If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

I’m going to try again, and will keep it entirely academic this time. No jokes, humor, memes, etc. Obviously that’s being used as an excuse to brigade the post, so I’m not going to give them an opportunity to do it a second time.

Dracvlad is inventing a history of EVE Online that never actually happened in an attempt to support his emotion-driven, logic-lacking perspective. This can be evidenced from his lack of activity in the game during the period of its existence regarding which he’s making claims, in particular the period mainly encompassed by EVE’s first decade, during which the server was able to reach 65,000 concurrent players.

The claims he made about the game, such as that it “wasn’t a niche game at the time” and that it “wasn’t just for PKs” because the “-25% ROF penalty wasn’t removed from destroyers yet” have no bearing on how EVE was genuinely like at that time, when it “ran in the 65k plus,” as he put it.

To the untrained eye, this might seem like an attempt at intentional intellectual dishonesty. But I don’t feel that this is truly the case. To me, these claims are indicative of him not being an active EVE Online player. The game he’s describing never existed. He does not know the game’s history, and as such chooses to conjure up an entirely new one; one that conveniently fits the agenda he’s trying to push.

Since he wasn’t an active player, there’s no way he’d know about how during EVE’s first decade, when it “ran in the 65k plus” and “wasn’t just for PKs,” we were using 2,000 DPS battleships for suicide-ganking, and groups like the Privateers were at war with the entirety of high-sec, including pretty much every single tiny mom-and-pop, PvE-only corporation in existence. Yes, as in during the period of time when EVE was growing exponentially, and was able to reach peaks it hasn’t seen in over a decade since.

As far as “consequences” for gankers go, it’s an entirely irrelevant point, because it has been proven that gank victims and their sympathizers are unwilling to enforce any consequences on anyone regardless of opportunity.

Case in point: some Safety. members, including Aiko, Several, and Krig, performed an experiment this year. They’d tell their gank/bait victims that I’m their main, that I hired them to perform the attack, etc. Aside from a few RL death threats and “terrible standing” notifications with descriptions like “kos this [insert sexist/racist/homophobic slur here]”, not a single one of them actually ever did anything to retaliate against me despite repeatedly swearing to do so. Even when I personally killed Thotamon (the premier representative of the “AG” play style), did he park himself outside of my station, proverbially put up his dukes, and taunt me to undock and engage in honourable PvP combat so that he could “enforce consequences” and exact his revenge upon me? No, he did not. In fact, he was back to losing PvE ships that very same day.

The only time that AGs (and I’m using this term very loosely to define pretty much anyone who is against ganking these days) are willing to enforce any “consequences” is during the 20-second window when the gankers go red and CONCORD is already in the process of deleting their ships. AGs don’t want to enforce consequences; they want the illusion of consequence enforcement by virtue of having the game do it for them. That’s why they keep asking for nerfs to destroyer damage, buffs to industrial EHP, improvements to CONCORD response times, et cetera. That way they can feel like they’re more effectively interfering with ganking without actually contributing anything more than the anemic NPC kill mail leeching they already are (the few of them who bother to do even that, that is).


I am glad you reposted this. I was very interested in your argument and was called away while reading the original post.

Thank you.

Yeah, the original was deleted within 5 minutes of going up, and the self-censored edit was nuked within another 15. There was literally nothing remotely offensive in it at that point, so you can kind of tell what’s going on there.

By comparison, it took the ISD like half a day to clean up the C&P thread where the guy was bashing gays and threatening to violence EVE PvPers in real life.

no … simply no ! on written text its almost impossible to get the “nuance” ! still in your first language you never shoud be “unclear” your oponent read the words and cant see your gestures and facial expressions ! you know exactly what you have written and for t his case in your heads its sounds exatly the way you want it ! the other see only the words !

and even is the language not that precicse you alwaye need to pretend that your oponent could be understand you wrong because your content is based on “nuance” .

maybe it was not your intention ! but i read only your words and for me it is ! maybe if i know you more then i would known your kind to formulate textes and your “nuances” but we dont know each other so nobody knows the others specials … thats the reason im always be 100% clear and i always try to avoid things some other can be misunderstood because i think the other dude understand it the way i will understand. maybe it doesnt work everytime …

Maybe because you made a typo in the permit name, thus the ISK is lost due to administrative error. I think you might have to re-send the ISK with the proper permit name for it to succeed. :wink: :smirk: :innocent:

I’ve told him this but he doesn’t listen or even show up for training class.

