He was banned for completely different issues. Still nothing. Stay mad


Hasn’t played in 3 years…still an authority on ganking…

Ok then…


Could give you … in your case it didn’t.

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You’re welcome.

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Although I blocked Lucas Kell, due to his passive-aggressive arguments based upon vapid opinion and erroneous ‘fact’, served with smug ignorance, I continue to see his name in other threads where it seems the community has formed a consensus.

1.4i 1.4h 1.4g 1.4f 1.4e 1.4c 1.4d


You will continue droning on and on.


Not learn something from it and just continue to spew the same bs I guess


And we know you don’t care because you spend half your life on this forums defending your baseless assumptions?


Hi, Lucas! I’m here! The cavalry has been deployed. Now, what was your point again?


Loyal was banned for a very specific reason, Lucas. It’s not a secret… Pretty well known, but you evidently don’t know. LOL Keep making yourself look really ignorant and crying about noobs for us, buddy.


Holy threadnaught batman!

Anyway, I only object to the post gank stuff that exceeds the little banter in local that has been a part of Eve since all fights were bad fights…heh. I think OP gets that.

As far as CODE. They need to reign in the exploits of Concord mechanics designed to pull police away from their “Ganking zone” or area. Let the game truly be afoot gentlemen…your dps vs. the miner preparation and attention (vs. AFK or BOT). It shouldn’t become a deal over pulling concord away just because you undocked a -10 at a station at the right time :wink:

That is how CCP deliberately designed the game. You are wrong to call it an exploit.

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and you are just a timid and weak for needing to subvert the expected and designed police response game mechanic in this regard.

True. Already got two of those Orcas. Nom nom nom

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So you stepped up your game, I can’t fault you for that. So well played sir, instead of whining you are doing, Knowledgeminer indicated you were a good player so I guess that is proof of it. Now I just need to find the kill mails to verify it :stuck_out_tongue:

Found them both, solo too and on this character, so you must have tricked them in some way, they are not detailed as a war on Zkill, but I need to check that in game, interesting…

Black Knight indeed…, but I am wondering if you and Ima are the same person…

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Nah, man. Plenty left.

Uhhhh, you carebears are dumb! Like, heavily dumb. Amazingly wrong about mostly everything!

Hey @Anderson_Geten, I’ve been messaging you in game. Holler back at me, bro! <3

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@Overmind_Niminen hey check your evemail :slight_smile:

Calm down, miner.

Ehefkae is a C5 wormhole corp and Brothers of Tangra is a Null renter alliance. I seriously doubt that either one has to deal with CONCORD much.

If pulling CONCORD was an exploit, CCP would have declared it to be such, just as they’ve declared tanking/dodging CONCORD to be an exploit.


Based on my latest testing, I conclude that the exploits by CODE.-tards are in fact the only way they are able to “do business” as it were. Without these tactics, concord would function properly and the vast majority of ganking would cease.

Concord has a few “normal” parameters, spawned / unspawned, ongrid / offgrid. Pulling concord is working with these normal parameters as the game was designed 20 years ago, there is no exploit there. Interfering with these would be an exploit but pulling concord is not.

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