or are you the opposite of one?

NM I found the answer

Nice try on the projection. I don’t even play in high sec.

I bet you are one of those players who tell people Eve is not safe yadayada when cry about the null blackout when your safety net is removed.




I’m an absolute fan of the blackout. This should have been implemented years ago


Hear hear!

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@Viirilithizu_Ward Just think, you could have saved yourself all this typing had you simply followed my advice to calm down and rejoin discord.


Quick someone link the guy from Pirates of the carribean saying “hang the code” and then getting shot

Agree. A player with less than a month in, can recover a loss (of their own effort, not, for example, a friend who gives them an expensive ship that they lose) without too much trouble. Its at 3-6 months that the “I quit” decision point could happen. A player decides to move to a different mission hub, packs all their stuff in an Iteron V and loses it on the way. Without any EVE friends, help or advice - the “re-sub or not” decision could be pretty easy.