If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

Is there actually a difference ? I mean, the only difference between shooting someone in 0.4 space and shooting someone in 0.5 space is that Concord show up in the latter. You make a big fuss over ‘highsec ganking’ yet vastly more ships…especially miners…get blown up in lowsec. The killer in lowsec also loses security status…I lost 0.5 security points in lowsec ( from shooting 3 ships ) only a few days ago.

‘Highsec ganking’ is simply lowsec PvP in highsec. Apart from Concord showing up there is zero difference. Yet I have never once seen anti gankers whine about the far larger number of miners, etc, that get blown up in lowsec.

no thats not true in general xD i know a lot of ppl they buy plex because they hate any kind of farming !
you are again only tell us your opinion and not hard facts !

you also missing all the player who dont want to dicrectly involved in fights ! so they are harmless ppl ! they only mine and ratting and constructing stuff … but they never shot any player ( exeption is for selfe defense )

so you have a problem with ganking !
and you dont see the consequenzes …

freighters are not T2 ships … barges are not T2 ships … faction ships are not T2 ships … T3 ships are not T2 ships … orcas are not T2 ships … all the T1 hauler are not T2 ships …

yes you will see a lot of marauders got gankes … but maybe you should asked yourself why they got gankes ? did they have an expensive fitting ? yes they had ! and they are realy soft targets !

yes you will see a lot of T2 haulers got ganked … but maybe you should asked yourself why they got ganked ? they could fit their ship way better and still decide to have max cargo, active tank, inertia, warp speed and additional they move way to much value in their cargo ! so they are an extremly soft and lucrative target !

yes you will see a few Exhumers got ganked … but maybe you should asked yourself why they got ganked ? because they are afk and dont pay attention ! if they would then they never were a target ( almost the reason of all ganks ) and they produce the most salt and tears of all “victims”

you can still max out your ship if you want … but if you fit 3-5b into your ship youre a very nice target for ganks ! this happen btw also to t1 and faction hulls …

where do you know they didnt shot other ppl ? you need to proof this argument ! but i can predict you cant … so its a worthless and wrong opinion !

so a new player is not someone who just played for a week ans has injected all the skillpoints he could found ? you would call them a veteran player ? wtf is this logic ? thats realy stupid !


ive done a quick research to shown that ganking is absolutley no problem !

  1. all ganking the last 7 days …

Advanced Search | zKillboard

  1. all HS kills the last 7 days in general
    Advanced Search | zKillboard

EDIT 2 :

  1. all ganking kills last 90 days
    Advanced Search | zKillboard
  2. all HS kills the last 90 days
    Advanced Search | zKillboard

I still mine now and then…and I often transport stuff…mainly because I enjoy the risk of being ganked. That is something Dracvlad completely ignores…just how utterly boring highsec would be without the gank risk. I flew 420m worth of totally unarmed Guardian out of Jita right past Aiko’s group in Isanamo the other day. Scary but fun. I suspect one would lose far more players from highsec becoming risk free than one could ever lose from ganking. The gank cat and mouse is fun…indeed I would even say essential.

i do the same … i dont need it but its a bit difference from always doing the same ! but this doesnt change the fact tha a lot of PvP player dont care about PvE or collect money ! and a lot of “PvE” player dont want to be an active PvP player !

exactly thats the point ! we all plya this game because it has a special attitude ! and nobody is safe anywhere … i know some player want to be 100% safe but i think thats only the minority of all players ! they are only the loudest one !

Ho hum, I said that I think there should be greater consequences and people should not be a turkey in a turkey shoot and you both convert that into me wanting to end hisec ganking, there is some real cognitive dissonance here if I am not mistaken .

As for the guardian, they tend to be unarmed anyway as they are repping ships, did you mean unfitted? An unfitted Guardian is not a gank target, so I am not sure why you think that was scary, that was easy and not scary in anyway.

