I'm officially out - Thank you EVE

Thats the thing thou. it sounds like op didn’t put it into a bank (NPC STATION) and instead put it directly into NFT’s (destructible citadel) expecting it to be safe. This whole asset safety thing just needs to go so people can use their brain and put most of their stuff in an npc station and then move things they are willing to risk into content homes.

It’s like using an orca as a mobile home and keeping everything you own inside eventually its going to die.

If op was exposed to this earlier in his/her carrier then they would have learnt from it already and not have made the same mistake at a much larger scale.

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Regardless of what the system is today, at that time the only gameplay mechanic that existed was the absolute guarantee of asset safety. CCP made it a point to tell players that storing their assets in a citadel was safe except for whatever fees would need to be paid to recover them.

This is no different than if CCP made NPC stations able to be destroyed today. Everyone who stores assets in NPC stations today is operating under the same rules and assumptions as players who stored their assets in citadels before the whole “abandoned” thing went into effect.


That’s exactly my point thou, asset safety is an illusion which guides people away from what eve really is and should just be removed imo.

It’s like people who think their assets are safe in asset safety and when they go fetch it they realize there are people camping there 24 7 with tornado’s and they are never actually able to retrieve it.

Hmm if npc stations became destructible overnight I think a large player base would be fine with it even if it means loosing lots of assets, but the meta would shift hard into keeping mostly isk and only buying what is needed at the time and then considering it already lost as they buy it also most npc stations would be removed from the game at that point, if not all.

Jita 4 - 4 would be the first to go.

Would be funny thou as one could win eve then they would just have to remove all stations and citadels from the game so no one had a clone bay to respawn into and then kill off all the players.

It was a upwell, an engineering one very well equipped.
It was close to Jita, 2 jumps away.
Around 150B
I was more or less playing, but I’m living in 0.0. So this happen in my alt, who had all my stuff “big” in an alt corp, to buy, trade, build, copy, etc safely in an empire outside of wars. So even if I enter like, let’s say every 2 days, with my alt I enter like, when some manufacture ends, so, every week or so??

And yes, it was the first thing I search for, it’s 100% empty :frowning:

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You’re right:

With the starbases you knew that they were weak so you kept there only the minimum required to operate.
With the outpost you knew that they were completely indestructible so, you keep there all without worrying about it.
With the upwells, you use the least in small ones and in the key core ones in 0.0, you can keep a bit more stuff, because they’re still destructible but, quite difficult.
But with upwells in the empire, that’s not the case until 2 years ago when they change something, I was off-game during that moment so I didn’t even know about it. Now I know…

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150b holy ■■■■ mate that’s a ■■■■ ton

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That’s almost a whole week of abyss grinding. Good thing there’s a bot to handle that.

I dont understand why his stuff isn’t just in asset safety somewhere?

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O The corp managing the citadel put it into low power and then robbed ob blind of all her stuff.

Who was in control of the citadel they have stolen all your stuff, maybe you can go get revenge and steal 200b of their stuff now xD.

Also it wasn’t only 2 years ago, any neutral owner could at any time take everything inside it that’s why I have never trusted tranquility trading station (the one in perimeter owned by null empires ) they can take everyone stuff at any time they want.

They can, but there’s a long advance warning.

Structure must be unfueled for a week before it goes into abandoned state. And you’ll see messages about the TTT going abandoned all over reddit and the forums if that happens, so if you’re paying a little attention to those you’ll notice before you lose your stuff.

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That’s my thing, that’s why I log, to win over CCP desire to push me out.

Imagine that CCP just delivered the safest botting experience. It’s better than null ratting.


OK it’s all over Now! childhood is over. Time for real. Build a family, have children, raise them. Go to work, do serious things. And not all this that has been for all 18 years aahhaahhaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But its not just the ‘abandoned’ thing. I received notice when a station I had stuff in was about to expire, even though I did not own the station. I agree with the OP that the notice is not exactly all that prominent…and could easily be missed. But when another station I had stuff in was actively destroyed ( rather than just abandoned ) I received no notice at all. The first I knew about it was from reading the old notices several days later.


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