We certainly do.

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No, you’re not. You’re only losing.


I think it is save to say we can remove that one from the threat matrix.

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Well, there is the threat he may bore us to death.

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He is certainly a model soldier for Dracs ag battalion.


This just shows again you don’t know what you’re talking about and are merely theorising about it to try to make it look like you do.

In many of the cases this was discussed and I was telling the AG that ECM jamming the Tornados was pointless, the system security was 0.8 or higher, so I didn’t even need to know the Tornado fits at all. The AG that claimed he was doing anything meaningful would either not understand how this works at all, or pretend that just because Tornados sometimes shoot twice, that could also be the case in the circumstances we were discussing…

Now, if you want to consider the general case when the system security could be 0.7 or lower, and how is the AG supposed to be able to figure whether the Tornados are intended to shoot once or twice there, then either the gankers have a dedicated tackler or they don’t. If they do, you know the answer already. If they don’t, in order to shoot twice they need more than one Tornado with a point because DSTs are one of their main targets. None of those gangs fit points on just one of the Tornados, and typically they’re all fitted pretty much the same. It’s not like fitting something else instead of a point or a shield extender is going to make much a difference on a Tornado that’s going to wait until some other Tornado shoots first, whereas fitting all of them the same gives more flexibility in choosing (or simply not caring) who shoots first.

But you also talk about it as if the anti-ganker would jam just one of the Tornados… Why on earth would he do that instead of trying to jam as many of them as he can, and the one that shot first in particular, especially if the Tornados don’t shoot all at once, and even more so if he wants the killmails to know how they’re fitted because he’s supposedly aware that what he’s doing might be pointless and hence wants to know to be sure?

And then there is a thing called zKill that helps a lot here. This is actually how I figured a gang whose Tornados I thought at first were intended to shoot just once were actually intended to shoot twice, because zKill allowed me to see there was also a dedicated Gnosis tackler there…

ROFL. What? You’re not showing more foolishness for us to laugh at here, are you? I’m gonna have to bookmark this for posterity too if you mean what I think you mean…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I think it’s mostly due to CODE.‘s preferred type of gameplay being the same thing that attracts griefers. This is not to say that everyone in CODE. is a griefer, as I’ve had some pretty nice conversation with Karak on these forums and some other members of the alliance in-game. But even if individuals within the alliance are nice enough, all the talk about “harvesting tears” and putting the most spectacular blowups on James’ blog certainly makes them look appealing to people who enjoy trolling for reactions.

Maybe they just think the reactions themselves are funny, maybe they get off on making other people upset, or maybe they have some kind of personality disorder like Viirilithizu states in the opening post. Whatever their reasons, CODE. still looks like a somewhat nasty group of players at first glance or to people who haven’t bothered to actually talk with some of the nicer members and realize they’re actual human beings instead of some nebulous and malicious group of evildoers out to ruin everyone else’s fun.

As the saying goes, “Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.”, and replacing the word ‘idiot’ with ‘griefer’, ‘asshole’, or any other pejorative doesn’t change the truth of it.

More power to any CODE. officers who prevent their alliance from getting flooded by jerks, and (presuming they’re being honest about this) more power to Viirilithizu for realizing they had a personality disorder and trying to get help for it.


But you do have a duty to provide evidence for your claims, which is a task that you’ve consistently failed to do while Knowledgeminer actually backs up what he says with evidence. Now how about you stick your ego somewhere it won’t get in the way and either put up or shut up.

How long do you think it will take for the new Korean members to make the rest of you lot feel utterly inadequate?

…Hey, @Octavech_Raholan?

Do me a favor, and stay off my side.

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That comment about jamming once was silly. Most of the time when people said things like this they had only jammed one person and were linking one kill mail, mainly because they were new to AG. If it makes you feel better than enjoy your assumption on what you think I meant, it helps your ego at a guess.

I naturally assumed that we would be talking about systems where they can shoot twice, so I am not sure why you want to throw that comment in about 0.8 and how easy it is to make a point on that, of course that is easy to say you are not making a difference. Again massage that ego of yours. Or maybe you are clarifying it for good order, so maybe I am being a bit harsh about your point scoring ego here, well whatever.

0.7 and below is where I am.

The targets are more often than not T1 Haulers, but the people with more accounts will go after DST’s of course. There are many different people doing things along the pipes at the moment and there is no one size fits all and that applies to what they gank with and targets. I have come across one guy who click, scans and then shoots, he is impressive.

In the past I came across someone who started with the same Tornado all the time to get two shots off, but the other was fit different with just sensor boosters for other targets of opportunity. It depends on the assets that they have. Not all can spare a Gnosis for tackle, they need an alpha and a different fit is something that I have seen even if you have not. But I would agree it is generally rare to stop a gank because the ganker was counting on two shots, but it has happened.

Anyway this is all interesting detail and all that and perhaps shows just how fun this can be.

Still we are tending to go after the loot scooper, another guy is blapping the wrecks, but whatever, if we can stop the gank by stopping a second alpha then even better, but it is very difficult to do on the bigger groups, you just have to know who you are going after and fit setup accordingly.

Mate you have no idea what you are talking about, I don’t have a duty of care to a nobody like you with 2 kills and 41 losses, go away and get better.

As for Knowledgeminer I don’t have to prove anything because he loudly declares that I have to show proof. And to think that, shows what an even bigger plonker you are.