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umm, yeah.

Some back story to the data there. there will be a big data blip on there due to some recent “oddities” in low/null.

Fraternity about a month ago worked reasonable fits to shoot alts in. FW LP works off a ship cost value to get LP. You can shoot 300 dudes in shuttles…crap LP. shoot 300 dudes in legit fits way more LP off the kill.

that was how they got the titan bpc so fast. they worked real fits to blow up and commence to blow themselves up in them. This lp scheme was later taken care of by ccp. But those kills will remain. they shot themselves up. Alot.

and about 2 weeks ago another crew worked out a nice way to get their zbillboard stat fix in. One alliance’s Shuttles were popping with skillbooks worth in game for billions a lot.

It was the trig related skill books. Now npc based and cheaper. But the actual used to be droppped ones kept value.

crap ton of dead shuttles…couple billion cargo per shuttle. And now they get to have their spot in the top 5 for the zbillboard weekly. whatever floated their submarine.

This is why I don’t “worship” at the alter of zbillboard like many do. That crap is gamed harder than the actual game at times really.


You seem a bit uptight yet again. Seems you are suffering from DDS (Dracvlad Derangement Syndrome.)

Prior to the removal of the -25% ROF on Destroyers there were a lot more hisec miners running around and the level of ganking was sustainable even close to Jita, it was when it became super cheap that it became an issue for these miners. It was only later that I realised that it was at this point that Eve became a niche PK game.

The Privateers did not blanket war dec, it was the Orphanage that started doing that under Pitboss. I was friends with an Orphanage fleet commander who gave me a lot of information on this alliance. Did you know that Pitboss had all four T2 BPO’s for the Command BS’s?

I am not talking about players delivering consequences, I am talking about game mechanic consequences in hisec, such as inability to dock in NPC stations and more robust NPC actions against gankers based on this being Empire controlled space. That CCP does not do this, means that it is now a niche PK game. Trying to claim it is the players not doing it when consequence for gankers is blowing up a worthless destroyer which is just ammo does not cut it, there are no consequences. And talking about yourself is stupid, you are not a ganker, you are a war dec player that tends to sit in stations and does not have assets in space to war dec because it gets destroyed.

You really have a hate boner for Thotamon, but your target selection is way off here, he is not a hunter killer type player, he is an indy player and likes doing logistics. If you want to have someone come after you pick someone who has a history doing that, complaining about him not coming after you is funny as hell, your target selection sucks.

You are still terrible at this, addios DDS sufferer…



Same can be said about Aiko!

Please don’t use griefer words here.

Wow, Iceacid got blocked again, I guess he didn’t learn his lesson.

Dracvlad’s lecturing me about PvP alliances I was a member of during a point in time he was literally a miner lol.

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Doesn’t this contradict you telling me that I did not even play the game? Amusing that you went trawling though my killboard, the DDS is strong with you…

The Orphanage were the first blanket war deccers, Privateers were doing more targeted war decs, prior to this period. You could be right from this point on as three months later from this loss mail the war dec FC joined us and we did not pay much attention to hisec for a significant period of time, so from that point Privateers may have started doing blanket war decs for all I know.

A little later before going to Cobalt Edge we did get a war dec from the corp that came from Privateers, I forgot their name, but as we were doing a move to Cobalt Edge it was not important.

Still amusing to think back on those times…

Mining is not playing the game.

It’s work some people do so they can afford to PLEX.

It’s pre-play, but not actual play.

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Not really sure he can be called a miner when his mining vessel was not even equipped for mining. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Maybe a miner aspirant at best. :smirk:

The old killmails didn’t show the attached modules.

How are you a ‘veteran’?

Easily, I’m better than you at everything. :smiling_imp: :innocent: :blush:


Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant. :smirk:


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