If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :wink: :blush:

Correct, you didnā€™t play the game. You have a token amount of activity in general, and zero activity on record for the period of time for which youā€™ve made your various claims in this thread.

Itā€™s The ā€œPitbossā€ by the way, not ā€œPitbullā€.

If youā€™re going to name-drop someone to pretend like you were good pals, at least do enough research to spell their name properly.

YARN was the sixth corporation to be added to the ā€œMerc Contractsā€ channel. Unlike you, I actually knew The Pitboss. I was the last one to talk to him a few years ago before he left for good:

[ 2020.04.10 02:28:07 ] Destiny Corrupted > wow, long time no see
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:29:47 ] The PitBoss > o/
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:30:02 ] The PitBoss > im about to disapper in 2 weeks
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:30:20 ] The PitBoss > selling off my stuff no time t play
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:30:42 ] The PitBoss > resubbed after three years lost the desire
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:44:13 ] Destiny Corrupted > ah
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:44:20 ] Destiny Corrupted > never coming back?
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:44:32 ] Destiny Corrupted > Iā€™ve been gone for about 4 years
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:46:12 ] Destiny Corrupted > was sad when I logged in and saw this empty
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:46:44 ] The PitBoss > yea im done cant dedicate the time anymore
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:46:55 ] The PitBoss > weve been there done that
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:47:17 ] The PitBoss > i currently play wot
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:47:27 ] Destiny Corrupted > itā€™s a shame, theyā€™re actually announcing some pro-pvp changes
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:47:43 ] Destiny Corrupted > I play mechwarrior online on the side
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:47:47 ] Destiny Corrupted > like wot but with mechs
ļ»æ[ 2020.04.10 02:48:58 ] The PitBoss > yeah eve seems more fluff and more pay to win

Yeah, back then everything was shown as ā€œcargoā€ unfortunately. If you look at old kill mails, you sometimes have to do some guesswork with regard to how ships were fit.

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Wait, so he was just pretending to know The PitBoss?

Sure looks like it. Imagine pretending you know someone famous just to score some ā€œcoolā€ points. Canā€™t wait to tell Elon Musk about this. Muskie and I will have a real chuckle over this one. He loves collecting Dracvlad quotes and engraving them on his rockets before firing them into space.

Donā€™t write things like this even as a joke, just the mere thought even if imaginary will fuel his ego even further, maybe will even pretend it is true no matter what. :stuck_out_tongue: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I remember it was pit something, as I said I did not know him personally, he was a friend of a friend as I said above, getting his name wrong when I am doing it from memory on a person I donā€™t know is normal. If you want to make a big deal about it then that is your issue. As for the comment about the 4 T2 Command ship BPOSā€™s, that was to make sure you understood that I had the contact who knew him well. Does that annoy you, it sure seems like it did.

In terms of that Hulk, it was fitted, past a certain time ZKill shows loss mails as unfitted. @Uriel_the_Flame I would have thought you knew that, LMAO.

PS Corrected it above, canā€™t leave lose ends like that.

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My income is up from this time last year. Thatā€™s got to account for somethingā€¦

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Itā€™s part of the game, so partaking in it is playing the game, regardless of what you think!


You know the answer why I am acting outā€¦OKAY!
Tell Sargon to issue me my permit!

Perhaps anyoneā€™s opinion only matters to the single entity who presented such opinion in the first place?

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I can haz ur stuffs?

Regardless of what you think, I am right and you are wrong.

Youā€™ve obviously never had to obtain a clone tag and go to a Concord station and find that 40m worth of clone tag only eliminates 0.5 worth of security status loss. Oh, you can get the tags yourself if you are lucky and shoot the relevant NPCs in lowsec. Or you can shoot 50,000 belt rats over as many years and increase your stats that way. None of this constitutes ā€˜no consequenceā€™.

The tag system reduced consequences, I had contacts in Stain who were pirates getting their security status back up with grinding in 2010, that was a consequence, tags got around that. I am glad you mentioned that, another example where it was made easier for PKā€™s. And I checked out how easy it was to get tags, not that difficult at all.

So yeah, a consequence that was reduced, and makes my point that CCP moved towards a niche PK game intentionally.

oh boo hoo hoo, eve is a pk game


Remember the time when Dracvlad at the very least argued for nerfing ganking under the pretense of ostensibly asking for additional game mechanics to engage gankers, making them need to risk more assets, et cetera, instead of just repeatedly whining about ā€œPKsā€ and ā€œniche gamesā€ like some kind of mangy, beaten mutt thatā€™s completely given up on life?


Unless changed since away the way I know is 1 BS level rat per system. and run a series of them in a loop. the sec status was 10 or 15 minutes that I recall cool down.

The ideal loop would have you back at first system on the 15 minutes mark.

Still a pita though. and there is no honor among thieves. One system over is the pirate crew who is NBSI. They need targets too lol.

Calm down ally only war deccer. :slight_smile:

What is up with you lot, you keep saying that Eve is a PvP game and I am agreeing with you, it is now a niche PK game, why the upset?


Once again, creating your own history for the game to fit your asinine narrative.

Average week in high-sec 9 years ago, before the final set of CrimeWatch 2.0 changes and all subsequent nerfs went live:

Average week in high-sec today:

Note that the prices arenā€™t adjusted for inflation, so the 2014 figure is from back when battleships were like 80 million ISK.

Keep crying those crocodile tears, champ.

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You seem to be under a massive misconception that I am crying in some way.

I always treated this game as being first and foremost a PvP game, however it had a deepness with other play styles being possible, including indy focussed players. CCP made changes to make it easier for PKā€™s and they lost a lot of players because of that, and the game is known to be a PK game, which is niche as most people will agree.

CCP are doing a massive marketing campaign, I see Eve adverts all the time, even on my secondary Linux computer which rejects cookies and the like. This means that they are paying big bucks to try to get new players in, this is also why they are pushing with Vanguard.

I think they should just accept it is niche and cater for their existing players and target their advertising at PK type aging players with poor reactions. Their advertising is like you trying to get Thotamon interested in a war with you, misguided.

Eve is a niche PK game, thankfully for you there are still enough naĆÆve unskilled and stupid players for you to get some kills on, but over time that will diminish. I wonder if you will still be playing when it is only hard core PKā€™s there, as you cannot even keep a war HQ up. How long will you be able to continue in that sort of game? I reckon you will be sitting there still gaslighting on the forums and talking tough, but acting weak as always, and blaming others for your own weakness and your own failings.

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Well, itā€™s finally happened, guys. Mark it down: December 18, 2023, at 08:11 EVE time, the day Dracvlad finally won all the arguments.

Everything Iā€™ve ever said has been soundly invalidated because I ā€œcannot even keep a war HQ up.ā€ Straight from the horseā€™s mouth. No point in fighting against the raging current, since nothing I could say can counter this utter deconstruction of not just my data-driven viewpoints, but my entire persona as an EVE player. No coming back from this one. This is it for me.

Seacrest out.