⭐ IChooseYou Investment Bank

in case you missed this @IChooseYou

Lets see if @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras gets his isk back fro @IChooseYou.
My bet is that it does.
I have 5 mil saying he gets his isk, any takers?
my 5 mil vs your 5 mil, winner take all.
Throws 5 mill in the pot.

5 mil on the desk

Sorry, I did miss that. Isk refunded.

@F3ND1MUS I also sent you 5 mil.

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Plex investment refunded, as well.

I knew i would get the ISK back, granted it wasn’t much. But at the same time, I wouldn’t hesitate to re-invest with @IChooseYou in the future either. I’ve dipped my hands a few times into loaning small amounts of isk to people.

… I am pretty sure this guy won’t settle for anything less than a quadrillion ISK, for good reasons.

Confirmed ty😀

I’d like to withdraw my full 10 bil. Thank you!

I would like to withdraw my 8B investment with my alt MERCADERS. thanks for all

I’d like to withdraw my investment.
Thanks for the service

I would like to withdraw my 8B investment with my alt MERCADERS. thanks for all

I would like to withdraw my 16B investment.

I would like to withdraw my 10b investment as well.

I would like to withdraw the full amount invested plus owed interest.

damn after refunding everybody its easily down to about less than 200 bil that he will have… if that.

I’d like to withdraw my 5 B investment as well, thank you very much for the service.

I can I be a pat of this crop.

Another investment bank. Lest see since 2007 I have seen what 10 or 12 of these? I’m sure you all will make a fortune until this guy goes Bernie Madoff on yall. Good luck!

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Need to do a full withdrawal of 18 Billion.