I’m not going to reply to anything in your previous post because you’re back in full blabbering mode again. Just note that you failed to address this:

Can you clarify what you meant there, please? I want to know whether I should bookmark it for posterity or not…

Are you saying that Tornado gankers may still shoot after CONCORD arrives or what?

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It is only natural to lack expertise when you have scarce amount of time to play the game and let alone pvp.
I was only able to access the game for like twice a month for a while.
I am pragmatic regarding my skills, that does not mean I will stop.

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Dracvlad is arguably the best bumper in the game.

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The ad hominem does you no favors, Vladdy; you make claims, you bear the burden of proof.


I hear they are really good at gaming, if that translates to EVE they will probably all join CODE.

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Or they form their own alliances and proceed to unceremoniously kick the ass of everyone they fight.

Imagine five years from now, when the problems of today have been replaced with an entirely new set of issues. Namely how everyone in the game is so terrified of the Korean players that they run screaming into the depths of space at the mere sight of one.

Hilarious, provided they’re happening to someone else and not yourself.

LOL, it is because you have nothing to say to it or to make a point out of it. What a loser you are.

It is pretty obvious what I meant, but that you are trying to use it shows me what you are, more and more. :joy:

That is what you are saying. :joy:

You call that an ad hominem. I said above in a previous post that you have no idea about doing AG and then you make a puff feel good post on burden of proof when I made it clear I have none to someone demanding it because they think it makes them right, or to you agreeing with that, this is not a beauty contest.

Let me remind you why I told you to get better, first of all 2 / 41 is bad, and that does need improving. Second and more importantly is that you used the killboard to make some stupid comparison between me and Knowledgeminer. So you can do it and it is fine and I do it and it is not. But even more importent to this which I pointed out to you and you ignored is that I don’t automatically update killboards and in any case most AG work if done properly does not result in a kill at all.

I did not get a single kill for camping a Tornado ganker with two HIC’s for over a week alongside other AG players, but he no longer ganks, he is gone. Another AG player comes into Perimeter and those 8 Tornadoes that are there dock up and log out and don’t even try. When you made it a thing about killboards you prove that you have no idea.

The AG player who does this in Perimeter is one who Knowledgeminer went after in the AG chat channel and he has Knowledgeminer blocked, he has turned into a very effective AG player in spite of Knowledgeminer winding him up.

Above Knowledgeminer tried to tell me that I am bad for AG, well this guy I made sure to talk to, but he maintained his enthusiasm in any case. He patrols the main pipes around Jita, Uedama Niarja and Amarr and well as Bagodan and the like, while Knowledgminer sits in Hek and Balle. Who is better for AG, well this guy, the one that Knowledgeminer tried to drive out of AG.

It gets even more amusing in that this player initially was just getting on kills and the gankers went after him by calling him names and stuff, but doing so gets bounty which is nice and of course he gets a killmark, so he has set himself objectives on killmarks on different ships, he is making it fun, but he does things to get the loot scooper first and to proactively kill the ganking ships. Because when most of the time it is a waiting game and being successful means no kills, this is at least some sort of fun that some people have doing this.

So when you talk to me like that in acute ignorance of this I tell you to get better at Eve, so go get better at Eve.

But I found it amusing that you did not like the killboard used like that when you did it to me first. :joy:

PS My objective with the exchange is simple, it is to either out Knowledgeminer as a HTFU recruitment destroyer and have him banned from the AG channel, or if he is not, then have him realise the damage that he is doing and stop his ego driven bullshite of rubbing new peoples noses in it which drives people away. Either works for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Everybody reading this already knows who the loser is here. You cannot make that be someone else by merely stating it. You may try to make it true by repeating it, though…

It’s pretty obvious, yes, but I want to be sure, hence why I’m asking. Again, this is what you said that you’re trying to dodge and refusing to clarify:

Are you saying that Tornado gankers may still shoot after CONCORD arrives or what? Why would you laugh at me if I said otherwise, which is what you appear to be saying there?

That’s clearly what I’m asking and what your statement would seem to imply you believe, not what I’m saying. So again, if that’s not what you were saying, what is it exactly that you meant there?

Fist off, nobody cares what you think about what someone else knows or doesn’t, But then, his remarks are about honesty and integrity, which you don’t have. It has absolutely nothing to do with AG. All your blabbering that nobody reads doesn’t change that…


Everybody reading this already knows who the loser is here. You cannot make that be someone else by merely stating it. You may try to make it true by repeating it, though…

It’s pretty obvious, yes, but I want to be sure, hence why I’m asking. Again, this is what you said that you’re trying to dodge and refusing to clarify:

Are you saying that Tornado gankers may still shoot after CONCORD arrives or what? Why would you laugh at me if I said otherwise like you appear to be saying there?

That’s clearly what I’m asking and what your statement would seem to imply you believe, not what I’m saying. So again, if that’s not what you were saying, what is it exactly that you meant there?

Fist off, nobody cares what you think about what someone else knows or doesn’t, But then, his remarks are about honesty and integrity, which you don’t have. It has absolutely nothing to do with AG. All your blabbering that nobody reads or cares about doesn’t change that…

You’re doing an amazing job here, as usual. I’m sure everyone reading this is already convinced that I should be banned from there…

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But you care, all these angry posts and desperate attempt to prove something on the forums, and my target audience is not C&P and not that useless player with 2/41 either, funny that his fixation on killboards came and bit him on the ass. :joy: