If you knew the servers are shutting down

It is time tbh.

I think everyone logging in to re-enact The Purge would probably cause a premature aerver shutdown.

The strive to survive and succeed despite the odds is what attracted many players to this game.
An all out total war amongst everyone would more than likely do more good than harm.
Other than overload the servers for a bit.

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This one, obviously.

Jean Michel Jarre - Souvenir de Chine (1987)

Set as a video with still shots of EVE Online. It’s the perfect theme for nostalgia (nost, home, algos, pain, the pain of wishing to be back at home).

Admittedly this one makes me cry 90% of the times. :cry:

I would do nothing differently.

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If this game only had 30 days left before the plug was pulled, I’d tour the entire Eve Universe and take screen shots of everything, most notably Landmarks, Nebula’s, Planets, Star’s / Sun’s, Asteroid / Ice belts, Stations, Jump Gates, NPC’s, Ships, Worm Holes, Exploration sites, etc.

Basically everything that makes this game so I can say “It was real, I was there”.



Too bad we don’t have the Jukebox anymore. We could go down in style…

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Were? Did you just assume the gender of that shield super?! :stuck_out_tongue:

What would I do?

The same stuff I’m doing now. I’m doing what I enjoy, so why would I change it?

Every time I see one of these threads I cringe at most of the comments. Seriously guys. Why aren’t you doing now what you say you’d do if the game was soon to end?

It makes no sense.

Though I might have a little fun by making a post and not signing it. It would give people something to go at me about. Call it my gift to my fellow players.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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I’m still secretly waiting for a ganker to say that on the last day of EVE he’ll do some mining.

Although when the day comes will they have moved on to some newer game before then.

I dont think they will wait until that, not enough targets to gank will cause them to leave the ship first.

First, I’d ask if I could have everyone’s stuff… then ask CCP if they could give me the game to run it without updates just to keep it up. When they say no, just find another game, perhaps star citizen will be finished by then, or another game to fill the itch.

Why am I not doing this? Cause the answer would be no, if they are smart. And I wouldn’t be doing any more industry, no reason to build ships that would never get action.

log in to change skill queue and log out for the rest of the month
same as most 30 days periods


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