@Vuhdo_Rin if you took that from Zkill do note that there has to be 5+ people involved in the kill in hisec for it to be classified as a gank, so it is rather misleading if you want to detail hisec ganking in hisec.

Is that really too hard to understand a definition of a new player to me, it is a player who is 0 to two years in game, the skill points comment is that the injecting makes no difference. oh dear…

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then come up with your ideas ! but the only think we can read is " i want "
gankers have consequenzes and if you cant understad this you máybe have the cognitive dissonance …

thats true … i didnt noticed xD
then my research was to easy :stuck_out_tongue: still there is no problem with ganking ! maybe its doubled the kills and value but still has way less kills and value then all the HS kills ever !

i know whats a new player but you said follow :

this means everbody who inject skillpoints is no new player ! thats your post ! you cant say you didnt write this !


i researched the HS kills for more kills and for today i found 17 to add ! today is saturday and more ppl flying arount ( ganker and victims ) … but lets say every day 17 ships dying they are not classified as ganking because less then 5 agressor ! then we had for the last 7 days still only 248 kills against the 12878 kills for the whole HS ! this means less then 2% of the HS kills are ganks ! i didnt calculated the value of the other kills but as i saw it was almost max 400m isk ! 2 times i saw way more but i often saw 200 - 300m so it does not add that much to the kill value !

You know you’re wasting your time trying to make rational, reasoned arguments to the irrational, right?

I agree with you by the way but, you’ll never get the gankers to understand your viewpoint. They just want to destroy consequence free and pat themselves on the backs for being “elite PVPers”.


I agree, it is time wasting, but I had some time to kill, so I engaged them with a discussion, of course it turned into the same strawman, off topic replies, gaslighting and personal attacks as normal for these forums, which I find amusing, always have.

V Rin appears to be German based on something he linked, so his English is a bit weak, like him misunderstanding the injection comment, but it could also be deliberate to argue about something irrelevant, something they often do to divert attention.

And then we have Destiny, who declares that I was never an active player in Eve, then goes off on a rant about Thotamon. Thotaman is the singular most effective AG player I have come across, regularly saving people on his own with a burst Osprey, he is also a keen indy player, but is not really a solo PvP player in the sense of being good at blowing someone up. Thotamon also takes risks, which is likely why he lost that Bowhead, he would take that on the chin and just get on with it, he is like that. Destiny is hurt because Thotamon did not take that personally, which is hella funny imo, and pretty desperate. Maybe he thinks that I am upset because Thotamon lost a Bowhead? I don’t know, all I see is yet another tryhard desperate for attention.

It is sad to see Eve develop into a niche PK game, it was once more than that, but they really did destroy indy big time, real shame that.

The cognitive dissonance lies with the person wanting there to be ‘greater consequence’ for shooting people in a PvP shooter game.

420m worth of Guardian ( base price 160m ) is not unfitted. There’s 260m worth of armor tank loot…and the EHP is no more than the average barge.

There were 12,800 kills in highsec in the past week, of which only 18%, or 2,400, involved 2 people or more. Maybe we should ban NPCs…as 40% of all kills were by NPCs !

In fact…115 out of 184 Ventures lost in highsec today were lost to NPCs. Strange how I have never once heard a call for ‘psychotic’ belt rats to be banned or to ‘face the consequences’…huh.

youre right … you never understand the game ! because you never can be thinking rational !

nobody ( ok you want ) wants to destroy consequenzes xD gankers live with them and dont cry… the only consequenz you have as “victim” is losing your ship ! but you could have easy prevent this …

who said he´s an elite PvPer ? xD nobody said this so this is only a strawmen !

yeah realy bad that you as antigank come always with such stupid nonsense arguments they dont make sense !

yes i´m german, yes my english isnt the best ! but this doesnt mean i cant understand the content of your ■■■■■■■■ :wink:
but hey … im bringing facts and show you sources and you only come with your opinion xD gread base to show that youre irrational !
also the point that you need to argue about my english shows youre not ablue to bring valid arguments :wink: you come with a personal attack to discredit me xD but you only proof you have no idea what youre talking about

but hes was right … i found 17 kills for today without the “ganking tag” on zkb ! only because they were killed by less then 5 ppl ! maybe zkb could fix this ?
but still these 17 kills per day wouldnt create a problem … all the kills i manualy checked were untacked ships with to much value inside their cargo ! so they were stupid ppl … best examples for ganking “victims”

OMG, Dracvlad has psychic powers for sure. How the hell did he know that I was hurt and upset because I killed a loaded AG Bowhead!? I rage and fume about making that kill every night.

