I wish my Age and employment history where secret

If you want change you’re going to have to convince people that said chance is needed or beneficial. Dunno, if I wanted change I’d probably back it with some reasoning to improve the chance of that change to happen.

Do yourself a favor and just ignore him.

yep ISD is with you

You’re not debating, is our point.

If nothing else, it was worth the short discussion! :grinning:

Edit: In before the lock!

I mean, I could just close the thread, but I’d really rather see you all talk it out.


why close it? has someone done something wrong?

Given how the OP isn’t really interested in a discussion at all it seems, I don’t see a reason for this thread other than it devolving into the usual suspects raging against each other.

Smells of troll tbh.

You must be beyond drinking and into drugs to believe that!!! :rofl:

Sorry, I just had to…

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To me, it’s still about intel, I think we should keep it the way it is for now. But it’s the age of chaos, you never know… :wink:

Ok, let’s humor.

Why and in what manner?

How do you want this to be implemented?
Do you want your Age and Employment history to be secret entirely? Selectively? A toggle to turn it on or off? Limited to some people and not others?

And Why do you want this to implemented?
Beyond your feelings, can you provide us some reasons why the game overall would be improved by implementing this? What need is there for the game to have such a feature / option / default, etc.?


As far as Forums go this has been a very negative experience for me, I wont be posting or playing again, I didn’t think my post would draw so much hate!

Speaking of intel, it would be great to get the character affiliations under the portraits here in the forum again.


I want a free Ferrari, anyone who disagrees with me is a hater.


DO NOT DO THAT"." I goy my arse torn outta me when I first started to post. Stick it out in the forums and you can handle any problem in game.

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poor thing , don’t be sad , things get better as people know you more
im sure you will make lots of friends

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Ok, you got me, I don’t have anything important to say anyway. But I still get to piss off the ISD! :smile:

A lot of bored dickwads with nothing to do but disrupt and derail threads here in General Discussion. They’re not allowed in the new players forum if you want to repost there.

I mean… this is the Discussion section of the forum, not a “Post what you wish for in EVE” section of the forum. Still waiting on OP to answer the questions though.


I know exactly nothing about this game so far, but i thought if nobody could see my age or employment history, i could mislead people to my strength, no matter… guess new players are not welcome.