If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

Basically? Yes. You elect us trusting that some of us will act in the best interests of the game. Or you don’t vote and hope that either we are ineffectual or that other voters have your best interests at heart.



I trust mike and i trusted brisc

The CSM just seems like a bunch of tourists :slight_smile:

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For the pvp content presumably for some irony. I didn’t come back to rescue the damsel in distress. MIning? That dark past forgotten. And some of it later extracted actually. Kept the orca train, and the orca, though. Its a nIce hauling ship.

I told you so.

Great, so you’re a prophet.
Exactly when is it that CCP will close doors and put the key under the mat? I want year, month, day and time.

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Facts are very inconvenient.


OK, well that is good to see., I was going on comments I had seen on the forums, not the number of logins, so thanks for that. That bump at the end is due to Vanguard of course.

The issue is keeping new players as those are the ones that suffer the most from what I pointed out as the issue, being turkeys in a turkey shoot. They don’t have the skills to fly the right ships for the job, and they can’t withstand the loss.

I remember when all those long term hisec miners left while people came in due to big battles, it hid the decline rather well.

If that sticks and I hope it does then that is good.

@Calamity_Unleashed No, I am not that. I think CCP will continue to go on with Eve for some time, they have a core of loyal players, but they are getting old and new players don’t stick well. So hard to tell.

I agree. And I apologize for my snarky post.


@Dracvlad Could you try to play the game for at least a few minutes, before you come back and spout the same stale irrelevant out-dated pointless illogical whiny observations that you have been submitting for years? Furthermore, before you cry about ganking, could you try to gank a few freighters yourself, see how it goes and let us know if it’s easy for you. Kinda silly to keep talking about something when you lack experience.

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Was there a survey or something with data to back this up? Empirically I can agree that these are some reasons but I don’t know if they’re the top 3. I’m sure there are many reasons, mostly IRL stuff like family, career, or interest changes and time restraints.

After many years in game I can say that EvE is expensive. Most online games have a grind element to it but it’s usually implemented in a way that is fun or adds layers to your progress. Grinding ISK in this game (to me) is zero fun, and is (usually) required to have fun. So you pay for Omega and then pay with your time to earn money so you can have fun risking and losing your ships. Or you drop a sizeable amount of cash on PLEX so you can do both.

I’m not complaining really because I enjoy it enough, but amongst my older vet friends this is often mentioned as a factor: EvE is pay to pay to play.


Wait what?

The CSM exists to represent players not specifically grow the game or revenue, those might go hand it hand but they are not the same.

It’s the Council for Stellar Management so technically they manage suns :sun_with_face:

Probably because they get fed up with lengthy diatribes like yours from people who psychically know how ‘most’ people in Eve think when really they are just stating their own biased and slanted viewpoint. It’s amazing how everyone with a gripe of some sort seems to have that supernatural mystic ‘everyone agrees with me’ superhero power despite never actually having conducted a single survey and having zero actual personally derived data to go by.

Nooo…Eve’s psychic superstars don’t need mere data or surveys. They can bend entire dreadnoughts with their mind…never mind mere spoons.

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Idk vet players should have enough isk to do nearly anything they want. And if you remove that factor you end up with no loss, which degrades the game

This is just yet more forum baloney. As a noob I was ganked, gate camped, and destroyed by NPCs…all within the same week…and yet here I still am 2 years later. An hour of mining replaced all 3 ships…and it’s worth adding that their actual value in RL would have been about 10p. OMG…how could I ever recover from a horrific 10p worth of loss !

MacGybo pretty much nails it…

A couple of ventures are not important.

Nooo…that’s not the argument the anti-gankers make. They try to make out that noobs are so poverty stricken that even the 500K ISK for a T1 fitted Venture is a devastating loss. And of course…don’t forget to add on psychological trauma and PTSD and having to pay psychotherapy fees for several years for the horror of losing a few space pixels in a game that is all about losing space pixels.

Actually I have never lost a Venture. The 3 ships lost were Condors and a Tristan. But the point you singularly miss is that I am still in the game…2 years later. Living evidence that not even being ganked and gate camped all in the same week ‘makes’ noobs leave.

no thats wrong … CCP rise gave a good presentation 2015 where he shows that ganks are no reason why players leave !

ganking is no problem xD you only create this problem !

and this is CCP´s problem ? oO everybody knows that this could happen ! if you transport your 123074601 trillion isk in one autopilot ibis then youre got ganked for a reason → lazyness !

as soon as you undock you should have calculated the loss of your ship … → you undocking your 12b JF ? you need to know that this ship is already dead ! thats part of eve and this should stay part of every space !

you need to think that every secons hundrets of haulers and freighters got ganked oO btw … take a look at ZKB and you see how many billions per hour they get …

where does it benefit ? they 100% lose their ship ! they 100% lose sec status ! they got a killright ! they have 15 min “timeout” and if they undock another ship before this timer is over then they will lose this ship aswell !

if concord would also kill pods this would be better for ganker because they are already at their home station! and btw … they dont use implants so its useless to kill their pods xD

no xD there is a reason why everbody has a medical clone ! and if you ban them out of HS until they reach positive sec status is stupid ! then we need to start ban all missionrunner from getting LP´s if they are above 0 sec status ! its all about risk vs reward and you only want to be lazy and 100% safe !

why should they do this ? oO then they need to skill another char which takes time and in this time they could not do their stuff … and BTW ! all low sec dudes have also negative sec status xD and you deny almost everything with your stupid ideas :wink:

but in 0.5 and 0.6 systems concord dont spawn anymore ! yes that would be a fair trade …

huh ? could you pls say which point do you want ?

where can you be sure that their alt pick up the loot ? maybe another rnd guy are close to the wreck and loot it ? and now he is --10 ? for what ? because he lootet something ?
cargo scan a ship is no agressive action so its not even got you a suspect timer …
if you web a target then you have an agressive action and you get concorded anyway …
and about the -10 part i said already thats stupid !

ganker have actual consequenzes xD only because they calculatet them into their action does not mean they havnt any consequenz xD

this is stupid … if you get attacked then you can say in local that you pay money ! if they dont accept then your dead anyway … if they accept and still kill you then youre ransom was stupid because, and i said this already, if you undock you need to think about your ship like its dead !

this is again very stupid … where do this ship get his invulnearability ? which technology is this that every ship now has an invul ? this makes absolutley no sense and will only accure in massive abusing and exploiting !

again … where tech for invul ?

there is ABSOLITLEY NO HONOR in eve … its a game all about killing other people oO no matter how you reach your goal !

your part as antiganker is absolutley intelectially ■■■■■■■■ !

then i ask you how some state like North Corean can exist ?

and btw … eve is an online GAME ! its not real life ! if you think its real life then you realy need to take a very long break !

pls start being intelectual ! ganking is an extremly low part of this game … you are pushing this part into heaven that everybody could think that ganking is the most important part of this game … but only about 1% of every player got ganked and you see this as a problem … why ? because you are to lazy to follow simple rules and thats why YOU got ganked !

again xD CCP gave the informations that ganking is no real reason of leaving players :wink:
and because you wont believe me i will post you the important stuff …

EVE Fanfest 2015: Using Science to Help Newbros - YouTube

CCP would also loose 1000 gankers but dont gain 10000 carebears xD your logic is absolutley failed !

what is about the piracy on coast of africa ? they are based on “ganking” or lets say robbery … its a criminal action but they need it because its way more lucrative then their normal life ! why ? because there is no other work …
your statement is wrong !