I was worried there for a bit. (I even had to up-tick the sentiment.)
Sigh of relief. The world is back to normal. Move on. Nothing to see here.
I was worried there for a bit. (I even had to up-tick the sentiment.)
Sigh of relief. The world is back to normal. Move on. Nothing to see here.
And then there’s those who can’t even get away with bullying people in a game. Instead, they act as moral puritans and bully groups like CODE. and then pat themselves on the backs for being “the good guys”. Freud would have had a field day with these sorts of people. Lots of repressed aggression and hostility, lots of defense mechanisms.
Unfortunately facts have little room in an emotional argument.
Well, to be fair, I only have data going back a little over a week now because RedisQ is basically a killmail “stream”. I have killmails that are older than that (from newly zkill authenticated characters and corps, as their historical kills come over the stream on that first grab), but they’re largely incidental.
A better stat would be “Characters who experienced a PvP death in their first 30 days”, but I don’t have the data in my own DB for that just yet.
And, of course, zkill doesn’t get every kill (I roughly estimated it at around 70-80% of them, though, just by going through some of the Zkill history files and comparing the count of kills in a given day with the count of killmails that were generated based on the max killmail id Vs the min killmail id in the history file).
But, still, based on what I do have, I feel like the narrative that CODE is some hugely detrimental factor that severely impacts new players/new player retention lacks substantiation.
I definitely expected and still expect plenty of attacks by all the New Order and CODE. alts. Question my motives if you will. I would. I’m just at a place where I’m being honest, because at my core that’s what I tend to be, and why not? I already embarassed my character plenty with alliance mails, and I’ve already made myself plenty of enemies of late. I already renounced the Code. <— look lol even now I take that so seriously. You all would not believe the layer of indoctrination that lays beneath the mroe silly RP one. Most of them are very committed to the belief that miners ruin the game and the goal IS to get them to uninstall. Based on those real beliefs, and I’m speaking from hours of conversations and years of relationships - yes they really do believe those things, it justifies a combination of self-righteousness and cruelty that many experience.
Am I driven by salt? Am I genuinely sorry and now seeing what I was part of? Believe me, or don’t. This is my account of what goes on. Some will believe, some won’t. Either way, I have something that these metagaming, scammer commenters don’t - the truth and the willingness to speak it.
At this point, I don’t know what the future of my character if any there is. I’ve put her on the delete timer like 3 times since all this. Alterior motive? Salt? Maybe I’m being real, and if anyone can give you a realistic account of what goes on in CODE. and has the qualifications, it’s me.
Honestly, and I get why I’m doubted, I just think looking back on this gaming and CODE. part of my life, I’ll feel better if I was the one to say something publicly when I saw it. None of this looks good for me. Of those that care, half will never trust me, and half will hate me as a traitor. I’ll feel better in the long run, as even if noone in my real life ever knows about it, I’ll know this action was more consistent with who I want to be. Even if it’s a game, even if it’s in vain or futile. I’m still happy what my decision and expect to be for a long time.
Some of the best, most defining moments of my life, really, are the result of realizing a mistake or wrong and being brave enough to admit it and speak about it honestly. Sometimes a person has to be willing to embarrass themselves or risk unpopularity, maybe. I’ve had plenty of moments where I was terrible to people as well, and being a little older, I know which memories bring me more happiness and pride in the long run.
That’s a pretty crass comparison. For funsies, I expanded this to every CODE kill, npc corp victim or otherwise, that I have scraped so far. It’s 778 kills, but I am excluding all kills that don’t have a victimid (I don’t rightly recall what this includes. Structures and whatnot) so it should be close to their august total so far as zkill says they’re at 790 for August.
There are 549 unique victims.
The mean victim age is 1280 days
The median victim age is 733 days
96 were <= 30 days age
156 were <=90 days age
179 were <= 180 days age
224 were <=365 days age
60% of the unique characters killed by CODE in August have been over a year old.
That’s good, that means you won’t be repeating the same lie over and over again.
Oh wait, scratch that.
This was also your corp. You left CODE. alliance on Monday. That is, after your salt storm began. You also mentioned in another thread that you left a majority-shareholder character in Highway Police. The only reason that character left CODE. is because Shadow tossed CEO to Aiko, who dropped the corp from alliance and booted all of the members.
You’re not being honest even now. So much for your new fondness for ‘truth-telling.’
So much for that narrative.
You’re behaving like the lovechild of a trainwreck and an attention-seeking Instagram ‘influencer’. You might be thinking ‘That’s really not all that fair!’
A trainwreck is over relatively quickly, and an Instagram influencer has fans. The analogy is thus a crude approximation of the truth at best.
old guard discord is a meme. as i prophesied, a new epoch comes up on us, a generation of young agents will take over.
i herefore declare war against the evil Assistance Group alliance. the time of your evil tasks is over!
Praise James! loyalanon and globby are but false prophets!
I sent a resignation letter on June 24 as shown here. Yes, as you know, I did put a corp back in CODE. for a while. I’m not saying I’ve been completely uninvolved since my original quit date, but it’s not a lie to say I quit CODE. then. I did. I likely won’t be feeding any more of your claims or attempts to derail my message, but I’ll respond to this one. Go ahead and metagame to the best of your ability.
As can be seen in the resignation letter, even that contains the propaganda point of view about “carebears”. Not sure what all the point is you’re trying to make other than just reaching for anything slanderous you can. But yes, it’s only recently I’ve realized what I see now. A month hanging out with “Assisntance Group” after I quit the CEO job and became less involved with CODE. certainly did help me reach where I’m at now as did Aiko’s heartless attack on blues and the only guy in CODE. that was actually trying to recruit and build fleets after I selfishly abandoned him and left CEO to him without asking.
Anyway, I’m not looking to be popular or right, here. Check for yourself. I’ve biomassed my 3 other alts that I had spent years building: Prophetess Leroux, Catherine Carns and Otobong Oxangu. The only reason I haven’t done the same with this one is I don’t want the name rebooted as some meme by by former “comrades”. What does this mean that I’ve biomassed almost all I had in Eve? Well, I’d say it’s a good sign I’m being genuine and that this isn’t just some silly scam attempt.
But again, judge for yourself, and I’m willing to accept the attacks and disbelief, because really, even though I’m potentially doing the right thing now, I’ve done a lot of scamming, cruel “metagaming” and messed up stuff myself.
@TheInternet_TweepsOnline_TheInternet - I suppose one more image is okay. Here is just one of many CODE. people pointing out your reputation in this angry response mail to some of my recent mails. Even they know not to trust you or your “wing” of the New Order, so if you must attempt to spin my post, and yes I know you “must”, I won’t be playing along with it. People can judge for themselves.
Thank you.
You were lying then, too. You never really departed. You left alts in CODE. How else did you re-gain control of Highway Police?
In fact, you rolled new alts and put them into the new corp you applied into CODE. A bunch of new alts. You said you were going to give multiboxing a try.
Your story continues to be wildly inconsistent, which should come as a surprise to exactly nobody.
You pulled one character out of CODE. Quitting CODE. means no longer having characters in alliance. That, as far as I know, has only been the case since Monday. You’re not very good at telling the truth.
Your posts were amusing at first, but now it just seems like desperate attention seeking. Your writing is more and more disconnected from reality. I’m not even sure you realize it.
Turn off your computer. Go for a walk. Get some fresh air.
You know, telling people that their mindset is far from reality is called “gaslighting” and is a form of abuse. Fortunately I’m not as weak-minded at all times as I might seem when I’m a bit emotionally off. I thought this would be a good image to share too since I’m on my mails…
and something worth looking at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting
Behold the righteous Saviours of Highsec and people who keep their pvp “in-game”.
So yes, some of the very recent stuff I’ve been subjected to and experienced was a final wake up call. No need to split hairs over exactly when and how far I distanced myself from CODE. It has been a process.
Personal responsibility deflection.
Pretty flipping typical of most people these days.
Anyway, I think I’ve said about all there is today. I’m sure the relentless determination of New Order alts will eventually derail this post and drown out my message with more “metagaming”. I don’t claim to be a good or healthy person or even marginally held-together mentally. This whole situation is tiny and insignificant compared to some things I’ve dealt with IRL. Believe me or don’t. I just wanted to speak my mind and say with I think, and I’ve done it. I can’t and do not wish to argue this post against all of CODE. for the rest of my days, so this is as good a stopping point as any.
I’ve done a bunch of messed up stuff. Primarily, I’ve knowingly messed with people’s emotions a lot for my own pleasure. I’m really not someone to be trusted or liked, but maybe I’ve learned a lesson and made a good decision here with this, and just maybe it’ll be part of a better me in the future.
I likely won’t be checking this post or the eve forums for a long time. I’ll be moving on, and as I’ve distanced myself from CODE. in-game, I’ll be distancing myself from the tendencies that attracted me to them in the first place.
I’ve said many times in my own life that the best people I know started out as bad people who over time improved themselves and made conscious changes to be a better person little by little. Any good I have is the result of this, and I’m going to continue down this path hopefully.
Farewell for now. o7