No, Dracvlad, people don’t lose Bowheads in high-sec because they “take risks.” They lose Bowheads in high-sec because they’re bad players, who don’t actually understand any game mechanics aside from “you have to use your disposable Slasher to target and target-paint the griefers while CONCORD police officers are shooting them, because that’s how you win and have your revenge by making the griefers feel bad.” AGs, who are well-known for “enforcing consequences” on gankers by leeching on CONCORD kill mails, are the prime example of a lack of skill and genuine inability to actually enforce consequences on anyone, just like the rest of the frothy-mouthed carebears that they represent.

By the way, I noticed you sent some likes to that guy who was making RL violence threats and railing against homosexuals in the C&P thread, before an entire day’s worth of activity was nuked by the ISD. Keep up that good work, champ!


i need to correct that ! they are always lazy … not always bad ! but nobody can exlude bad xD
and sometimes they are realy stupid …

Bad is bad. Being bad is a condition. Laziness/inattentiveness, ignorance/a lack of knowledge, a tendency to create false narratives instead of presenting emprical evidence in order to gaslight others into believing your viewpoint, are all symptoms of that condition. A treatable condition, to be fair, but one that rarely actually gets treated.

Just pay your union dues and stop making excuses.

A lot of context is going to be lost in the recent exchange because the ISDs are removing non-offensive posts because they get alt-report-spammed, without touching the rest of the exchange or providing any kind of information for the reason behind the removal.

Not much I can do there, that’s just the way the forum game is played these days.

He takes risks, he is like that, he gave you a nice easy kill, you should not be complaining.

Thotamon uses an Osprey, never seen him in a Slasher.

No idea what your are talking about with that last paragraph, not that I care, just find it funny.

Is saying you are German and giving you leeway on your misunderstanding because it is your second language a personal attack? Wow!

yes it is ! why is it ? because you see i can still comunicate with english speaking people ! maybe my wordings are not always the best, maybe my grammar are not good … i know this, i accept this …

you just want to discredit me by saying I dont understand anything ! this is demonstrably false because I basically know how to help myself if I actually dont know certain words ! the content is usually clear without even knowing individual words !

its the last thing you can do to “win” this discussion but you dont ! you cant !

no … you can be lazy without being bad ! ignorance is on another table …
lack of knowledge is mostly the result of lazyness !

but im sure we can agree … this bowhead kill was stupid ! he could have easy prevent this …
and im sure we also can agree that HS “victims” almost always have themselves to blame for their losses

I have you note that I did purchase a new permit from Sargon. 100M though yet to receive in my mailbox.

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You are reading it that way, French is my second language, I make lots of mistakes, I think you misunderstood me because you did not get the nuance, the nuance is the most difficult aspect of another language. The only advantage of French is that it is so precise, German more so, English is less precise. If you think I am discrediting you then think again, I just thought it not worth boring people to death on when it was obvious you did not understand.

You say that Bowhead loss is stupid, I would agree that it was a bit, at war he should have used an out of alliance alt, except that he does not have one that can fly that Bowhead. I have three characters that can fly a Bowhead, it just makes things less risky. Thotamon takes risks, he does not use a scout when moving expensive ships in nullsec as he has only one account, I only play with two accounts. After the price went up I could not justify it, this is why I no longer play, I don’t want to give easy kills by not having a scout. Stupid…, if only it was that simple.