If the number of players on the server is not higher by this time next year

It is not a secret, it is pretty evident.

Anyway, I wonder if you will still be active when the number of low hanging fruit is so limited.

You are not active at the moment, last kill is 7th September.

That Stork loss to a Rupture is interesting, you met a real PvP player at a guess.


Dracvlad, I hope that the irony of making fun of my inability to ā€œkeep a war HQ upā€ isnā€™t lost on you. Doing so makes about as much sense as making fun of your inability to keep your Johnson up. Because whether weā€™re talking about conducting EVE high-sec wars in 2023, or making passion with your wife, weā€™re both fully aware and cognizant of the fact that neither can be properly accomplished with just one barely-functional member.

So why even bother bringing it up? It just makes you look even more impotent than you already are.

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You sound really upset now, but tell me about that Stork loss. From his Rupture losses he obviously had an ancillary armour repper. and knew how to fly that Rupture well with the right skills.

Twin webs, scram, medium neut and an AB, he got you good.

Yo, imagine running out of straws so bad, that you have to resort to trying to shame a solo-PvPer with a 99% combat efficiency by making fun of one of their losses, all the while the only kill mails you ever got have CONCORD on them.

Like, I canā€™t even deal with the level of self-cuckoldry Iā€™m observing right now. College never prepared me for this.

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You met a real PvP player there and lost, he was just better. He was a lot different to your normal prey, just sayingā€¦

Is this the thread where people try to convince each other they are crying and not crying? :thinking:

Maybe both can be true at the same time.


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I thought you were referring to Destiny.

In truth, what do you think about this:

I should re-write that as ā€œa solo PK with a 99% combat efficiency.ā€

As compared to that PvP player who defeated Destinyā€™s Stork in a Rupture who has 82.6% efficiency, OK, he is a Goon so does fleet and gang combat too, hence his high efficiency. Destiny was caught out by surprise PvP, he was expecting yet another turkey in a turkey shoot, but instead he met a PvP player in a perfect PvP fit who knew what he was doing, so Destiny lost his ship.

I will give you another example, the last person to get a kill on me as Dracvlad was Lussy Lou (with two others) in GW, it is not on ZKill by the way, I went in using a Praxis to save a bling fit Trig HAC, it got out, but his tank was masterful in any case. That is the second time I had lost a ship to Lussy Lou, the previous one was in a low sec system next to Querious, he had an alt there. Lussy Lou has a 92.3% efficiency ratio, I would define Lussy Lou as a real PvPā€™r. though many of his kills are now small gang.

Does this help in answering my question? Or is posting memes the height of your posting, live up to the word Veteran in your forum title pleaseā€¦

So I repeat, EVe is now a niche PK game.

Spending years complaining about a game you havenā€™t played in years would definitely constitute crying, whining some might say.

Nobody in particular, I let everyone decide for themselves if it fits them and do whatever with the fact as they want.

In this thread both sides try to convince the other about whether there was crying or not so it was just a general observation without taking into account who is ā€œrightā€ or ā€œwrongā€ as I find it a funny sight in general.

On note of ā€œright and wrongā€ it is kinda ridiculous how people trying hard to convince the other when they also claim the otherā€™s views donā€™t matter as they are wrong. I mean at this point (since how many years this is ongoing between the same people? :thinking:) that neither side will change their view nor think the other is right so kinda obvious these back and forths are totally fruitless.

Though it is kinda funny to me (maybe the ones involved as well I guess) so by no means take this as discouragement. Just shared a funny moment Iā€™ve witnessed thatā€™s all. :wink:

Epic Uriel salt and tears.

:sob: :salt:

I found it funny, if that helps. Still I would have liked to see what your feeling was on Destinyā€™s claim of being a solo PvP player with a 99% efficiency ratio. Solo PK yes, in my opinion of course.

I cry all the time! Iā€™m totally in tune with my own feelings.

I just donā€™t cry because of other people.

Aiko is just jealous of my Veteran status. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My one was removed by the ISD.

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Maybe you meant opinion. Canā€™t really have a feeling about whether it is true or not at least doesnā€™t seem like Iā€™m involved with the subject enough to have any.

And in general donā€™t know enough about her nor care to research the subject to make a ā€œjudgementā€ either way. Not really involved with the subject as it is beyond the topic of this thread and is part of an ongoing years old debate between the two sides so Iā€™m just watching the chaos and munching popcorn is all.

Oh what did you do to trigger such a reaction? :eyes: :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Maybe I should have not used the word feeling, so let me be more direct, is that really a solo PvP player with a 99% efficiency ratio? It is rather akin to a guard who executes prisoners as a member of a firing squad telling people he was a combat soldier.

As for Veteran, it disappeared after I got a short term ban, I was a bit amused because I thought it was funny that they would be as petty as that.

Well, historically, that was often the case.

Only checked her first four pages of zKillboard which was mostly solo and a loss or two so I guess itā€™s possible. Am not going to do any more than that to see if it is actually 99% or whatever. :stuck_out_tongue:

It comes down to the definition of what counts and that is why I mentioned this is an ongoing debate so I find it pointless to participate as you two (and others) try to convince each other since years without results so the usual EVE answer is: it depends. :smiling_imp:

Though as you often go for the technically correct argument I gues it can be argued even based on your perspective that any engagement that involves players (or at least one) shooting (each) other is PvP. :smirk:

I think it is an automatic system that removes your trusted tier depending on such circumstances so donā€™t think anyone from CCP / ISD manually removed it. Canā€™t be 100% sure though.

Fair enough, I was working on precise definition, which was why I used PK instead of PvP.

I always wanted to ask the ISD concerned, but alas he is no longer with us, I knew he was a bit disgruntled with me because I took the P out of WHā€™rs complaining about local in nullsec.

I donā€™t know why this boomer is so obsessed with my record and skills as an EVE player. Usually someone acting this way does it as a means of provoking the other person into a confrontation, but thatā€™s obviously the furthest thing from his mind since I offered him one and he spent like a year making excuses about it (watch, he will do it again right after this post).

Heā€™s like one of those sports fans who stalk a professional player and constantly point out their mistakes and/or give them instructions on how to play. Itā€™s quite creepy and unsettling, to be honest.