If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

You’re the one constantly shifting the goal posts. First Ventures, frigates, etc don’t matter. Then mid range barges don’t matter. And all you have left is Hulks, where I quite rightly point out that extra yield grabbing capacity ought to mean extra risk. Nobody has to fly a Hulk.

Why should it be any different for Hulks than it is for any other ship in the hundreds of millions of ISK ? If I have a task to do then I fly the cheapest ship that can do that task. I don’t fly a 1.5 billion ISK ship to Jita to pick up stuff if a 60m ISK ship can do the task, even if it means making two or three trips.

Heck…maybe that’s why I don’t get ganked. I pick up millions of ISK of stuff but on any one trip always fly under the ganker’s radar. Collectively I transport billions of ISK of stuff.

People are greedy and they want max ISK with as few jumps as possible…and they get ganked.

You have not proven anything. Eve is now a niche game, even though CCP wishes that was not the case. The perception of the game in the gaming world is that it has a nasty community and is unbalanced. in key areas, and it is not seen as a good game by most gamers at this point sadly.

@Altara_Zemara you went off on another tangent there, how many angles are you trying to cover there mate.

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Nah…it’s just you weaseling out of every point made. Thus it would not matter what points were made.

You are throwing so many off tangent pointers around that you have lost yourself a bit there old bean.

And your peer reviewed survey of ‘most gamers’ can be found where ?

Is that important?

You made the claim. Back it up with some actual evidence. Something the whiners on this forum never do.

Is that important? Is it?

yes i do ! and if i´m wrong then profe me wrong ! otherwise youre just dreaming ! and eve was always a niche game … otherwise it would have reached at some point a playerbase of more then millions of players like wow did ! but eve never come even close to even 100k online player … so it was always and will ever been !

and for sure CCP want to have more player … why didnt they ? more players = more cash = better life

why do you come again with only your opinion and no source ? you want us to believe eve has a bad reputation in the gaming world ? then show us all the sources where you get this informations !

you just throw your worthless opinion into the “duscussion” only to proofe of a problem that never exists !

if there was a problem then why no antiganker can proof there is a problem but all of the defender can proof the problem is only in their head ?

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Calm down, Eve is a niche game, does that really matter. If you end up only being able to gank other gankers than I guess it will matter. I wonder if that is the end game for Eve?

this means you claim eve was not a niche game before ( yeah before what ? ) and this is wrong ! you lied about this …

what stupid sentance xD doesnt make any sense at all …

you still thinkng ganking is a major part of the game ! your still totaly wrong and if you wouldnt be lazy and inform you correct then you would have known this fact !

btw … eve has no endgame :wink: or in other words … endgame is a personal thing in eve ! for you it looks like the endgame is to cry into the official forum about gankers and want to ban all of them ?

Eve was not a niche game, it was designed for many types of players and in fact had many player types playing it, despite people claiming incorrectly that it was just a PvP game. But now it has turned into a niche game at least by player type, as in a game for PK’s.

I wonder how this game will be when gankers only have other gankers to gank, and I use the word ganker in the gamer sense, not the Eve sense, that is obviously confusing you.

Did I say that Eve has an end game, I said that it would be the end game for Eve.

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if it were not a niche game then it would have way more players … xD thats why its a niche game ! and still there are plenty types of player in this game ! i would say almost the same types as everytime !
and its still a PvP based game … doesnt mean you forced to play active PvP like shooting other ppl … but still mining is PvP ! still the eve market is PvP ! still industry is PvP ! you always battle against other ppl ! PvP doesnt mean blow up ships ! PvP only means Player vs Player !

you repeat the same useless sentance ? this is absolutley ■■■■■■■■ … xD
tell us why this would happen ?

i´m confused … its almost the same definition of eve ganking … so where do you think is the difference of ganking for gaming in general and for eve ? yes i know in eve you get punished by concord … but this doesnt matter the definition of ganking !

so you asked if this is ( ganking ) is the end game for eve … and you know my answer !

maybe you you wanted to say " its the end of the game " and then i can refuse it because ganking exist so many years and eve still survived xD

It was not a niche gamer previously, now it is. It is a niche game for PK’s.

Maybe it is easier to explain it like this, what will happen to even when all that is left are PK’s? Hunting other PK’s is hard, would be fun to see how that develops however, being the king of that game is real hard man mode.

You are confused, which is why I have started to use PK as in Player Killer.

Ganking in Eve is specifically used for non-war hisec combat, even though ganking is actually what most people do in terms of PvP in nullsec, numbers normally count. Does that help?

The end of the cycle of all mining, trading, PI, etc in Eve is pew pew and ship destruction. Without that destruction there’d be no point in mining…as there’d be no demand for ore. Thus miners are part of the PvP cycle whether they like it or not, and Eve is most assuredly a PvP game. Eve is not simply a mining simulator with a little pew pew added on. The entire raison d’etre for mining is PvP and other combat.

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then tell us what which time is “preciously” ?
which time eve was very popular and for the mass market ?

then why should this happen ? tell me in which scenario exactly this happen that only the “hunters” survive ? youre again creating a problem that does not exist …

no i´m confused because the definition of ganking is the same ! in eve it has aditions but its still the same ! killing other ppl they didnt see that coming … and no ! kills in LS / NS / WH are no ganks because you know exactly that this happens ! you are live in space you could legaly get killes ! HS you dont get killed legaly ! thats why its in eve called “Suicide Ganking” ! its only get shortend and everybody calles it ganking …

youre again wrong xD i explained it before this quote xD

Except that when the game first started and up until the -25% ROF Destroyer change ganking was really not that prevalent so most players hardly got ganked prior to that, so there were many different player trypes playing the game. When that change came in that it became a game just for PK’s. In my opinion of course.

@Vuhdo_Rin I explained Ganking above, if you don’t understand that is not an issue for me.

Anyway, interesting exchange of views.

then tell us … why are there so many miners into the space ?
then tell us … why are there so many PvE players into the space ?
then tell us … why are there so many industrialists out there in space ?
then tell us … why are there so many players in space they dont want to shoot other ppl ?
then tell us … how all this can be, if this game only exist for player who shoot other players ?

your “argument” is absolutley inconsistent and unlogical ! and dont forget … its wrong !

you ddnt explained anything ! you only told your opinion … and if you dont have any problems with ganking why do you argue against ganking ? because IT IS an issue for you !


Woah ! That’s not the story I’ve seen. The Mara gate camp, for example, was as far back as 2003.

What you are seeing are the players that are into PK , will happily do PvE, mining and indy because they have to. Which is why I call it a niche game and is really just for PK’s. It is an opinion by the way.

I don’t have an issue with Eve ganking as such, I have an issue with people being a turkey in a turkey shoot, I have an issue with Eve ganking having no real consequences. I also think that the people most impacted are new players that have just trained into a T2 ship and want to max it out, those are the players that get hurt and leave, especially when they are not really PK’s. And for a Vet like me a new players is someone who is around 0 to 2 years of age without injecting themselves.

Mara was a fun place for pirating for me in 2005 with my first character. But that is not hisec ganking is it?