If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

Calm down miner.

Since ganking has no effect on the “overall economics” as you say, then there is no need to change it - it doesn’t matter, right?

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I am not a miner.

Ganking needs to be changed because of its effect on our player base and people leaving due to the toxic nature of it.

It has to do with retaining players. And absolutely nothing to do with Economics.

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You are just spouting nonsense.

If ganking has “no impact” on the economy, why would it have an impact upon players? How could a meaningless activity be “toxic”? You really can’t have it both ways, either ganking is a big deal, or it isn’t - but for someone who talks about “intellectual dishonesty” you seem perfectly content to maintain contradictory arguments.


Yasminka is LARPing being a finance minister of a fictional fantasy world while erasing the reasons many people have quit the game over the years. Her „3 and only 3 reasons“ don’t include „too boring because CCP made the game too safe“

I think boredom is the #1 reason miners quit.

Admitting this is unfathomable to her

You are not stupid.

You know exactly why a person being ganked in highsec with 6 months worth of stuff that they have worked tirelessly for being blown up and stolen in an instant… “With Absolutely NO real consequence to the person who did it”. The ganker calculated his loss into the the gank, for the ganker it was nothing more then business investment.

Wheras to the person ganked, it is time, effort, energy, planning, months weeks or days of work. Gone at the snap of a finger with no way to prevent it. And that is the issue. There is no way to stop it, there is no way to prevent it, there is no way to avoid it. If someone wants to gank you, your gonna get ganked.

And if your a defenseless freighter, hauler etc. Your only hope is that that ganker, will at least get some consequence for committing what is a crime in Highsec. Only to find out, that there is no consequence, and that ganker is back ganking 10 minuets later to some one else. Every single day.

That kind of hopelessness, Does a lot to a person. And makes you not want to play.

It is the intrinsic value of the time lost, with no sense of justice given. Which makes people just decide to quit.

You are fully aware of this.


Some people are bad at video games. They try, they lose, they cry, they quit. That’s the cycle of life. There’s no reason to keep them around, they were gonna quit inevitably, so it’s no loss. Maybe they will enjoy Farmville instead?

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Strange. Because the forums are full of people saying why they are quiting.

The number one reason is Toxic players and Ganking.

The number 2 reason is the industry changes and garbage going on with that.

The number 3 reason, is as listed, the Learning curve and again the toxicity simply involved with trying to begin playing, your hit with it straight off the bat, and its fun at first until a player realizes that it never gets better it only get’s worse unless you yourself decide to become a criminal and a ganker (and some do) the other players leave.

The only people who defend ganking are gankers and individuals who enjoy tortureing others and being sadistic and psychotic.

Which I admit is fun, but it got old for me personally, especially after I saw the impact it was having on Eve and the player base as a whole. Ganking needs some changes and intervention to bring it in line with the “EvE has Consequences” motto. And to to bring it in line with how Eve is supposed to effect everyone. Not just a certain group of people who try to play the game as lawful non criminal non psychotic individuals.

You don’t need to be a miner to get ganked. Gankers are indiscriminate. So I am unsure why every time someone complains about ganking your alls immediate response is to call them a carebear or miner. Which from you all is ment as a derogatory slur.

Many of the people complaining about this are pvpers also. Live in Nullsec, Or even Lowsec. They just choose not to participate in toxic behavior.


Everything you say is untrue.

Have you tried playing the game?

I have quit, and returned multiple times. Sometimes one year the game just might be too toxic and too much BS going on that I simply do not want to deal with. I might come back the next year and things have changed abit for whatever reason, or maybe my region of space is just quiet that year because the people terrorizing it moved somewhere else.

Other times, CCP has done something absolutely retarded, and I’ve quite because I didn’t want to deal with that crap (Such as some of the industry changes) and I came back once they rolled some of it back. (This had more to do with the economics in the game and availability of ships caused by the changes, and the effect on nullsec then industry itself).

I’ve been playing off and on since Alpha/Beta. Eve goes through changes. But the last several years with the population continuing to drop, the problems with the toxic players, ganking etc, have become more exacerbated as there is not as much of a player and character buffer to hide it.

Basically, the number of toxic players is beginning to reach an amount in action which is readily noticeable all over Eve, whereas before it was more hidden by the population. instead of 10/90 ratio, were now looking at more like 30/70, and the amount rises every year due to the non-toxic players leaving and the toxic players staying.

This occurs because nothing is done to curb or consequence illegal or bad behavior, in fact it seems to be encouraged. Which for a game even like Eve just seems asinine. I mean you want more people to leave and less people to play the game?

Award winning strategy for player retainment that…


Everything I said would happen is happening in terms of player numbers and the decline of the game.

I kept saying and was insulted for it that you had to make it so that the ganked felt that they had a chance, be it by mechanics or by their own abilities and they were not just turkeys in a turkey shoot.

I will keep watching as Eve dies, with the odd occasion where I will chime in with:

I told you so!!!

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oK, back to Bannerbear.

See you next year!


Imagine being like game dying is normal

you are so full of :poop: it isnt even funny

What’s funny is you say that as the world burns around you. Your just so used to the fire and flame, that you no longer see the damage, nor even the flame or fire. Everything to you looks normal.

So I guess in your case, carry on.

Numbers are going up, pretty sure it’s the opposite of dying.

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Those people were only whiners who didn’t understand the game and the way to avoid being ganked. They act the same way in other games when they can’t get what they want. All crying whiners, every single one of them.


We cant tell you anything we are doing, but ya know, just trust us :face_with_spiral_eyes: