If you knew the servers are shutting down

Nothing can hurt the overall game more than the casual neglect CCP is guilty of for the past decade.

If you knew the servers are shutting down…

…I would check the date to see whether I was right to say that EVE Online would shut down in november of 2021.

And this reminds me that I should ask Ishtanchuk to check her memory for an appropiate theme for the end of EVE Online. One never knows…


Concerning EVE, I was quite accurate back in 2013…

High end prognosis: EVE becomes a full fledged virtual universe, from space to planet surface, where the player can immerse in a unique universe and find his niche, be it as the humblest shop owner or as a supreme leader of the fate of thousands of space warriors. All gamestyles are acknowledged, from solo players to herd minds, and from devote nolifers to people who need to be able to stop playing to attend real life without being punished for it.

Low end prognosis: EVE fades away as the endogamy of existing gameplay being expanded to retain the same niche players already enjoying the game kills any chance to atract new kinds of players and draw fresh blood. The continued development drives long time players away at a constant pace as each of them gets the wrong side of a change and is dealt the final blow. Beyond a certain point, the game becomes demographically unsustainable and dies.

A likely prognosis: the dificulties to find a off-house EP lead the game astray in two possible ways: a “player” EP whose cognitive bias pushes the game development according to his niche interests and alienates minorities; or a “non player” EP who is unable to grasp the game before start making decissions and leads it into a catastrophic alienation of minorites, some of them too powerful to be ignored. (…) Meanwhile, the 5-year development plan of adding more space to EVE becomes just an iteration of the existing unsustainable “conquer and defend” mechanics, whereas the deepening of unused space (aka: hisec) through new gameplay mechanics is fatally dismissed because of development constraints. In 5 years, EVE is facing a low end prognosis and CCP try to cheer up with a “jesus feature” for 15th anniversary, which fizzles due to lack of development resources. (…).


If you have nothing to bring to the game other than your negativity and hatred then just quit and quit bringing down everyone else with your piss poor attitude.


bin there done that they dont even bother to undock and when they do you cant even lock em in theyr jovian ships

I’d take my Adrestia for a spin. With a full officer fit and loaded up with all my bpo’s and plex. Might as well leave with a bang and the most expensive killmail ever (north of 10 trillion right now).

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I’m going with the low-end prognosis.

Burn New Eden. :fire: All of it. :explodyparrot: Kill it with fire! :smiling_imp:

Oh and btw inb4 at the deadline they announce it was just a prank, an early April Fools joke. :wink:


Inb4 everyone had so much fun by then burning through ships, that it doesn’t matter.

#nothingofvaluewaslost #didntneedthatshipanyway :slight_smile:

Do what I do every day, until the plug gets pulled.

I’d get in some dank venture mining.




I don’t think that image has been sufficiently compressed.


I would sell my super, buy tons of t2 standart frigates and make pvp in a low sec for fun

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As if there’s any other kind!

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I’d go on a rampage with every expensive ship I could fit :smiley:

…also I’d update my LinkedIn… haha :wink:


I would attempt to do what EnB fans did when they sunset that game. Look into getting the source code form ccp and relaunching it as a fan run project. Most likely would not happen (as i can;t code, and i doubt ccp would give it up [unless they were going under 100%]) but would be fun to try


I think my reaction tbh would depend on WHY eve was closing. Did ccp make an ‘Eve 2’ a totally revamped sequal with new and better features and game modes? Is CCP going out of business? Or are they shifting to a new ip? Are they selling off the eve assets to fund there new ip?

I mean, if CCP announced at Fan fest 2020 that say 'EVE online will be shut down in may this year, however, the next day we are launching a new game, EVE 2, and combining valk, eve and nova into one giant game." well… id be very happy with that but if none of my assets transferred i’d set the record for most deaths =)