I guess that is a matter of the definition of an accompllishment.
Take good old Rooks & Kings for example. They usually did not even have 100 ppl available for their fleets, but whenever one did run into them interesting things happened :).
Sure 100 pilots will not take and hold sov in todays climate, but you don´t need to hold sov to do great thinks an make a name for yourself (as in for your group).
It´s not that it´s impossible to be a real pain in the ass with 100 pilots. The reason why you don´t hear it happening more often is, because eve mostly lost that type of players while ccp tried to make the game more appealing to the mainstream.
You don´t hear anything great about corps with that kind of player numbers, because they all choose to take the easy route of either just renting space or joining the established alliances, rather than doing their own thing.
And the corps which don´t join any of the poweblocks, but have the numbers to actually start some fires don´t do it, because they are run by people who have no interest in burning down stuff and only care about their personal wealth.
While I don´t think 100 ppl can have much of an influence on the political landscape in eve and the distribution of power, it´s still more than enough people to start some fires and to be a pain in the behind for the powerblocks.
That’s how I started eve, but ccp took that away along with a lot of the players at the time. 100 players are pfft at this time in the game. There very few options for small corp’s to hurt null blocks.
That definetly is not a large enough number to really hurt them.
Now just to stay with the R&K example. Even back then, they never really were a threat for the established players back then. They did not have a lot of options either.
Still their presence and actions were enough to earn them a place in New Edens history books, which in itself is an accomplishment if you ask me.
Well said! But give me 100 pilots of the caliber I flew with (we were 30 on avg) and the ability to wd the null blocks again without paying a station in the process and null will cry. Well, 10 yrs ago!
If I wanted to be mean I´d say: if you find the 100 pilots you have alraedy won by default, because the nullsec alliances won´t have anyone left to lead them
Crap, I hate to type and put on my glasses… Why are you two bothering me? lol
That’s all not that far from the truth. I had a old friend in the game contact me and ask me to join his corp. I was so surprised to hear form him only to find out he had turned to the dark side that I was now stuck in a null corp. Fortunately they kicked my out so now I can cause more mayhem then I could as a Goon. Don’t ask me how cause I don’t know in "The Age of Chaos. But your point is well taken. Maybe the questian should be what would I do with 100 “good” pilots?
At least as far as the OP’s original intentions, I think people are over-complicating the question.
The OP states that the pilots can do ‘whatever is possible’, so I think it is safe to assume they’re competent enough to execute any reasonable instructions and have a fairly comprehensive understanding of the game mechanics.
The tilt of this question is, from what I can tell, about learning of the goals of the person responding to the question that go unrealized for want of manpower. Of the 101 people in this scenario, you are the only one that actually exists. We can quibble all day over the exact properties of these imaginary men, but on yourself you are probably the supreme authority.
Or maybe I’m wrong. Only Solstice really knows, I guess, but I am pretty confident the properties of the 100 pilots was left intentionally abstract so they would be appropriate to whatever task or goal a person had in mind.