I wish my Age and employment history where secret

AH, now we get to the truth of the matter and he does seem to have a valid point?

New players ARE welcome.

New players who try to change the game without first even learning about the game really need to rethink their priorities.


With the introduction of skill injectors and alpha accounts, a character’s age means nothing. That 1 month old toon that you are viewing the info of could be a brand new first-time EVE player, but it could also be the skill-injected alt of a 15 year EVE veteran…


No, not really. Due to those same injectors age is meaningless remember.

I’m not sure that people who just started playing the game should come up with game changing ideas. And it still smells of troll.

Could be…

I was taking someone’s advice to run with this, no regrets! :grinning:

Edit; see my 1st post

You guys are way too rude and hostile, I don’t need that in my life, good luck and god bless.

Then you let them win…

not true
new players are more than welcome , we all like new bros , but your attitude is to negative
we love the game , if you come making assumptions an telling lies about it you will make a terrible impression
be assertive and state your position

you have no strength , its hard to conceal that , you are like a wounded gazelle on the Serengeti, learn about the game , love the game and you will be one of us
this is a community you know?

Can’t save everybody…

you cant MAKE someone stop hating

It’s not hate.

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i really dont want you yo quit the game
i really dont hate you , i even say you may have a valid concern
most of the guys here don’t hate you to
thats the truth

tell them to F O , life goes on

Come on @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode.

This is so very obviously a troll OP.

It’s after midnight for me so I can feed the trolls and watch them grow! :rofl:

WOW guess I’m really not welcome, I’ll save you the effort, you guys have already bullied me out.

Sorry, I did try.

please don’t go

Your a good guy, I’ll remember that.

I mean. I’m still not even sure how you thought this plan was ever going to work. It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re nearly completely new to the game.

Your inexperience has already shown itself in this thread many times over. How did you think you were going to “mislead people to your strength”, if it’s so painfully obvious that you don’t know what you’re talking about?

Look, kid. The point that I’m making is that you need to first learn the game before suggesting changes to it. (Unless those changes are specifically towards an experience of a newbro like “when the tutorial told me to pull up the Sensor Overlay, I didn’t know what that was”) Maybe if you take the time to leave the forums, go play the game, get some experience, you’ll have a better perspective on these issues.